Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life),

Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life), by Tony Reinke

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Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life), by Tony Reinke

Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life), by Tony Reinke

Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life), by Tony Reinke

Read Online and Download Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life), by Tony Reinke

John Newton is famous for his legendary hymn "Amazing Grace." Many have celebrated his dramatic conversion from a life in the slave trade to his eventual work to end it. But often overlooked are Newton's forty years as a pastor ministering to parishioners and friends unsettled by the trials, doubts, and fears of life.Newton is perhaps the greatest pastoral letter writer in the history of the church. He took up his pen day after day to help others fix their eyes on Christ, which, he writes, is the underlying battle of the Christian life. Through a careful study of scores of letters, Tony Reinke brings together Newton's brilliant vision of the Christian life in one accessible place.

Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life), by Tony Reinke

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #64855 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-31
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .74" w x 6.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 288 pages
Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life), by Tony Reinke


“Through Newton’s words and Tony’s words—one voice—God does eye surgery on the heart, so that we see Christ more fully. And more fully means seeing him as more precious. And more precious means more powerful to heal us and change us. Relentlessly focused on the sweetness and the greatness of Christ as the Savior and Satisfier of our souls, over this book flies the banner of John Newton: ‘None but Jesus.’”—John Piper, Founder, desiringGod.org; Chancellor, Bethlehem College & Seminary

“Here is mastery! As the Lord Jesus Christ, crucified and reigning, was the life-giving focus of the Evangelical Revival, and as George Whitefield was its supreme awakener, and John Wesley its brilliant discipler, so ex–slave trader John Newton was its peerless pastoral counselor and perhaps the greatest Christian letter writer of all time. In his 768- footnote digest of the spiritual wisdom in Newton’s thousand-plus published letters, along with his published sermons and hymns, Reinke distills a vast flow of pure honey for the Christian heart. This is a book to read over and over again.”—J. I. Packer, Board of Governors' Professor of Theology, Regent College

“Linger long here. The depths and riches within these pages are truly rare and answer what your soul most hungers for: life in Christ. I will be returning to this book many, many times over.”—Ann Voskamp, author, New York Times bestseller, One Thousand Gifts

“Newton on the Christian Life is a magnum opus (though Tony still has plenty of time to surpass it). A bold project, beautifully done. You know about John Newton; now you can be pastored by him. You will feel known by him. You will be encouraged that your struggles are like his and his congregants. And you will discover again that huge helpings of the beauty and love of Jesus are the perfect antidote for our self-consumed lives.”—Ed Welch, counselor and faculty, The Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation

“The Christian life is Christ, as John Newton clarified so helpfully. If you are still treating Christianity as a strategy for your own self-improvement, this book will not satisfy you. But if you have despaired of yourself and are now clinging only to Christ, this book will refresh you. Newton’s practical counsel, brought vividly to life again by Tony Reinke, will lead you into the green pastures and beside the still waters that are, at this moment, awaiting you in your all-sufficient Savior. For some readers, this book may just become the most important book, outside the Bible, they will ever read.”—Raymond C. Ortlund Jr., Lead Pastor, Immanuel Church, Nashville, Tennessee

“Best known for the iconic hymn ‘Amazing Grace,’ John Newton deserves to be equally known for his tremendous corpus of spiritual letters. In them, Newton’s gifting as a pastoral cardiologist with few peers is on full display. Many of the main struggles and joys of the human heart have not changed. And, as Reinke ably shows, Newton’s advice, given in a world somewhat different from ours, is still potent and relevant. Very highly recommended.”—Michael A. G. Haykin, Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Newton’s pastoral letters are a unique and rich resource for Christians today, and both of us owe them a debt too great to describe. However, they constitute a notoriously difficult body of work in which to navigate. Many a time you can remember some gem you have read in these letters but now can’t locate. Here we have a guide to Newton’s main themes and topics, as well as considered treatments of many of his most valuable letters. This is a welcome tool for Christian growth and discipleship.”—Tim and Kathy Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City

“This book is worth every minute of your time, whether or not you have any interest in John Newton. Reinke brings out Newton in all his cheer to minister to readers. The result is a Christ-exalting manual for growth into Christian joy, freedom, and fruitfulness. No, more than a manual, this is a work of beauty to be read again and again.”—Michael Reeves, President and Professor of Theology, Union School of Theology, Oxford, England; author, Delighting in the Trinity, The Unquenchable Flame, and Rejoicing in Christ

“John Newton mentored his young friend William Wilberforce into politics, which eventually led to the abolition of the British slave trade. To this day, Newton’s letters continue to disciple generations of Christians. This book draws together Newton’s key life lessons in a way every Christian can apply. As a state governor, a former member of Congress, and a Christian in public service, I am reminded by Newton that we are never more valuable to our society than after we have been humbled by the amazing grace of God.”—Mike Pence

“Reinke takes us well beyond the hymn ‘Amazing Grace’ to explore John Newton’s stirring pastoral ministry and soaring vision of the believer’s life in Christ. I am delighted to recommend this book.”—Thomas S. Kidd, Distinguished Professor of History, Baylor University; author, The Great Awakening: The Roots of Evangelical Christianity in Colonial America

“This book, by one of the brightest writers in contemporary evangelicalism, examines the life lessons of a hymn writer, a freedom fighter, and a gospel preacher. Even if you don’t think you like church history, you will love this book. Reinke ties Newton’s life and thought to practical applications for every believer. I encourage you to read and savor anew the grace that saved wretches like us.”—Russell D. Moore, President, The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission; author, Onward

“You may think you are acquainted with John Newton: converted slave trader, pastor, writer of the hymn ‘Amazing Grace.’ Get ready to meet the man you only think you know. Reinke guides us on a tour of Newton’s theology through his life and letters. This book is pastoral theology at its finest. Newton was a man captured by Christ, exalting Christ, and caring for God’s people by pointing them to Christ and him crucified.”—C. J. Mahaney, Senior Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky

“Although he authored what would become America’s best-loved hymn, John Newton’s contemporaries thought his best gift was letter writing. Rarely, if ever, has so much wisdom, love, sanity, balance, genuine affection, and wonderfully down-to-earth-because-full-of-heaven practical counsel been expressed in letters written in the English language. Underneath them all runs knowledge of the Word of God, a devotion to the Son of God, and a love for the people of God. Newton makes us feel, even two centuries later, that he was writing for us, and that he knew us well. Reinke has done the whole church a service by recovering Newton’s letters from obscurity. Newton on the Christian Life is a taste of spiritual manna that will make us want to read the letters of Newton for ourselves.”—Sinclair B. Ferguson, Professor of Systematic Theology, Redeemer Seminary, Dallas, Texas

“This book presents valuable lessons from the ministry of John Newton. His perception of grace permeated his theology, his thinking, his experience, his hopes, his ministry, and even his dying. As Reinke writes, grace was ‘the air he breathed.’ Here we catch glimpses into the workings of Newton’s heart as he focused unreservedly on living for and through the Lord Jesus Christ.”—Marylynn Rouse, Director, The John Newton Project

About the Author

Tony Reinke is a staff writer and researcher for desiringGod.org. He is the author of Lit!: A Christian Guide to Reading Books and Newton on the Christian Life.

Stephen J. Nichols (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is president of Reformation Bible College and chief academic officer of Ligonier Ministries. Previously, he served as research professor of Christianity and culture at Lancaster Bible College. He is an editor (with Justin Taylor) of the Theologians on the Christian Life series and is the author of several books, including The Reformation, For Us and for Our Salvation, The Church History ABCs, and Bonhoeffer on the Christian Life.

Justin Taylor (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is executive vice president of book publishing and book publisher at Crossway. He has edited and contributed to several books including A God-Entranced Vision of All Things and Reclaiming the Center, and he blogs at Between Two Worlds—hosted by the Gospel Coalition.

John Piper (DTheol, University of Munich) is the founder and teacher of desiringGod.org and the chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. He served for 33 years as the senior pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is the author of more than 50 books, including Desiring God, Don’t Waste Your Life, This Momentary Marriage, Bloodlines, and Does God Desire All to Be Saved?

Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life), by Tony Reinke

Where to Download Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life), by Tony Reinke

Most helpful customer reviews

24 of 25 people found the following review helpful. A Superb Field Guide on John Newton and the Christian Life By Jared Oliphint I imagine many will think this book tells an important yet familiar tale of a repentant man who writes an enduring, widely appealing hymn. Though I was acquainted with Tony Reinke's writing, and knew I would enjoy the prose of the book, I admittedly could not get fired up about Newton. Just look at some of the other giants of the faith Crossway features in their series on Theologians on the Christian Life--Luther, Calvin, John Owen, Francis Schaeffer, Warfield--those guys get people's theological blood pumping.Lesson learned. My preconceived notions of what Newton (and this book) would be like turned out to be way off the mark, thankfully. I gained a rich appreciation for and fascination of Newton that was unexpected. In fact, Reinke doesn't allow the reader's preconceived ideas to shape the book's structure, but writes as if he is carefree of your expectations of Newton, which quietly strengthens the book. Rather than walk through its content and give a Cliff's Notes summary, a few key points deserve attention.Reinke understands his assignment well. This Crossway series focuses on important church figures and their take on the Christian life. That means this book should not be a biography, though it will certainly contain biographical elements (see p. 31). It means this book should not attempt to describe systematically Newton's theology as a whole, though there would certainly be value in such a book. This title focuses on a particular figure, Newton, with a particular theological focus--the Christian life.When writing on the Christian life, pitfalls can quickly crop up. Because of the nature of the topic, it can be tempting to focus solely on imperatives--"Do this in your daily walk, and don't do that. Repeat." There should be a vital place for emphasizing imperatives, and in employing Newton's works Reinke never shies away from proclaiming what we should and shouldn't do. But a crucial aspect to writing on the Christian life is placing it within its proper context of Christ's redemptive work and its application to the believer, and Reinke seems keenly aware of this context while he works through each chapter.Reinke achieves remarkable balance throughout almost every aspect of the book, which takes both a competent pen and a competent mind. Though not an academic title, academics will find themselves at home through the many footnotes and bibliographic material on Newton that informs what makes the cut to the printed page. It will be an essential addition to the secondary literature on Newton for those who have an academic curiosity. But despite its potential academic use, the book stays within a popular-level frequency in content and tone, especially fitting for a book on the pastoral Newton. John Piper's opening words in his foreword capture this tone well: "One of the most remarkable things about this book is that the voice of Tony Reinke and the voice of John Newton have become almost indistinguishable." (p.15) Reinke knows when to get out of the way and let Newton speak, and Newton knows when to get out of the way and point to Christ.A significant benefit of Reinke's writing comes from his sense of anticipating the reader's reactions and inner monologue while getting to know Newton. This comes through in various ways, even through seemingly throwaway lines. If the reader wonders what significance Newton's letters may have, aside from historical artifacts, Reinke provides historical translation with a quick, parenthetical explanation: "think blog, not e-mail" (p.22). Newton's "letters" were the social media of his day, meant to be read and shared with others.The 18th century pastor also liberally used metaphor, which gives Newton's writings vibrant color and pointed application. But coupled with the situational nature of Newton's letters, some of his writing could appear off-balance in its pastoral application or even in its theology, when isolated. Having combed through all of Newton's vast published material (see p. 30), Reinke has done the work of presenting Newton to us topically, so that Newton's corpus as a whole becomes the context for what he says on particular occasions. You will find this evidenced by the footnotes, which reflect quotations and ideas gathered from all over Newton's writings. On page 100, for example, you find references to Newton's works in volume six, volume four, volume one, in a particular letter, finishing with a reference to Thomas Boston to round things out. The fourteen chapters are anything but a serial survey of Newton's thought.A pastoral and theological balance runs through the entire book's architecture. In articulating the importance and priority of Christian joy, Newton is not so naive as to think that joy comes to the Christian automatically (p.63). Christ is the focal point of everything for Newton, but that focus avoids slipping into reductionism or simplistic theology (p.64). Christian joy is a reality, but gets eschatologically qualified, only fully realized in eternity (p.87). In Christ we have eternal security, but this does not mean that God does not grieve our sin (p.123). Newton refuses to pit one of Christ's benefits--either justification or sanctification--over another (p.138), walking a soteriological fine line. The Christian is called to spiritual maturity but not spiritual self-sufficiency (p.148). Newton includes strong warnings against political manipulation from the pulpit, yet he was valiant against the slave trade (p.175). Indwelling sin remains in the Christian in this life, but extended periods of willful sin threaten assurance: If we love Christ, we will obey him (p.222). Reinke has done the work of providing balance for the reader, and through that has served us by revealing a more accurate Newton.The book displays a refreshing literary sensitivity, and picks up on Newton's skillful use of metaphor (a "master craftsman," p.41) throughout his works. Newton's anthropomorphizing of "Seven Christian Blemishes" in chapter eight gives the reader much to think through, introducing us to figures like the chatty Humanus, the detached Cessator, and the nosy Curiosus. Newton describes the Christian life as a slow-growing oak tree, in contrast to a mushroom that sprouts immediately into full maturation (p.158). His skilled use of imagery applied to indwelling sin is particularly vivid, and Reinke's description is worth quoting in full:Imagine a Christian sitting down with a blank page and pen. He begins to write out his perfectly scripted life, explaining how he would love others, how he would structure his prayer life, or how he would sanctify his life by the Word. But indwelling sin and Satan crouch at his elbow, disrupting every pen stroke and messing up every word and sentence as our Christian friend tries to write the script. At every point in the Christian life Satan jabs our elbow, and our pen skids across the page as our perfect plan is reduced to scribbles. This is a metaphor of the Christian life with indwelling sin. Yet the biggest problem is that sin is not at our elbow--our sin is in us! (p.112)Aside from showcasing Newton's literary skill, Reinke intends to bridge past and present theological emphases through Newton. Seeing Christ throughout all of Scripture, including the Old Testament, is not a 20th or 21st century invention. Newton practiced a robust biblical theology (p. 208ff), which should not surprise us; you would expect a Christ-centered hermeneutic from such a Christ-centered focus. And he is clear that the reality and centrality of union with Christ informs all of the Christian (pp.46, 47, 55, 63, 68, 115, 139, 157, 199).Newton also displays experienced wisdom when giving pastoral advice on the topic of controversy (p.256ff), timeless and relevant for today. For those who wish to offer something of substance to current polemical discussions, I suggest Newton's words for required reading.But Newton would be the first to admit his own fallenness, and Reinke isn't afraid of pointing out some weaknesses. He saves his critique of Newton to the end of the book, which the reader should mentally bookmark, and which seems like a wise approach.The reader should be aware that the book approaches 300 pages, which is, I believe, one of its strengths. None of the material seems unnecessary or superfluous, and in many cases we are only given a glimpse into what can be found elsewhere in Newton, whetting the appetite.But the reader could have been better served by a few orienting markers. The book takes you through a rich landscape, and at times I found myself seeking a guidepost or two to help understand where I was located on the Newton map. When moving through the various chapters, what is the logic of moving from "The Discipline of Trials" to "The Goal of Bible Reading," for example? There is a nice logic to the book's structure, but readers would have been helped by a few reminders of the logic along the way.Criticism aside, this book shines. I could have mentioned well-known facts about Newton's life like his friendship to William Wilberforce, his close call with being shipwrecked, and the connections to his famous hymn, but Reinke ably incorporates all those elements with skill throughout his work. The book's practical character gives rich, biblical, Christ-centered wisdom to the most seasoned theologian and the budding believer. Volumes that are not only useful but theologically rich and written with ease of style are unfortunately rare; this one succeeds at mixing those elements well, earning a steady place on your bookshelf. As Reinke says, "Think of this book as a field guide meant to get dirty, dog-eared, and faded in the clenched hands of a Christian pilgrim" (p.32). I have no doubt the reader will do that.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Newton's Teachings on Living The Christian Life By Annette Source: Free ebook from Crossway in exchange for a review.Rating: 5 stars for excellent.Summary:I'd sang "Amazing Grace" many times before knowing the story of the author who'd written the hymn. John Newton had worked on several slave ships, also holding the office of captain. In 1747, and during a storm at sea, he cried out to the Lord. As a child he'd been introduced to the teachings of Jesus by his mother; but John Newton was a hardened, prideful, arrogant, and immoral man. After the storm experience at sea, Newton continued to work on slave ships but tried to harness the abuse of slaves. He left the sea in 1755, later becoming an ordained pastor in the town of Olney, England.Newton on the Christian Life is a study of his "personal letters." A total of "500 letters written and published during his lifetime" and another 500 published after his death. Tony Reinke and Crossway publishers have compiled and studied these letters, in order to teach modern readers the Christian life. Newton on the Christian Life is apart of a series of books subtitled "Theologians on the Christian Life." Other noted books are "Luther on the Christian Life," "Bonhoeffer on the Christian Life," and "Packer on the Christian Life."My Thoughts:Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:3, you must be "born again." To be "born again" is to be radically changed (an about-face) from the person you were. A person is not "born again" in the flesh, but "born again" by the cleansing and renewal work of the Holy Spirit. When a person becomes "born again," their entire being is affected; further, it is displayed and manifested outwardly. John Newton had been an unrestrained, immoral, vile person. His transformation and sanctification was only possible because of the work of God's Spirit.To behold the glory of Christ is ammunition against unbelief and power for sanctification. A life focused on Christ is a life of faith, and it's a life opposite to a life focused on self, self-sufficiency, and self-wisdom. Christ and self are opposite aims. The opposite of selfishness is beholding Christ, and in the discipline of beholding Christ, by the 'eye of the mind', Newton wields a lethal weapon in the battle against sin. This weapon is available to any Christian who reads the Bible not merely as a book of motivation and inspiration, but as the manifestation of Jesus Christ and His glory. Chapter 3.I feel there are people who come to a belief in Christ Jesus, but never understand the importance of continual focus on Christ Jesus. They live a quasi-solo independence, picking and choosing what they want to out of the Christian life and ignoring the rest because it does not "fit" their idea of life. This is not the way to live the Christian life. It is living a life of "self."I was glad Reinke chose this topic for one of the beginning chapters in the book."Keep Christ in view at all times is, by far, the hardest-and the most essential-part of our calling as Christians."I read four other chapters that stood out to me as favorites.Chapter 4 examines "living for the glory of God alone." Reinke continues by stating that this can only be accomplished "by the moment by moment provision and support of God."Chapter 6 explains further about John Newton's conversion experience at sea.Chapter 7 includes a quote by Timothy Keller. "Most Christians stay babies all their lives and only a few even get out of that."Many years ago I was convicted of being an immature believer. And I became determined to not let anything dampen an abiding and growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Which leads me to another strong lesson in this chapter: Reinke points out our culture of impatience. As a growing Christian we do not grow at what we want our pace to be but by what God's pace would have us to grow. "Sync your spiritual expectations to the leisurely agricultural pace of God."Chapter 8 explores the various temperaments of "blemished" personalities. Each reader finds themselves in this list (I did.)Newton on the Christian Life is a book I wish I could memorize whole parts of. There are many sentences and paragraphs that are beautiful and rich in wisdom.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds in "Newton on the Christian Life" By jnjbrewer I rarely come across a book that captures my heart and sets my eyes on Christ more than this one has in the last few weeks. I have been so refreshed reading Newton on the Christian Life that just the mere thought of having a moment to pick it up encourages my heart because I know I will find great rest and encouragement in the Savior that Newton (and Reinke) so faithfully adore. I am grateful that Newton was faithful to write so many pastoral letters, but I am equally grateful to God for Reinke who combed through the letters and highlighted what would have otherwise remained hidden from me.

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Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life), by Tony Reinke

Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life), by Tony Reinke

Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life), by Tony Reinke
Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ (Theologians on the Christian Life), by Tony Reinke

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Till The Break of Dawn, by Dawn Monique Edmond

Till The Break of Dawn, by Dawn Monique Edmond

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“In your conniving little head you think you’re manipulating me. You think I love you that much that I will go through all this just to be here for you. You think you’re using me, but you’re not. God is using me.” Dawn tells the story of how she received a phone call from the family of an ex-boyfriend informing her that he had suffered a massive stroke and had been hospitalized. Although he couldn’t talk, he managed to relay to them that he wanted her. They contacted her and despite their failed relationship, she went to him. She details how she was given an assignment by God to care for him and how God covered and protected while He used her. Dawn’s extraordinary story of how God gave her the strength, patience and endurance to complete the task is the quintessential narrative of life—the perfect intersection of humor and heartbreak.

Till The Break of Dawn, by Dawn Monique Edmond

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1112859 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-12
  • Released on: 2015-05-12
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Till The Break of Dawn, by Dawn Monique Edmond

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. This is a great read. By Katherine Gregory This is a great read..could not put the book down...do not be fooled by the excerpt this book will make you laugh out loud, cry and be grateful for the small things in life...everyone from all walks of life will enjoy this book....

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Excitement, sadness, anger, happiness... By Juanita Spring From the moment I picked it I was curious. Everything was so vivid, I felt like was there as it was happening! I can't wait for the next book!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Excellent. I could not put it down By Nichella Excellent. I could not put it down. I must say Mrs. Dawn Monique Edmond did an excellent job. Looking forward to another good read.

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Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Pain, Pleasure, and Lies, by Qiana London

Pain, Pleasure, and Lies, by Qiana London

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Pain, Pleasure, and Lies, by Qiana London

Pain, Pleasure, and Lies, by Qiana London

Pain, Pleasure, and Lies, by Qiana London

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Dezzy Tucker has bad taste in men. At least that’s the way it seems after she loses eight years of her life in a dead-end relationship. Newly single, she’s hesitant to put herself back out there. After all, she’s lost faith in men. That is, until she meets him. She didn’t expect to meet a man who would ultimately change the course of her life. He’s everything she’s always wanted in a man… or is he? To those around him, Diandre appears to be the perfect package: successful, attractive, charming and only has eyes for her. But when bits of his past start to emerge, the woman he supposedly has eyes for soon learns that everything about her knight in shining armor isn’t always as it seems. In fact, it’s more than she ever bargained for. When it seems as though her life couldn’t get any better, scandal begins to unfold. Loyal to a fault, Dezzy does what she has to do for those she cares about. But what she soon finds out is that some of those closest to her can’t be trusted. Faced with the ultimate betrayal, she finds herself in unforeseen danger. Every second counts and each move she makes is critical. It’s a matter of life and death.

Pain, Pleasure, and Lies, by Qiana London

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2022315 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-31
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .57" w x 6.00" l, .75 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 252 pages
Pain, Pleasure, and Lies, by Qiana London

About the Author Qiana London has spent her career as a writer moving from genre to genre; first as a poet with the inclusion of her poem Homeless in the published anthology Dreams Gone By, then as the writer-producer of the dramatic stage play, The Path Less Taken, and finally as a fiction novelist with the 2003 release of her debut novel Scandalous Love. She is also the founder and creative force behind London Creations, an organization dedicated to preserving and presenting high quality, lesser-known, original theatrical and literary works. Also a gifted actress, she holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre from the University of Southern California and a Masters degree in Business Administration from Keller Graduate School of Management. She resides in Castro Valley, Ca.

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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. A FINE URBAN ROMANTIC THRILLER THAT SCREAMS TO BE READ! By J3rm4ine Nice fast paced romantic read filled with just the right amount of seduction, deception, drama, suspense. Just when you thought you read em all, an author comes along adding their flare and changing the tropes and conventions for the better. Strong characters you will/may grow to care about by book's end. 4.5 stars so i rounded up. Keep em coming!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Man oh man By Jessyca Johnson Diandre is a maniac and that's putting it lightly. He's every woman's nightmare in the flesh. I'm glad that Deezy wasn't as stupid as I thought with the help of Donte and friends.Overall, it's was a great book. I look forward to reading more books by this author.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Great Read By Regina R. I must say I love the story, great job Qiana. I wanted to give 5 stars but I was sad it wasn't a standalone. I was very pleased with all the twist and turns the story took. I just hope it doesn't take forever for the next book.

See all 38 customer reviews... Pain, Pleasure, and Lies, by Qiana London

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Pain, Pleasure, and Lies, by Qiana London

Pain, Pleasure, and Lies, by Qiana London

Pain, Pleasure, and Lies, by Qiana London
Pain, Pleasure, and Lies, by Qiana London

The Three of Us: A New Life in New York, by Joanna Coles, Peter Godwin

The Three of Us: A New Life in New York, by Joanna Coles, Peter Godwin

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The Three of Us: A New Life in New York, by Joanna Coles, Peter Godwin

The Three of Us: A New Life in New York, by Joanna Coles, Peter Godwin

The Three of Us: A New Life in New York, by Joanna Coles, Peter Godwin

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There are guides to every aspect and every angle of parenthood-from prenatal to post-college-yet none tells us what couples really and truly feel once confronted with the awesome power of Nature's Course. The Three of Us does.

Seasoned travelers, successful professionals, Joanna Coles and Peter Godwin arrived in Manhattan ready to make it their oyster-she to be the New York correspondent for a major British newspaper, he to pursue his prize-winning career as a writer and journalist. Of course they were self-absorbed; why come to New York, if not to explore every avenue of self-interest? The news that Joanna is pregnant, however, causes a massive shift in paradigm. Suddenly they are launched unsteadily but irrevocably toward an altogether new New World.

Like a series of mental ultrasounds, The Three of Us consists of alternating diary entries in which, day by day and month by month, Peter and Joanna navigate the uncharted waters of impending parenthood. There is much to discuss-the pros and cons of raising a child in a neighborhood frequented by transvestite prostitutes, for example-yet their reactions are not always on the same page; male and female panic about the Joyous Event, as we learn, can differ sharply. But every parent-to-be, every parent-that-is, will recognize and rejoice in the wonderful, terrible, and sometimes hilarious anxieties that attend the building of a nest. The Three of Us is a candid, refreshing, and reaffirming memoir about coming to terms with a new life.

The Three of Us: A New Life in New York, by Joanna Coles, Peter Godwin

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1349141 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-09-08
  • Released on: 2015-09-08
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Three of Us: A New Life in New York, by Joanna Coles, Peter Godwin

From Publishers Weekly Funny and often acerbic, this diary in alternating voices chronicles one well-connected British couple's pregnancy, set against the backdrop of life among the media elite in New York City. Coles, a correspondent for the London Times, and Godwin, author of the award-winning memoir Mukiwa: A White Boy in Africa, start their New York life in a loft in the trendy downtown meat-packing district, taking forays to hip restaurants, elegant social events and an East Hampton rental they consider somewhat shabby. While the 30-something authors are candid about their feelings about impending parenthood, as well as about their search for a sympathetic doctor and hospital, Coles's physical changes and the details of labor and delivery, there is little tension in the story beyond the initial surprise of the pregnancy and the occasionally pointed comments of pushy Americans about the authors' unmarried state. In what may be an attempt to paint a vivid picture of the New York melting pot, the authors intently pinpoint the races and nationalities of nearly everyone they meet (e.g., Margarita, the Ecuadorian cleaning woman; a Pakistani newspaper vendor). But they give little depth to these and other incidental characters, making the use of broad categorizations insensitive and jarring. When they look for a new apartment, Coles and Godwin adopt New York "real estate fever" only to comment warily on being "nudged right up against the ghetto" in their new Upper West Side digs. Closing with the safe delivery of a son, Thomas, this superficial chronicle does not have much to contribute to pregnancy literature. While it will probably garner some media coverage in New York and the Northeast, it will strain mightily to elicit interest from readers beyond the islands of Manhattan and Great Britain. Agent, Gil Coleridge (U.K.). (Nov.) Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist Coles and Godwin, both accomplished writers, offer insightful and amusing alternating first-person accounts of the nine-month period of awaiting parenthood. What makes their account especially appealing is the running commentary on life in New York, viewed from the perspective of two Brits. Godwin starts off dealing with a cancer scare that has provoked writer's block, and then Coles faces the prospect of pregnancy at age 36, when she's just gotten settled as a correspondent for a British newspaper. Early on, in search of a gynecologist, Coles observes that primary-care physicians are dedicated to preventing patients from seeing specialists and thereby saving the HMO some money. Godwin is fearful that Coles will use pregnancy "as an all-purpose excuse for bad behaviour," even as he scouts for "digestives known as graham crackers" to ease morning sickness. They comment on "voicemail hell," California king-sized mattresses, and the American obsession with pills for every tick, twitch, and pain. Their British humor and perspective provide refreshing insights into pregnancy and American culture. Vanessa BushCopyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

Review 'sharp, true and funny' Evening Standard 'this witty and rueful chronicle is, unlike giving birth, nothing but fun' The Times 'a droll, delightful diary' She 'funny and moving' Marie Claire

The Three of Us: A New Life in New York, by Joanna Coles, Peter Godwin

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Most helpful customer reviews

13 of 14 people found the following review helpful. A different type of co-existance By Kindle Customer I've just finished this book, and as a first time mother to be in her 30's (like Joanna) , and an Ex-Rhodesian now living in the U.S. (like Peter), I found it a very interesting read. I enjoy Peter's writing a lot - this book was very different from his usual style. I was mildly uncomfortable that both Peter and Joanna seem to be very critical of everyone they meet or know - I'd feel like I was under a microscope if I had to meet them in real life. They also seem miserable a lot of the time, no matter where they go. To read their criticisms of people and places was amusing in the beginning, because I also have a dry sense of humor, but by the time I'd finished the book I was left with a sense of unease - these two don't seem very happy with each other or their life choices. Also too much 'name dropping' - that irritated me - I don't care what Puff Daddy does with his free time. I am looking forward to reading Peter's new book though, if it's as good as Mukiwa I won't be dissapointed.

3 of 5 people found the following review helpful. The Experiences of Aliens in New York By Stuart Jackson The authors have managed to capture the bizarre nuances of daily life in New York while overlaying this with the difficulties and emotions attached to a first pregnancy. As resident aliens, my wife and I have recently been dealing with the similar issues associated with the upcoming birth of our first child.This light hearted look at the processes required to give birth in the New York also provided us with forwarning of the costs, bureaucracy and personalities that are inevitably encountered along the way.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Mel Curlee Well worth adding to my collection of Peter Godwin books

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The Three of Us: A New Life in New York, by Joanna Coles, Peter Godwin

The Three of Us: A New Life in New York, by Joanna Coles, Peter Godwin

The Three of Us: A New Life in New York, by Joanna Coles, Peter Godwin
The Three of Us: A New Life in New York, by Joanna Coles, Peter Godwin

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story, by Tim Weldon

Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story, by Tim Weldon

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Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story, by Tim Weldon

Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story, by Tim Weldon

Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story, by Tim Weldon

Best Ebook PDF Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story, by Tim Weldon

Integrating philosophy and popular culture, Professor Weldon brings a lively and unique perspective to bear on some important reasons why our reaction to what "goes bump in the night" has evolved from a serious alert to danger into a popular and happy thrill. Dr. Scott W. Marshall, Professor of Communication & Media Arts, University of St. Francis, IL. With erudite and expansive treatment, Weldon engages key examples of ghost stories from the Western literary canon. His analysis explores how the universal qualities of aesthetics and humanity's self-awareness allow the supernatural to retain its significant place in literature and everyday life. This book makes for a great companion for courses in the horror genre, or a delightful and engaging read for the avid horror fan. Dr. Timothy Milinovich, Assistant Professor of Theology, Dominican University, IL.

Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story, by Tim Weldon

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1506353 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .25" w x 5.51" l, .32 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 106 pages
Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story, by Tim Weldon

Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story, by Tim Weldon

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0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A Brief but Insightful Book By Michael A. Kleen Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story by Tim Weldon is a brief but insightful book. Published in 2015, Haunted Beauty examines the literary tradition of the ghost story. Weldon, a Professor of Philosophy at the University of St. Francis in Joliet, Illinois, succinctly explains what makes ghost stories so popular. Though its academic tone is sometimes challenging, all readers will delight in the insights offered by this book, which includes examples from both modern and classic ghost stories.In his introduction, Tim Weldon points out that ghosts are one of the only supernatural beings whose existence is continually in question. “As a subject, ghosts stand apart from the too far-fetched (no one asks if you believe in zombies),” he writes. In ghosts, we hold out hope for our own immortality. More than that, however, ghosts offer an intimate connection with the past. Ghost stories also offer us a pleasurable feeling of thrill, fright, and “the fun of the shudder.” Finally, Weldon argues that a great ghost story is great literature. One of the most beloved stories of all time, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, is a ghost story.Haunted Beauty is divided into two parts. The first, “The All that Lingers,” is an exploration of sense and setting, time, and place in ghost stories. Part Two, “Thoughts Haunted,” is about why ghost stories are so psychologically appealing.In “The All that Lingers,” Tim Weldon deconstructs the three essential elements of the ghost story: sense and setting, time, and place. Ghost stories are all about evoking ambiance–rich descriptions and details designed to provoke strong feelings in the reader. Ghost stories appeal to the non-rational, or pre-rational, imagination. In time, ghost stories are intimately connected with history. “Past meets the present in the ghost story as the physical presence of the ghost,” the author explains. He calls this “temporal fusion,” or the understanding of an ever-present past. Finally, in place, the author argues that setting is important to the ghost story, particularly the old house or manor. Ghosts thrive in old, confined places.In “Thoughts Haunted,” Weldon argues that nostalgia is central to the ghost story. Every haunting is a re-encountering of something from the past, usually a departed person. So hauntings are intimately tied to memory. “To be haunted is to be reminded, at interval, of what is meaningful in our lives and also of the traumatic,” he writes. Ghost stories present the past as not some distant unreachable place, but as living in the present. They appeal to our deep psychological need for connectedness to those who have passed. “Haunting is ultimately memento mori, the acknowledgement of past and impending death, of others, of myself.”We all enjoy a good ghostly tale, but if you want to have a deeper understanding of what makes ghost stories so appealing, as well as their significance in Western literature and culture, Haunted Beauty is an excellent place to start. In this age of pseudoscience and reality TV, it is more important than ever before to reconnect with the literary roots of ghosts and ghost stories. This book brings a much needed scholarly perspective to the table.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Why Beauty Haunts By Alex Kreitner Tim Weldon’s Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story is a fascinating study of the mindset behind the writing and reading of popular ghost stories such as A Christmas Carol and The Haunting of Hill House and writers of different time periods such as M. R. James and Stephen King.After defining what a ghost is, he starts, properly enough, by discussing how a setting or mood is built in an effective ghost story, and the fluidity or ever-present feeling of time that appears in most ghost stories, as well as the places they are set, emphasizing the importance of the haunted house-type story. Finally, he delves into the idea of being haunted itself and the draw of mystery that is very much a part of the best ghost stories.If I were to make any critique, other than that the book could have been longer and have plumbed greater depths of a wider range of ghost stories, is that he focuses (possibly due to length) primarily on the confining sense of haunted house stories, insisting that a house provides the best setting. This leaves out the haunting fear of nature that one finds in Blackwood’s The Willows or the stories of ghost armies marching on wide-open plains; though that can be excused for not being within the focus of the premise.All in all, I would highly suggest the book for anyone who has a love of ghost stories and wants to follow the author through a dissection of what makes a good ghost story, especially a good haunted house story. It will undoubtedly entice one to either re-read well-loved older stories, or even search out some of the mentioned pieces to validate the author’s wise inclusion of them.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Compelling and thoughtfully penned, Haunted Beauty is an intriguing ... By Debbie Berk Compelling and thoughtfully penned, Haunted Beauty is an intriguing and inspiring look inside the creation of the timeless and enduring ghost story that fuels our endless fascination, wonder and longing to be forever haunted by the unknown mysteries that await us in the deepest shadows of our darkest fears embraced.

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Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story, by Tim Weldon

Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story, by Tim Weldon

Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story, by Tim Weldon
Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story, by Tim Weldon

Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4), by Toye Lawson Brown

Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4), by Toye Lawson Brown

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Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4), by Toye Lawson Brown

Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4), by Toye Lawson Brown

Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4), by Toye Lawson Brown

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The Men of CLE-FD are back. In the 4th installment about the Supermen of Station 30, Ryan Tisdale is introduced. Ryan Tisdale is a former high school teacher who decides to make a change after a horrifying event damages his self-esteem. He joins the fire department and is instantly accepted by the brotherhood of firefighters that make up Station 30. With a new and exciting career to look forward to, Ryan is ready to move forward and put the past behind him. Only, his much younger and insecure wife of four years is not feeling the same excitement. Megan Jones Tisdale was happy with the life she shared with Ryan before he joined the fire department. He was home at night and safe. Now she has to worry about him constantly. After suffering a tragic loss, she is feeling more insecure and unsure about her future with her husband. Her mother has been her rock by offering moral support and a shoulder for her to cry on. However, lately, Iona’s loving support has turned more demanding. To make matters worse, a blast from Megan’s past is now back and looking to be a part of her life once again. This causes Ryan’s push forward to fall into reverse. Will he walk away from a career he actually loves to satisfy his young wife or do what makes him happy for once?

Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4), by Toye Lawson Brown

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #409017 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-21
  • Released on: 2015-05-21
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4), by Toye Lawson Brown

From the Inside Flap Months Earlier "Ryan, I'm asking this as a favor. Please reconsider." Ryan shook his head, determined not to let his wife win this argument. "I'm not backing down, Megan. No, and I mean no." Megan folded her arms across her chest. "Once again, you're not listening to me. You should think about it and get back to me." He pushed the tray of food away from him and narrowed his eyes at his wife. Many said it would never work. Ryan and Megan Tisdale had met by accident. He happened to be walking his dog Sparky in the park when Sparky broke the leash and got away. The large dog was harmless and loved people. To show his affection, he would jump up on his hind legs and beg to be petted. As Ryan called after the 120-pound St. Bernard that galloped through the open field, causing frightened people to scatter, Sparky ran into the one woman not afraid enough to dodge him. Ryan cringed as the dog plowed into the woman, knocking her to the ground. That was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. It wasn't long before they fell in love, got married, and pledged to live together as one. So far, they had beaten the odds as an interracial couple. However, the marriage was not without its snags. They had hit one big time, and it was tearing a hole in their fairytale romance. "Megan, I came to have lunch with you on my day off. Let's not waste precious time arguing again." Megan hesitated before she spoke. "I'm scared, Ryan. We're drifting apart, and since you joined the fire department, I don't seem to matter to you anymore. We need a marriage counselor to help us deal with this unless you don't want to be married to me anymore." He took a deep breath. "I get it. The 24-hour shifts do interfere with our time, but that doesn't mean I don't love you. You're busy with your nursing program; you don't hear me complaining." "My work as a nurse won't keep me away from home for days. I know I sound insensitive, but I didn't sign up for this." "Please believe me when I say, we don't need to seek help from a marriage counselor. We can work through this, Megan. We'll need a little more time to adjust to our new roles in life." "Ryan, you jumped into this new career without giving second thoughts about your students or what you left behind at the high school." "It would not be the same if I went back, babe. Besides, I love being a firefighter. I don't have anybody judging me or have fingers pointing at me wherever I go. This is what I do now. You'll have to accept it or do what you need to do." "Okay, Ryan," Megan said, lowering her voice. "I'm done. I'm not helping the situation, so I'm going to step away from it and do what I need to do for me." "Megan, you're blowing this out of proportion," he said loudly. "I have not shut you out of my life. We had talked about the fire department before I submitted the application. You didn't want to hear it and blew me off." "There wasn't a valid reason for you to change careers. People forget and move on to the next hot topic. You weren't willing to wait it out before you bailed the moment you got your freedom. Years of teaching you threw away just like old toilet paper. Also, out the window went our life together. That newlywed glow we enjoyed for years faded. I was left behind to worry about you--to worry about us. You never once thought how your decision would affect our marriage." "It hasn't affected our marriage, Megan. I haven't gotten as much as a scratch since I've been with the fire department." "That's because you're still in training. What happens when you become a full-fledged firefighter and don't have the most experienced men guiding you through procedures anymore? You'll be on your own, Ryan. I can't do it. My stomach stays upset as it is when you're working." "You are my number one priority, Megan. I'm not battling fires constantly, but when I am working I'm careful because I know I have you waiting for me. Baby, please don't give up on me." "I'm not giving up on you. Baby, the job is already affecting us. When's the last time we made love or had any intimacy?" Ryan's shoulders felt heavy as he shrugged. "I've been preoccupied with my training, but I know we've been together recently." Tears pooled in Megan's eyes as she tried to blink them away. "We haven't made love in months. The last time you looked at me as the woman you loved was at Nick and Lincoln's third child's baby shower." His throat went dry, and a chill ran through his body. That can't be right "I don't believe that. I don't know exactly the last time we've been together, but it hasn't been that long." "That's the problem. You're so occupied with learning the ropes of the CFD that you have no idea what is going on with us. I only have you for 72 hours, Ryan. It's sad I can't get a few of those hours with my husband. You have pushed me away." Ryan ran his hands through his short hair. How was it possible to make a man who stood 6'3" and weighed 200 pounds suddenly feel small? Had he been neglecting his wife? The pressure from the trial was what triggered him to think about a new career. Starting over as a firefighter was like his life had been renewed. Not many people were given the opportunity to have a clean slate after a nasty scandal. At 35 years of age, he took that opportunity and ran with it, possibly leaving Megan behind. "Please, Megan, don't leave me. Let me make it better; I promise I'll change." He reached for her hands, and she pulled away. Her pager went off. Taking it from her pocket, she shut it off and looked at him. "I'm sorry, but I have to get back to the lab." "Megan, we'll talk about this when you get home. We can fix our marriage." Megan got up from the table and glared at him. "What we should do to mend our marriage, you don't want to do. You fear a counselor will agree that you abandoned me. You leave me no choice, Ryan--I want a divorce." He stood up as she walked away from the table. His feet wouldn't move as shock and disbelief tore through him. How did he manage to let the fire and passion of their marriage burn out? She was his pillar in the darkest hours of his life. No! It's not too late for me to fix this--I won't let it be too late.

Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4), by Toye Lawson Brown

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Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Rekindle the Flames By Amazon Customer I have read several of Tour's books and this the best by far. I love how Megan and Ryan were willing to fight for their marriages, it was beautiful. The added drama with Iona and Emin made the story extra spicy. Amazing story, beautiful romance.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Rekindle the Flames By LL Brown Rating 4.5Rekindle the FlamesThis is the perfect title for this couple because the flames had gone out of their marriage. One day a high school teacher and the next phase of his life Ryan decided to join the fire department. Marriage is hard work and when there is stress, miscommunication, a mother-in-law from hell then you can see why there marriage is in trouble, but thanks to supported family members Ryan & Megan find their way back to each other, but that not to say without any obstacle. As soon as Ryan & Megan decided to stay together and save their marriage that’s when the neighbor, ex and mother begin to plot their down fall. There is secrets that comes out in the book………………and I can’t tell you so you will have to purchase the book and find out what Megan’s mother, father and ex…………………..and even Megan has something she needed to share with Ryan. I know Toye make you go hummmmmmI recommend this book you will not be disappointed.SmoochesLouise

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Not too bad By teria1835 This story intrigued me from the very beginning and that's why I decided to give it a chance. I have read the books from the series, but I have mixed feelings. I have enjoyed some books more than others - I did like this one!Ryan and Megan were a cute couple and were hot together.I'm glad Megan didn't stay spoiled and selfish forever and eventually grew up! I like a strong heroine. Her dad confused me and I wanted more background information on him.Altogether pretty good read.

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Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4), by Toye Lawson Brown

Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4), by Toye Lawson Brown

Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4), by Toye Lawson Brown
Rekindle The Flames (The Men of CLE-FD Book 4), by Toye Lawson Brown

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, by J.R.R. Tolkien

Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, by J.R.R. Tolkien

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Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, by J.R.R. Tolkien

Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, by J.R.R. Tolkien

Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, by J.R.R. Tolkien

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New York Times bestseller

“A thrill . . . Beowulf was Tolkien’s lodestar. Everything he did led up to or away from it.” —New Yorker   J.R.R. Tolkien completed his translation of Beowulf in 1926: he returned to it later to make hasty corrections, but seems never to have considered its publication. This edition includes an illuminating written commentary on the poem by the translator himself, drawn from a series of lectures he gave at Oxford in the 1930s.   His creative attention to detail in these lectures gives rise to a sense of the immediacy and clarity of his vision. It is as if Tolkien entered into the imagined past: standing beside Beowulf and his men shaking out their mail-shirts as they beach their ship on the coast of Denmark, listening to Beowulf’s rising anger at Unferth’s taunting, or looking up in amazement at Grendel’s terrible hand set under the roof of Heorot.   “Essential for students of the Old English poem—and the ideal gift for devotees of the One Ring.” —Kirkus

Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, by J.R.R. Tolkien

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #85206 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2014-05-22
  • Released on: 2014-05-22
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, by J.R.R. Tolkien

Review "A thrill . . . “Beowulf” was Tolkien’s lodestar. Everything he did led up to or away from it . . . Perhaps, in the dark of night, he already knew what would happen: that he would never publish his beautiful “Beowulf,” and that his intimacy with the poem, more beautiful, would remain between him and the poet—a secret love." -- New Yorker

"Both scholars and lay readers have long awaited Tolkien's "Beowulf" translation and its related materials, and everyone will find something of enduring interest in this collection. For Tolkien, "Beowulf" was both a brilliant and haunting work in its own right and an inspiration for his own fiction. It is a poem that will move us as readers, not forever but as long as we last. Or as Tolkien says, "It must ever call with a profound appeal—until the dragon comes." -- Wall Street Journal

"Tolkien-as-guide is delightful, an irresistibly chatty schoolmaster in the Chaucerian mold . . . His learning and Beowulf’s patterns of gloom and fragile light feel intimately related . . . his noble translation joins the ranks of the narrowly saved." – Slate

"This rendition—edited by his son Christopher and published for the first time—will delight fans . . . lovers of Tolkien's work will agree that this is a book long overdue." – Publishers Weekly

Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, by J.R.R. Tolkien

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Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, by J.R.R. Tolkien

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Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, by J.R.R. Tolkien

Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, by J.R.R. Tolkien

Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, by J.R.R. Tolkien
Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary, by J.R.R. Tolkien

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Moonlight Kisses (Espresso Empire), by Phyllis Bourne

Moonlight Kisses (Espresso Empire), by Phyllis Bourne

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Moonlight Kisses (Espresso Empire), by Phyllis Bourne

Moonlight Kisses (Espresso Empire), by Phyllis Bourne

Moonlight Kisses (Espresso Empire), by Phyllis Bourne

Ebook Download : Moonlight Kisses (Espresso Empire), by Phyllis Bourne

Desire is more than skin-deep 

It's just Sage Matthews's luck that the man stirring her dormant passions wants to buy her cosmetics company. Cole Sinclair inherited the kind of success Sage is working hard to build, and after almost ten years away, he's back to save his own empire. Takeover bid: denied. But in the bedroom, their rivalry morphs into sizzling chemistry. And Sage is falling dangerously fast for the wild streak beneath Cole's designer suits. 

Sage's up-and-coming company is a thorn in Cole's side. If they can't agree to terms, both will be eliminated by the competition. From Nashville to sultry Milan, he's using all his seductive powers of persuasion. But the kind of partnership Sage craves takes compromise and trust—and the courage to go beyond the surface to find what's real…

Moonlight Kisses (Espresso Empire), by Phyllis Bourne

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #415172 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Released on: 2015-05-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Moonlight Kisses (Espresso Empire), by Phyllis Bourne

About the Author A native of Chicago’s southside, Phyllis Bourne began her writing career as a newspaper crime reporter. After years of cops and criminals, she left reporting to write about life’s sweeter side. Nowadays her stories are filled with heart-stopping heroes and happy endings. When she’s not writing, she can usually be found at a make-up counter feeding her lipstick addiction. You can find her on the web at www.phyllisbourne.com and www.facebook.com/phyllisbournebooks.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. AiVho put the scowl on your face?" Cole Sinclair looked up from the newspaper he'd been absorbed in to see his stepfather standing in his office doorway."No, don't tell me. Let me guess." Victor Gray raised a finger in a halting gesture. "Stiletto Cosmetics."Folding the business section in half, Cole slung it across his desk in disgust. "How'd you guess?""If you're frowning, it usually has something to do with them."Cole pushed away from his desk and began to pace in front of the wall of windows offering a panoramic view of downtown Nashville. He'd known when he'd returned to his hometown that reviving his family's troubled cosmetics company would be a monumental task.The widely held opinion that Espresso Cosmetics was old-lady makeup was firmly entrenched. Moreover, an upstart cosmetics company had set up shop in town, grabbing both headlines and Espresso's dwindling customer base."The media's handing out good press to Stiletto like candy on Halloween," he muttered. "Meanwhile, we can barely get a reporter to return a phone call."Victor hovered in the doorway. "They're just capitalizing on their fifteen minutes of fame since that singer mentioned them on television. It won't last much longer."Cole wasn't so sure. Stiletto had been generating buzz on the web even before pop star Crave gave them a shout-out on national television. He stopped midpace to glance out the window. An electronic billboard in the distance stood out against the gray January skies. It flashed continuous images of a cheeseburger with toppings stacked nearly as high as Espresso's aging eleven-story building.He stared blankly at it, his mind on how Stiletto was gaining ground with a generation of young women Espresso was desperate to attract. Unfortunately, an article in today's paper had pushed that demographic even further out of their reach."I stopped by to see if you wanted to go to lunch with me later," his stepfather said. "I saw a billboard of the most mouthwatering burger I've ever seen on the drive in this morning, and I've been drooling ever since."That burger did look good, Cole thought. Real food. A lot better than the upscale dining experiences he'd endured while handling Espresso business these past months.He also recognized that Victor's invitation was for more than lunch. His late mother's second husband, the only father he'd ever known, was extending another olive branch to help rebuild their once-close relationship after eight years of estrangement."Another time, Vic. I doubt I'll have an appetite by lunchtime. Dinner, either.""So are you going to tell me what's going on or keep frowning until your face gets stuck like that?" the older man said, still hovering in the doorway."There's something you need to read."Cole watched his stepfather hesitate before venturing beyond the doorway into the overhauled office that no longer bore the feminine traces of the company's founder.Cole snatched the copy of America Today off the mahogany executive desk he'd brought in to replace the elegant Queen Anne writing table his mother and Espresso founder, Selina Sinclair Gray, had ruled from. Snapping it open, he pointed out the article responsible for his current mood and handed it to Victor.He watched his stepfather's eyes narrow as he zeroed in on one of the photos accompanying the story. The older man drew the newspaper in until it nearly touched his nose."Wow!""Exactly," Cole said, still steaming over it. Then he caught an uncharacteristic gleam in Victor's eyes. It lit up his entire face. In fact, he was practically ogling the newspaper.What the…?"God knows I worshipped the ground your mother walked on," his stepfather said, "but would you take a look at those long legs in that short skirt and those high heels. I don't see a thing here to put a frown on a man's face."Cole snatched the paper back from him.Victor shook his head and a sly grin spread over his lips. "She's got a young Angela Davis thing going on with that wild Afro, too. Yes, sir! If I were five or ten years younger, she'd be your new mama."Cole stared at the smaller photo he'd ignored before, the larger one having grabbed his attention and earned his ire."More like twenty-five to thirty years younger," he grumbled. "She could be your daughter."Cole frowned at the photo of the woman sitting on the edge of a desk. So this was Stiletto's owner. His gaze drifted to the untamed mane of kinky coils surrounding a no-nonsense face and full, unsmiling lips. Sage Matthews looked exactly like what she and her company were—a pain in his ass.He shoved the newspaper back at his stepfather and pointed. "This photo is the problem."Victor re-examined the newspaper and then looked up at him. "The young lady in this one is okay, but not nearly as good-looking as that Matthews woman. She's smoking hot.""Enough about her.""Okay, okay," his stepfather said, still examining the photo. "You know, the old woman standing next to the young one in this picture looks kind of like…""A man in drag." Cole finished. He jabbed his finger toward the offending photo of an attractive young woman juxtaposed against an older one presumably representing Espresso. "Not only are they relegating us to the brand for senior citizens, they exaggerate the point with one of the ugliest old ladies I've ever seen.""Well, as you just said, he's no lady."A vein on the side of Cole's head pulsed. "You think?" Sarcasm permeated the question. "What gave it away, the hot mess of a gray wig or the damned goatee?""Hmm." Victor tilted his own graying head to one side, then the other as he continued to study the grainy color photo. "Not really a goatee. I'd say it was more of a five o'clock shadow.""Are you actually defending that photo?" Cole asked.The corner of his stepfather's mouth quirked upward."You know he kind of looks like the guy who stars in those Maw-Maw movies.""Who or what is a Maw-Maw?"Victor looked up, an incredulous look on his face. "Wow. You have been out of the country a long time. Maw-Maw is the star of a slew of movies about a wisecracking, busybody matriarch, who can't stop sticking her nose in her family's business." He chuckled and shook his head. "Can't believe you never heard of them. I have a couple on DVD. I'll let you borrow them.""No, thank you," Cole said firmly, his patience waning."Oh, come on. You have to at least see Maw-Maw Passes the Plate. It's the one where Maw-Maw puts an envelope containing a thousand dollars into the church offering plate by mistake." His stepfather burst into a fit of laughter, slapping the newspaper against his thigh. "The old girl starts leaping over the church pews, like a sprinter clearing hurdles in the summer Olympics, trying to get it back. She even tackles a deacon. It's hilarious!"Cole cleared his throat loudly."I'm not interested in any movie featuring a grown man wearing a dress. Right now, all I care about is this article and the damage it's doing to Espresso's image, which isn't one bit funny.""Sorry about that, son." Victor dabbed at the tears that had gathered in his eyes from laughing. "I guess I got sidetracked." He extracted a pair of reading glasses from his shirt pocket and resumed studying the article.A few minutes later, he shrugged. "Okay, so they took a bit of a dig at us. Try not to get so bent out of shape over it. It's not that big a deal.""Not a big deal?" Cole fumed, the headline imprinted on his brain—Not Your Granny's Makeup: Stiletto Cosmetics Puts Its Spiked Heel in the Competition. He quoted the article, "As Cole Sinclair makes a last ditch attempt to rescue his family's declining Espresso Cosmetics from near extinction, an edgy new brand is poised to pick up the torch."Victor removed his glasses, folded the paper and tucked it under his arm. "We just had our first successful collection in nearly a decade thanks to you," he said."And there wasn't a single word in the press about it, despite the efforts of our public relations team.""Still, it was a huge boost to Espresso employees who haven't had much to celebrate in a very long time," the older man said. "You should be patting yourself on the back, not worrying about a ridiculous photo in some rag.""America Today has a nationwide circulation. Not to mention online and international editions.""My point is Espresso is finally making a comeback," Victor said."Comeback?" Cole leaned against the front of his desk and folded his arms. "We're a long way from what I'd consider a comeback."A sold-out holiday collection was a heck of a good start."Cole shrugged off the praise with a grunt. His first order of business as CEO of Espresso's cosmetics division had been to sit down with the company's chief financial officer, Malcolm Doyle, to find out exactly where years of stagnant sales had left them financially.The second had been to untie the hands of the creative and product-development teams and allow them to do their jobs. For too long their ideas had languished due to Victor's insistence on remaining loyal to what he believed Cole's mother would have wanted for her company."You've done more for Espresso in five months than I accomplished after years of being in charge." Victor's chin dropped to his chest, his gaze cast toward the carpet. "It's just I thought.""The success of the holiday collection was just a drop in the bucket." Cole cut him off, refusing to play the blame game.All he cared about was making Espresso relevant in the cosmetics industry again. It was too late to take back the harsh words he'd exchanged with his mother the very last time he'd seen her. Now the only way he could make it up to her was to save her legacy.He swallowed hard. "We'd need a tsunami to erase the red ink from the company books and our old-lady image from women's minds." Rounding his desk, Cole tapped at his computer keyboard until the survey he'd commissioned appeared on the screen. "I was going to email you a copy of this later, but you might as well take a look at it now."Victor sat in Cole's leather executive chair, once again retrieving his reading glasses from his pocket."This is a survey taken over the holidays of customers shopping at various department-store cosmetics counters," Cole explained. He leaned over Victor's shoulder, right-clicking the mouse to expand a page. "Here are just a few of the comments female shoppers made when asked about Espresso."The older man read aloud. "'My great-aunt uses their foundation. We call her Auntie Cake behind her back because her face always looks like it's been dipped in batter.'" Victor winced. "Ouch.""It gets worse.""You're kidding.""Nope. Keep reading.""'Their makeup counters are deader than a morgue.'" Victor read another one. "'I didn't know they were still around.'"Cole pointed out a remark made by a twenty-two-year-old woman actually making a purchase at an Espresso counter. This time he read it aloud. "'I'm only here because my grandmother ran out of her favorite pink lipstick. No way I'd wear this old-lady stuff. I'm a Stiletto girl all the way.'"His stepfather exhaled a long drawn-out breath. "This is why you're so peeved about that article."Cole nodded. "The more I think about it, the more I believe it's too late to change people's minds about us. Our senior-citizen image is too entrenched.""But…" Victor started to protest, but Cole held up a hand to stop him."Hear me out," Cole said. "Why keep banging our heads against a brick wall? Stiletto already has the hip, edgy vibe and is gaining popularity with the young demographic we're chasing.""I'm not following you, son."Cole smiled for the first time in what felt like weeks. Why hadn't he thought of it before?"It's the acquire-to-grow strategy—something I was in charge of implementing during my tenure at Force Cosmetics. Simply put, if we can't beat them, we'll just have to buy them?''He paused to give Victor a chance to let the idea sink in. "We would keep Stiletto's name and packaging the same, meanwhile continue to revamp Espresso and rebrand it as makeup for the classic or mature beauty or something along those lines."The older man pressed his lips together a few moments, before he finally spoke. "Couldn't we just develop our own offshoot brand?"Cole shrugged. "We could, but that would take a long time. Even then, consumers can be fickle. There's no guarantee it would catch on and turn into a winner for us.""But how?" Victor frowned, deepening the creases in his forehead. "You heard what Doyle said. The cosmetics division is buried in red ink. Your sister's Espresso Sanctuary spas propped us up until you came back and threw us a lifeline."Cole crossed his arms over his chest. While Espresso's finances had dwindled in his absence, his personal wealth had grown tremendously. "Don't worry. I've got it covered," he said. "I'm about to make Ms. Matthews an offer too good to refuse."

Moonlight Kisses (Espresso Empire), by Phyllis Bourne

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Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Espresso Empire By jackie Wow this was such a fun book to read, Sage and Cole, were too good for words, the dynamics of both the characters was a joy. Sage kept Cole on his toes. Looking forward to Lolas story.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Loved this sweet and sexy contemporary story! By Marie I love all of Ms. Bourne's books, and this one doesn't disappoint. Though not prominent on the cover, Moonlight Kisses is book 2 of the Espresso Empire series. A few characters from book 1 (Every Road to You) make small cameos in this book. Moonlight Kisses follows the story of Cole Sinclair, Tia's brother, and CEO of Espresso Cosmetics. After a glamorous publicity stunt (which I thought was hilarious), he meets Sage Matthews, CEO of Stiletto Cosmetics. This is a classic "enemies to lovers" story in which Cole is bent on buying Sage's company to reduce the competition, but Sage refuses his offer countless times. Their rivalry eventually buds into an unexpected love affair, and it takes off from there. Their affair takes them as far as Milan, Italy, where they meet an unexpected adversary that eventually forces Cole and Sage to choose what is best for their companies and their future.This is a sweet contemporary story that will appeal to everyone. Fashion and cosmetic enthusiasts would definitely enjoy this book. There's plenty of humor, love, and everything in between. I'm looking forward to the next book in this series!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Espresso and Stiletto, Good To The Last Drop!!! By Amazon Customer CJackson, Virginia Beach First off.. I loved the names of the leading characters.. Sage Matthews, as an afro wearing, mini-skirted beauty. And then there is Cole Sinclair, as a broad shouldered, handsome as sin leading man. Although they were supposed to be adversaries, the two could not pull the I hate you thing for very long. Sage is the owner of Stilettos a cosmetics line that she developed with her mother in mind. Cole's Espresso store and empire was built by his mother and was his and his mother's passion. So when the two stores are locked in a battle head on, with advertising and promotional stunts to one up the other's store, things get a little snippy. Their plans don't go as they hoped, because the attraction they feel for one another is just to powerful to ignore. Thankfully, Sage and Cole.. call a truce and agree play nice, yay.. I won't spoil the closer as it gets a little intense as the story closes.. A superb book , I loved every single page..

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Moonlight Kisses (Espresso Empire), by Phyllis Bourne

Moonlight Kisses (Espresso Empire), by Phyllis Bourne

Moonlight Kisses (Espresso Empire), by Phyllis Bourne
Moonlight Kisses (Espresso Empire), by Phyllis Bourne

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

The Power of praying Romans from Your Heart (Praying God's Word Daily Book 3), by Adam Houge

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The Power of praying Romans from Your Heart (Praying God's Word Daily Book 3), by Adam Houge

The Power of praying Romans from Your Heart (Praying God's Word Daily Book 3), by Adam Houge

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Jesus said that the most blessed person is the one who hears the word of God and keeps it. So how have you been meditating on the word and binding it in your heart lately? Consider taking the next 21 days to dedicate yourself to praying and reflecting on all the lessons of Romans. If you take each of these lessons to heart you will not be able to walk away without being transformed.

The Power of praying Romans from Your Heart (Praying God's Word Daily Book 3), by Adam Houge

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #102822 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-26
  • Released on: 2015-05-26
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Power of praying Romans from Your Heart (Praying God's Word Daily Book 3), by Adam Houge

The Power of praying Romans from Your Heart (Praying God's Word Daily Book 3), by Adam Houge

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Another Stellar study By Kindle Customer I always enjoy Adam's studies. He reminds me of God's goodness and faithfulness. He also encourages me to look to the Lord for all I need, and He reminds that God is not just a divine problem solver. The Lord has an ultimate goal for me , and His plans are always superior to mine.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Very Encouraging By Amazon Customer I looked forward to reading each day of the 21 days of this book. I shared each days prayer with my friends in hopes of encouraging them to know the weird of the love of God. Great read about to start another one of Mr. Houge's books tomorrow.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Praying Romans By Donna Abenroth A good thought provoking devotional. Presents basic but necessary precepts for living a Christian life. I used it as a daily devotional.

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The Power of praying Romans from Your Heart (Praying God's Word Daily Book 3), by Adam Houge

The Power of praying Romans from Your Heart (Praying God's Word Daily Book 3), by Adam Houge

The Power of praying Romans from Your Heart (Praying God's Word Daily Book 3), by Adam Houge
The Power of praying Romans from Your Heart (Praying God's Word Daily Book 3), by Adam Houge