Senin, 30 Desember 2013

Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr

Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr

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Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr

Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr

Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr

Ebook PDF Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr

A BWWM Billionaire Romance Story ***Due to sexually graphic content and language that some may find offensive, this book is intended for mature readers only*** Chante Green finds herself accepting a marriage proposal from a man everybody considers ‘the perfect man’. Dr. Leo Cadman is a dream too good to be true. Chante knows she is the luckiest woman on earth. Leo adores her and now he is offering her marriage. Chante knows that although she could fool everyone else, she could never fool herself. Her heart belongs to Jared Lowell. It always had since the day she first laid eyes on him. Caught between a farce of an engagement and a growing intimacy between her and Jared, which will win in the battle for the truth... her heart or her mind? How will she deal with the unexpected entrance of a shadowy character that holds an ugly truth about her past? Chante will traverse a wide chasm of darkness and despair before she finally emerges to claim the happiness of tomorrow’s promise. Read the book and find out what happens.

Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #6816068 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-28
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .17" w x 5.25" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 68 pages
Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr

About the Author Shyla currently specializes in writing interracial romance stories and is a huge fan of the alpha male. Simply put, there just aren't enough stories about mixed couple romances, which is something she is aiming to fix. Being a bookworm all her life, when Shyla discovered men she also realized how easy it was to fulfill her fantasies through her writing. When not writing and fantasizing about men, Shyla enjoys dancing, reading and chilling with her friends.

Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr

Where to Download Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Loved but too short By Creative1 Loved the story but much to short for my liking. I hope a PT 4 will arise.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Four Stars By sunnyside Good read, you won't be disappointed.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Yes I read the preview and enjoyed the sample By Kindle Customer Yes I read the preview and enjoyed the sample. Now I have to get the complete book in order to find out what happens.

See all 5 customer reviews... Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr

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Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr

Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr

Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr
Love Abided: Audacious Billionaire BWWM Romance Series, Book 3 (Volume 3), by Shyla Starr

Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

Dying to Fit In, by Erica McKenzie

Dying to Fit In, by Erica McKenzie

When some individuals considering you while reading Dying To Fit In, By Erica McKenzie, you might really feel so honored. However, rather than other individuals feels you should instil in yourself that you are reading Dying To Fit In, By Erica McKenzie not due to that factors. Reading this Dying To Fit In, By Erica McKenzie will provide you more than people admire. It will certainly overview of recognize greater than the people looking at you. Already, there are several sources to discovering, checking out a book Dying To Fit In, By Erica McKenzie still comes to be the first choice as a fantastic way.

Dying to Fit In, by Erica McKenzie

Dying to Fit In, by Erica McKenzie

Dying to Fit In, by Erica McKenzie

Ebook Download : Dying to Fit In, by Erica McKenzie

In 2002, thirty-one year old Erica McKenzie's lifelong battle with addiction and body image ended one day when she collapsed to the floor unconscious. Within moments, she was pulled through a tunnel at exhilarating speed and delivered into the hands of God. In Heaven, God revealed the importance of free will and the destiny of mankind. Dying to Fit In is the true story of one woman's extraordinary near-death experience with God and her journey to Heaven, Hell, and back. Erica discovered God's Divine plan-a blueprint-unique gifts he bestows on each of us, and the key to unlock their power. She returned with a new mission, to share these messages with the world. But first she would endure many challenges that would test her faith and connection with God and which began with learning to love herself. Her God-given wisdom is a gift beyond price, a gift she shares with readers in this book. "Exceptional, life-healing powerful insights, and Erica's dialogue with God exudes and abundance of wisdom, with a treasure trove of awareness and inspiration on every page." -Jeffrey Long, M.D., Author of the New York Times bestselling Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences "Erica McKenzie's near-death experience is one of the most moving and profound I have ever encountered. Her God-given wisdom is a gift beyond price." -Kenneth Ring, Ph.D Author of Lessons from the Light "Game-changer, impossible to put down...This important book has the potential to heal lives, be a great contribution to the medical community, and pave the way for a new generation." -David Brownstein, M.D., Medical Director for the Center of Holistic Medicine "The subject of near-death experiences should interest every person who seeks thrustworthy credible insight about what happens when we die and the transcendent meaning underlying earthly existence. Erica McKenzie's powerful experience is one extraordinary case in point. It is a remarkable story from a remarkable woman. In a word, her book is magnificent, one worthy of the highest praise and recommendation. Expect to be inspired and enriched by this wonderful work." -John R. Audette, M.S., President, CEO & Co-Founder and, Principal Founder, International Association for Near-Death Studies(, Former hospice and hospital administrator.

Dying to Fit In, by Erica McKenzie

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1075594 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-19
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .47" w x 5.51" l, .58 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 222 pages
Dying to Fit In, by Erica McKenzie

Review "Erica McKenzie is a registered nurse who has not only seen many patients come back from the brink of death with reports of experiencing the other side, but who has also had her own profound near-death experience."-Tara Maclsaac, The Epoch Times "Exceptional, life-healing powerful insights, and Erica's dialogue with God exudes and abundance of wisdom, with a treasure trove of awareness and inspiration on every page."                    -Jeffrey Long, M.D., Author of the New York Times bestselling Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences   "I have read many accounts of near-death experiences, but the one that Erica McKenzie relates in Dying To Fit In is one of the most moving and profound I have ever encountered. Not only that, but the seemingly literal God-given wisdom that Erica shares with her readers is a gift beyond price. This book deserves, and I believe is destined, to reach the widest possible audience." --Kenneth Ring, Ph.D.  Author of Lessons from the Light.    "What Erica went through in the Psych Ward is literally an instruction manual for all near-death experiencers in how to survive what the medical community does not understand and refuses to acknowledge.  Not only did she finally get her life back, she blossomed into an incredible intuitive visionary who now works for God." --P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D., researcher of near-death states since 1978. Among her 11 books detailing her work is: Dying to Know You:  Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience.  "The subject of near-death experiences should interest every person who seeks trustworthy credible insight about what happens when we die and the transcendent meaning underlying earthly existence. Erica McKenzie's powerful experience is one extraordinary case in point. It is a remarkable story from a remarkable woman. In a word, her book is magnificent, one worthy of the highest praise and recommendation. Expect to be inspired and enriched by this wonderful work." --John R. Audette, M.S., President, CEO & Co-Founder and, Principal Founder, (, "Dying To Fit In by Erica McKenzie is one of the best.  Her book is clear and very well written.  It's easy to identify with the circumstances that led up to her having an NDE, and to the vivid description of her near-death account. She had a unique visit with God, during which she was given wisdom and assigned a mission.  She states God has gifted all of us with individual values, and that we are to explore these differences in ourselves and use them to assist other people, thereby creating a better world through loving service."   -- Bill Guggenheim, Coauthor of Hello From Heaven!

From the Author "Life is about learning to love  yourself the way you were made.  To find the courage to love  yourself enough to be yourself.  At times, I still find myself drifting towards wondering about what people think about me.  I think most people have this desire within to long to be accepted, validated and loved. This topic is something I know a lot about because I spent so many years focusing on wanting to be accepted by others. So when people tell me that I am such an inspiration and role model, my reaction is laughter because I will be the first person to make clear that I am far from perfect.  If you listen to the many life experiences I have had, all of them involve revealing my many flaws, imperfections and mistakes that I have made. I am only a vehicle and if anything good is seen through me I want to make it clear that it doesn't come from Erica. All that I am is from my creator. That being said, as I sit and reflect on the past 44 years of my life,  I look at all of these experiences and I choose to view all of them as opportunities for learning.  Those learning opportunities sometimes show themselves as things like cancer, eating disorders, addiction, peer pressure, endometriosis, early menopause, a career, being a parent, feeling judged and not accepted by others, loneliness, anger, depression, challenging relationships, frustration, heart ache,  a Near-death Experience, loss of a loved one and many more experiences. At times these things can be overwhelming, quite challenging and are often viewed as obstacles, a tragedy, mistakes or what I have come to recognize them as "potential roadblocks." How do I know?  I know because these things happened to me.  Dying taught me so many lessons and one of the most important things I learned was that knowledge is Power.  We have the power within us to gain all of the knowledge needed to help us through every single experience we are faced with.  We Have the Power to Eliminate All of our Roadblocks".

About the Author Rajiv Parti, MD, is a world-renowned specialist in pain management with over thirty years as a cardiac anesthesiologist. In addition to being Chief of Anesthesiology at Bakersfield Heart Hospital for more than a decade, Dr. Parti is founder of the Pain Management Institute of California. Dr. Parti s study in complementary and alternative medicine has led him to formulate an integrative approach to total wellness, especially pain management, stress, and depression. He tours the country extensively, holding workshops to demonstrate methods of healing to help others overcome addiction, depression, chronic pain, and even cancer.

Dying to Fit In, by Erica McKenzie

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Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. "Be quiet and listen. . . " By C. Carlson I've read a lot of NDE (Near Death Experience) stories and I am grateful that Erica has gifted us with hers. She shares every detail of her amazing experience in this book.Growing up, Erica always felt out of place and like so many, was bullied terribly by mean girls at school. Her natural gifts of communicating with Spirit/God only made her feel like more of an outcast. In her attempts to fit in she enters the world of bulimia and diet pills which continue even as she grows up and achieves both personal and professional success in her life as a wife, mother and RN. Eventually the years of these habits take their toll on her life and body and lead to her death.During her NDE she visits Heaven, feels the unconditional love of God, who shows her her life from different vantage points, helping her understand from a heavenly perspective what has really matters here on earth and what is insignificant. She is also shown her gifts in this lifetime, and learns that there is an infinite amount available to all of us. Erica also has a terrifying visit to Hell and sees the truth of that realm (it's not what most of us think).Upon returning to her body, she must face the most difficult task of all. Erica must heal herself and be her own advocate in the face of much adversity (Take special note of the doctor's names! ;-). The road to her improved health is a very long and arduous one that takes many years. Time, healing, and downloads from God connect her to people and places and a new life that demonstrate she is now fully living her life's mission as a Divine Messenger, through telling her story and she actually brings people personal messages!In the end this is a story about listening to Spirit, about our connections (or lack of connections) to God and how these can make our lives easier or more difficult, or help us with the challenges we face, it is up to us to make the connection as we have been given free will. It is more important now than ever before. It is also a story about second chances, perseverance and triumph over some of the most poisonous cultural programming in our world today. Who among us hasn't been made to feel unworthy in the eyes of our peers? Every teen, young person and parent should understand that the effects of bullying are long-term and the wounds are deep, and for girls it is a special emotional kind of bullying.I had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Erica a few years ago, and she does indeed have the gifts of beauty and patience! She walks her talk and truly does work for God.

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. Angel on Earth!! By Ellen Murphy This is one book you can't put down! This book will make you think, and compel you to strive to be your unique self! You can see God is working through Erica in this book. Everyone that reads this book will walk away with a message, and hopefully open their eyes to what is around them. I would recommend this amazing book!

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. Inspiration for individuality By Brenda L. Thompson Erica's book reinforces that all of us have a desire to belong, to have purpose, and to be loved for who we truly are. She shares her journey to feel acceptance- the same journey that almost every teenager and adult passes through- to find out whether they will be true to their own self- or whether we will alter our *self* for the benefit of others. Erica bares her heart and soul to us on these pages. No matter what one's Spiritual beliefs are- Erica's journey reassures us that there is an eternal life that we all have access to-by free will.Her near death experience is as unique as we all are as individuals- would we expect otherwise??????

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Dying to Fit In, by Erica McKenzie

Dying to Fit In, by Erica McKenzie

Dying to Fit In, by Erica McKenzie
Dying to Fit In, by Erica McKenzie

Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy, by Stephen R L Clark

How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy, by Stephen R L Clark

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How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy, by Stephen R L Clark

How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy, by Stephen R L Clark

How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy, by Stephen R L Clark

Best Ebook PDF Online How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy, by Stephen R L Clark

Immortality is a subject which has long been explored and imagined by science fiction writers. In his intriguing new study, Stephen R.L.Clark argues that the genre of science fiction writing allows investigation of philosophical questions about immortality without the constraints of academic philosophy. He reveals how fantasy accounts of issues such as resurrection, disembodied survival, reincarnation and devices or drugs for preserving life can be used as an important resource for philosophical inquiry and examines how a society of immortals might function through a reading of the vampire myth. How to Live Forever is a compelling study which introduces students and professional philosophers to the possibilities of using science fiction in their work. It includes extensive suggestions for further reading, both fictional and philosophical, and examines the work of such major science fiction authors as Arthur C. Clarke, Frank Herbert, Larry Niven, William Gibson, and Colin Wilson.

How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy, by Stephen R L Clark

  • Published on: 2015-05-09
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .49" w x 5.50" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 232 pages
How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy, by Stephen R L Clark

Review ..."interesting and thoughtful...."-"International Philosophical Quarterly, March 1998 Vol. XXXVIII, No.149

About the Author Stephen R. L. Clark is professor emeritus at the University of Liverpool and has also taught at the University of Oxford and the University of Glasgow. He is the author of many books, most recently Understanding Faith, Philosophical Futures, and Ancient Mediterranean Philosophy.

How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy, by Stephen R L Clark

Where to Download How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy, by Stephen R L Clark

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful. Immortality in thirteen not-so-easy lessons By Jean-Francois Virey Stephen R. L. Clark is an author I discovered about four months ago while doing a websearch for vegetarian philosophers. Since then, I have read (and learned a lot from) all fifteen of his published works, "How to Live Forever" being the last in the list, though not the last he wrote.Prospective buyers of this book will at least have gathered that this is a philosopher's attempt to reflect on the theme of immortality as it has been variously dealt with in over a century of science-fiction. However, a look at the table of contents of the book will not give you much information as to its structure, since Clark has chosen to give each of his thirteen chapters the title of a famous science-fiction story or novel. Indeed, having read the book does not make its structure much clearer, and I had to skim each chapter again to remember (or even understand) what exactly they had been about.The device of naming each of the thirteen parts of the book after an existing work may also lead the potential reader into an error of perspective : those parts are not extended, in-depth essays on the works mentioned, but they do focus on a theme which features prominently in those works. In fact, dozens of novels and short stories are quickly summarized and more occasionally quoted from and analyzed, which makes this short, 186 page volume a much more exhaustive (and probably daunting) affair than might at first appear.But for a few exceptions, such as chapter 1, which discusses the ethical pros and cons of immortality, chapter 4, which is concerned with the social problems entailed by the existence of immortals, or chapter 13, which briefly evokes the end of time itself, most of the chapters deal with specific ways (not always techniques) in which some more or less satisfactory form of immortality can be achieved.Chapter 2 is interested in the mere prolongation of life ; chapter 3, in mental (?) uploads into some cyberspatial substratum ; chapter 5, in the much more commonly achievable possibility of survival through the values we serve or the artefacts we create (Clark astutely remarking that uploads are actually nothing but a species of that artefactual pseudo-immortality) ; chapter 6 deals with the prolongation of the self through influence and fame, and the more metaphysical notions of functional forms and real selves ; "Bridge of Ashes" tackles such cosmological immortality as is given to all in the "monistic time" model (making "transchronic contact" possible) or the fantasy of eternal returns ; "To Your Scattered Bodies Go", as readers of Philip Jose Farmer's epic will have surmised, contemplates resurrection ; chapter 10, "A Fish Dinner in Memison", named after E. R. Eddison, explores immortality as an awakening to an eternal, real self ; "Childhood's End" sceptically addresses the concept of immortality through the aggregation of souls into a sort of enduring, collective hive mind ; and chapter 12 returns to the relevance to immortality of the nature of time, by examining three options : the monistic, many-worlds and "make-it-didn't-happen" models.The only chapter I have left out from this list is 9, "Superluminal", whose theme I found a little difficult to identify, and whose relevance to the main topic escaped me. It begins with a classification of travels borrowed from Carol Zaleski's historical book on near-death experiences (journeying up, down and out) and seems to be mostly interested in Hell, but I guess I would have to reread it carefully one or twice to get its point."How to Live Forever" is not my favorite of Clark's works, though I may have enjoyed it more than the casual reader because of the exposure I have had to other facets of his talent. I am (or at least have been) a big fan of science-fiction, having read about two hundred volumes of it (or even three, if I am allowed to count the Star Trek novels I used to consume when time seemed less precious and Vulcans better role models), including about seventy of the volumes listed in Clark's own bibliography (and a mere three of the thirteen that give their titles to the chapters.) But despite Clark's defense of the genre (as the twentieth century's greatest gift to literature, if I remember correctly) and of its relevance to philosophical speculation, his cramming of dozens of plots, and of his rather concise analyses of many of them, into such a slim volume, has tended to confirm my suspicion that science-fiction should be read sparingly and discriminatingly, just like any other genre, and that its authors may be generally more gifted at thinking big than thinking straight. Indeed, I sometimes wondered whether many of the books included were not more interested in pursuing weirdness for its own sake (as eccentrics do with their haircuts, make-up or manners) than in the actual pursuit of truth by means of the imagination. Otherwise, how to explain that so much of science-fiction is so wide of the mark, and so obviously demonic ?I was also slightly disappointed that Clark, a great fan of Middle Earth, chose not to discuss Tolkien's treatment of mortality as God (Eru)'s particular gift to us, Tolkien considering death to be the central theme of "The Lord of the Rings", and having himself created his own breed of immortals with the Elves. And though I was pleased to see that Clark, who is generally described as an "orthodox" Christian, dismisses Teilhard de Chardin's visions as un-Christian, I was also disappointed that he quoted as historical the apocryphal "Kill them all, God will tell the difference", which I saw as a sign that he might be more under the influence of Protestant propaganda than I thought (as one of my sincerest hopes is that he will soon convert from Anglicanism to Catholicism.)Despite these flaws, I still recommend the book, though people unfamiliar with the corpus of works he surveys might find it difficult to digest. Being read is definitely one form of immortality Clark deserves.

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How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy, by Stephen R L Clark

How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy, by Stephen R L Clark

How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy, by Stephen R L Clark
How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy, by Stephen R L Clark

Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

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Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells,

Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells, by Lisa Chamberlain

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Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells, by Lisa Chamberlain

Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells, by Lisa Chamberlain

Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells, by Lisa Chamberlain

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Everything You Need to Know About Crystal Magic, from Best Selling Wicca Author Lisa Chamberlain

Do you want to enhance your life by using magic to tap into the unbound power of the Universe? If so, you’re in the right place. Since the beginning of recorded history, people have delighted in the beauty of naturally occurring crystals found deep in the Earth. The ancient peoples of Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, Japan, India, and South and Central America used crystals not just in amulets and other jewelry, but also in religious art, weaponry, and healing. Over the past several decades, the popularity of crystals in healing and the magical arts has seen a resurgence. This is especially true in Wiccan circles, with practitioners benefiting from the energetic power of crystals and stones during spellwork. This book is suitable for Wiccans, Witches, and anyone else who wants to learn more about magic.

The Magic of Crystals

Generally found inside larger masses of rock under the Earth’s surface, crystals and other mineral stones are used in magic for everything from protection to divination to manifesting wealth and love. Crystals work on the physical, emotional, and spiritual planes to effect positive change, rather than conventional medicine with its focus on the physical plane alone, so they are considered to be more holistic in their transformative effects than, say, an aspirin taken for a headache. There is a wide variety of information available about the healing powers of crystals, for physical and spiritual imbalances of all kinds. For example, chakra balancing is one major use for crystals, and some practitioners of Reiki, acupuncture, color therapy, and other energy healing techniques incorporate crystals into their work. Wiccans use crystals in a multitude of ways: we decorate our wands and pentacles with crystals; we use them to honor deities; we use them in amulets, talismans, and other ‘good luck’ charms. Not forgetting the main purpose of this very guide: crystals and stones are a powerful component of spellwork.

Wicca Crystal Magic: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide

Many people are drawn towards Wicca through the concept of Witchcraft and magic, and the idea that we can positively change our circumstances. Wicca Crystal Magic was created to teach these people the whys and hows of crystal magic, so that they can improve their lives in all the important areas – love, health, and wealth. By reading this book, you will learn about the human connection with crystals throughout the ages; the difference between crystals, stones, and minerals; and where crystals get their magical powers from. You will learn about the magical properties of many popular crystals; how to choose your own; and how to cleanse, clear, and charge your crystals. Finally, you will be provided with a selection of practical magic spells, each targeting a specific area of your life – including love, money, health, employment, and happiness. In other words, Wicca Crystal Magic will teach you everything you need to know to start practicing crystal magic, today!

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Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells, by Lisa Chamberlain

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #113724 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-10
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .32" w x 5.25" l, .34 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 128 pages
Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells, by Lisa Chamberlain

Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells, by Lisa Chamberlain

Where to Download Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells, by Lisa Chamberlain

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. I like Lisa Chamberlain's books By Gert I like Lisa Chamberlain's books, her beginners books are just that. They tell you what you want and need to know to see if you are really interested in the subject. Crystals and stones are important in magic and she explains the how, why, cleaning of the stones, and the way they can be used. She shares some interesting spells to go with the Crystals & Stones.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. This book is clear and easy to understand By Tina Thayer This book is clear and easy to understand. It gives a basic overview of crystal magic, how it works, how to work it, ways to cleanse your crystals, and points you in the direction of further information if you want it. The author's writing style is engaging and logical without being dry.

6 of 7 people found the following review helpful. She has an easy read flair with her books that I simply love By Nancy Sutton Wow, I had no idea. As a new witch there is so much to learn and this book does not fail to enthrall and captivate you with new information. Everytime I read one of Lisa Chamberlain's books I get so much more than what I expected. She has an easy read flair with her books that I simply love. Packed full of "what every witch needs to know" and served up in a creative manner. Can't wait for your next project.

See all 95 customer reviews... Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells, by Lisa Chamberlain

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Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells, by Lisa Chamberlain

Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells, by Lisa Chamberlain

Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells, by Lisa Chamberlain
Wicca Crystal Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Practicing Wiccan Crystal Magic, with Simple Crystal Spells, by Lisa Chamberlain

Jumat, 20 Desember 2013

Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly

Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly

Kelly Tough: Live Courageously By Faith, By Erin Kelly. It is the moment to enhance and also revitalize your ability, expertise and also experience consisted of some amusement for you after long period of time with monotone points. Working in the office, visiting examine, gaining from test as well as more activities may be completed as well as you should start brand-new things. If you really feel so worn down, why do not you try new thing? An extremely easy point? Checking out Kelly Tough: Live Courageously By Faith, By Erin Kelly is what we offer to you will know. And also the book with the title Kelly Tough: Live Courageously By Faith, By Erin Kelly is the recommendation now.

Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly

Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly

Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly

Best Ebook Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly

Do not let the title Kelly Tough fool you. This is not a “be all you can be, no pain–no gain” story. Toughness is overrated. And being Kelly Tough, well, you are about to find out what that really means and why it just might matter to you. Kelly Tough is a story of love and hope: a love between a father and a daughter—Buffalo Bill’s former quarterback, Jim Kelly, and his oldest daughter Erin. Erin shares a deeply personal account of the love a family can have for each other during the darkest times, and a greater love that a heavenly Father has for you. Whatever circumstance or heartbreak you find yourself overwhelmed by right now, it is not the end of the story. In fact, it just might be one of the greatest chapters as you, like the Kelly’s, find strength in weakness, hope in the midst of heartache, and joy in spite of suffering.

Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #112602 in Books
  • Brand: Broadstreet Publishing Group, LLC
  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .53" w x 5.50" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 224 pages
Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly


When you play in the NFL, you're part of a bigger family. That's what Jim Kelly and his children are: family! I'm thankful to have had the opportunity to see first hand the relationship that Jim and Erin have. This book is about that and so much more. Reading this will encourage you and hopefully as a result will strengthen the relationships you have with the people you love most. —DAN MARINO, NFL Hall of Fame, Special Advisor to CEO and President of Miami Dolphins

I have known the Kelly Family for many years and have witnessed what it looks like to be "Kelly Tough" on and off the football field. However, what I have learned through watching Jim and his daughter Erin during Jim's cancer fight far eclipses the best of the best. This book is an account of what it takes to live with courage in the midst of some of life's most difficult circumstances. Well done Erin! Your NFL family is proud of you. —BILL POLIAN, 2015 NFL Hall of Fame Enshrinee and ESPN NFL Analyst

The expression Kelly Tough has become like a brand unto itself.  And no one epitomizes that more than 19 year old Erin Kelly, the first born child of Jim and Jill Kelly. Beautiful like her mother and feisty like her father, Erin writes eloquently and intimately about faith, family and football, a cliché expression for so many but one that she embraces with all the gusto of a Jim Kelly fist pump.  I’ve always believed that if you want to truly learn about people look at how their kids turn out.  Erin Kelly is a Hall of Fame daughter and sister and her stories and insights will touch and inspire you. —ANDREA KREMER, multi award winning journalist 

We have watched Erin Kelly grow from a beautiful, caring young girl to a soldier. This young woman became a soldier while wearing her "Kelly Tough" armor. She fought bravely when her father was weak and in great pain while battling cancer. Wouldn't we all be so blessed to have a daughter who would abandon the frivolity and innocence of youth to crawl through the trenches, to go all-in and battle for us. Erin did this while simultaneously keeping the faith—not only keeping it, but growing in it. How beautiful is that? Kelly Tough is a read for everyone, everywhere, and at anytime. You will turn over the last page of this book feeling deeply inspired and armed to battle for the people you love most. —NFL Hall of Famer THURMAN THOMAS & PATTI THOMAS

Kelly Tough is a beautiful, true, imperfect love story. It's a study in toughness made of more than sheer grit, but the inner kind that turns regular people into warriors. With raw honesty, the Kellys have taken their trademark family strength and turned it into a paperback jewel of hard-earned wisdom for the reader. I've cheered and cried and learned with every page. This book will move people. It has moved me. —LISA WHITTLE, speaker, author of {w}hole and I Want God    

About the Author Erin Kelly is the oldest daughter of Jim and Jill Kelly. She has always had a passion for writing, journaling, and sharing her faith. A sought-after speaker to young women, Erin has co-authored 5 books with her sister, Camryn. She attends Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. Jill Kelly is the wife of retired Buffalo Bills Quarterback and Pro Football Hall of Famer Jim Kelly. She is a speaker and the author of several books including the New York Times bestseller Without A Word. She and Jim live in Buffalo with their daughters

Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly

Where to Download Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. Feeling Blessed By marie I thought going into the reading of Kelly Tough that maybe I would read about a football family that went through some very difficult times. What I experienced was so much more…again what I EXPERIENCED. I never imagined that this book would move me like it did. I never thought I would reflect upon my own life and circumstances. I never dreamed I would want more when the book was done. I have been blessed by the thought provoking, sincere, yet bold faith that Erin Kelly so seamlessly shared with the reader. Feeling very grateful and plan to share the blessing with those I love most.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Kelly Tough: Not What I Expected By Deborah L. Bauman I should have read the subtitle. I was expecting a chronicle of (hopefully) the worst part of Jim Kelly's journey to become a cancer survivor. As a fellow traveler with a similar cancer during about the same period of time, I was looking for his insight on how he coped with the toughest parts of the journey. I was also hoping for some perspective on how to deal with how much life is different from the pre-cancer days.For folks looking for a book about the power of faith and Christian witness, this book fits the bill (pun intended).

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Memoir of love and perseverence By Joan N. “Kelly Tough” became the phrase that identified the toughest quarterback in the NFL, Jim Kelly. Erin now uses it to describe their journey through her dad's cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery.Her dad taught Erin to be Kelly Tough. Erin evidences a spiritual maturity beyond what I would have expected at her age. She admits she doesn't have all the answers as she hasn't lived long enough yet, hasn't had enough life experiences. Yet she shows wisdom and faith that is an encouragement to any young person.She tells how her younger brother died in 2005, at the age of eight and a half, of a rare genetic disease. She writes of her father's cancer and then its recurrence and all she has learned when under fire.She went through a time of questioning God yet came through the ordeal knowing the reason for her hope. She draws a wonderful parallel of the love between her and her father and the love we share with our Father. She has learned that God is so gracious that He redeems mistakes.In the end, she has learned to rejoice in whatever God brings along the path. Here is a little of her wisdom: “And sometimes the victory isn't in the winning or losing, but in the willingness to join the fight, regardless of the odds, or the fear – because it's the right thing to do.” (27) Here is another: “Being Kelly Tough means you always do more than what's expected of you.” (36)This is a great book for young people, especially if they are going through a tough time. Erin provides great encouragement by example for persevering through the grace of God and by His strength. She helps us know that we too can make it through the ups and downs of life's greatest struggles. It is encouraging to see such wisdom and maturity in a young person.I received a complimentary copy of this book through Icon Media for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

See all 93 customer reviews... Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly

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Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly

Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly

Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly
Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith, by Erin Kelly

Kamis, 19 Desember 2013

StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes

StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes

Do you think that reading is a crucial activity? Locate your factors why adding is necessary. Checking out a book StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), By Ophelia Sikes is one part of delightful activities that will make your life high quality much better. It is not regarding only just what sort of e-book StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), By Ophelia Sikes you read, it is not simply regarding the number of publications you review, it's concerning the practice. Reviewing behavior will be a method to make publication StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), By Ophelia Sikes as her or his pal. It will despite if they spend money as well as invest more books to complete reading, so does this book StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), By Ophelia Sikes

StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes

StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes

StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes

Read and Download StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes

BOOK 10! You've read about the billionaires who like to tie things with ... ties. You've lusted over werewolves and werebears. You've sent your blood pressure through the roof fantasizing about that pair of muscle-bound MMA guys whose sole focus in life is to bring you to the heights of pleasure. You've perhaps asked yourself, self, why do all of these fantastic lovers have to be in different universes? Why can't there simply be one, all-encompassing, all-possessing man whose endless bank accounts and prodigious sexual talents are mine for the claiming? Or perhaps even two men? And why can't the stories be in short, easy-to-read snippets so I can get through JUST ONE GODDAMNED STORY before the kids start screaming bloody murder or that lazy husband of mine wants another beer from the fridge? Well, pine no more, for the StepShifter series is here! And what's even better, if you post on Ophelia's page with what you'd like to see the Dynamic Trio do in the upcoming books, your wish is her command. Your fantasies will spring to life in technicolor glory. Well, not really in technicolor, because if she made the book's letters red, green, and blue, then the poor color-blind readers amongst us would miss out on the fun. But while the letters might be elegantly black, like the heroine, the language is absolutely racy. Purple. Red-hot passion. Definitely not for anyone younger than eighteen, or anyone without a serious sense of humor about how consenting adults might choose to pass the night. Or day. Or the time it takes a taxi to get from Grand Central Station to Yankee Stadium. C'mon. Take a look. You know you want to! Half of all proceeds of this tremendously silly short story series benefits battered women's shelters. Because we all need to smile.

StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #401938 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-24
  • Released on: 2015-05-24
  • Format: Kindle eBook
StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes

StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes

Where to Download StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A log cabin of sorts, deep in the woods, on a moolit night. By Sandass Dirk and Lance have a big secret to share with Melissa. They're worried about how she'll react to the news. Unfortunately, we won't find out what it is til the next book, but you can see it coming. It involves her love affair with two beautiful men who disappear at the rise of the full moon, only to be replaced a few minutes later by two beautiful wolves.Other highlights include a precious gift for the 'second day of Christmas' and a romp in the hot tub.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Awesome By Amazon Customer Okay how long is this the pages are not long enough, you can't get a sister all worked up and leave her hanging. Hurry up with 11 oh my goodness I thought this was it. I love a good story and this is beyond that, I just don't like waiting.Ztoria

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Well then By Amazon Customer I wondered when we would get to the shifter part. I want her to recognize them and not be afraid. I am not sure how the lovin' is going to get any better. Taking her together would do it.

See all 3 customer reviews... StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes

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StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes

StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes

StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes
StepShifter 10: Alpha Billionaire Lover (StepShifter Alpha Billionaire Lover), by Ophelia Sikes

Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

These Niggas Ain't Loyal, by Nikki Tee

These Niggas Ain't Loyal, by Nikki Tee

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These Niggas Ain't Loyal, by Nikki Tee

These Niggas Ain't Loyal, by Nikki Tee

These Niggas Ain't Loyal, by Nikki Tee

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A woman’s loyalty is tested when her man has nothing. A man’s loyalty is tested when he has everything. Twenty-three year old SHAUNIE is living the good life. She has all of the material spoils a girl desires courtesy of her long-term boyfriend, KEYZ, the biggest D-boy in the N.O. He is the nigga every man wants to be and the nigga every woman wants to be with. Shaunie feels secure in his life as well as his heart because there isn’t a thing he isn’t willing to do to show his love. She has it all. Or so she thinks. When secrets, lies and betrayals are revealed, her happiness is threatened. What will she do when she learns of the secrets Keyz has been keeping? Will she stay or walk away? Or will she learn that no matter how much a good woman loves a man, THESE NIGGAS AIN’T LOYAL?

These Niggas Ain't Loyal, by Nikki Tee

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #325065 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-13
  • Released on: 2015-05-13
  • Format: Kindle eBook
These Niggas Ain't Loyal, by Nikki Tee

These Niggas Ain't Loyal, by Nikki Tee

Where to Download These Niggas Ain't Loyal, by Nikki Tee

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. The mothers love that didnt show favoritism to her son in his ... By estelle nIkki still banging out 5 star reading material. book was FABULOUS The relationship keyz had with the uncle was instrumental in him accepting his faults and giving hin the ah ha moment. The mothers love that didnt show favoritism to her son in his wrong doings and the friendship between the two girls. lOVED ITNOw on some realness. my tablet was down to 20% but i was so upset and into my feeling i ALMOST let it die completely down so i wouldnt have to read anymore of this foolishness without wanting to kill somebody. KEYZ WTH brother. I mean you pushed her into a corner and messed her up emtionally but the worse part was i was madder than a ... THis book was so real that my dang chest was tight. had to take an aleve lol The ending though. CLIFHANGER was the all her

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Loyalty By ChelleBrooks Shaunie is as loyal as they come, and keyz constantly is screwing her over. They say you don't miss the water until the well runs dry. I know shaunie isn't dead and she's going to come back harder than ever. Can love remain when there's no loyalty. Don't make us wait too long for part 2.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. The author knocked it out the box on her debut novel. By Dorothea Creamer I can't express how much enjoyed this book, it is a real page turner. The author has a way of telling a story that is so believable. She make you fill the emotions of the characters in the story. You will feel the love and the betrayal between the main characters Keyz and Shaunie this book will have you trying to figure out who is the disloyal persons on Keyz team, along with trying to figure out the secret that he hiding from Shaunie. But the real mystery starts in the Prologue it have you wondering if Shaunie has died especially when you get to the end book cliffhanger. I can't wait for part 2, I need it like yesterday. I recommend this book to everyone it is well-written and editing is great.

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These Niggas Ain't Loyal, by Nikki Tee

These Niggas Ain't Loyal, by Nikki Tee

These Niggas Ain't Loyal, by Nikki Tee
These Niggas Ain't Loyal, by Nikki Tee

Senin, 16 Desember 2013

After This, by T.E Williams

After This, by T.E Williams

As recognized, book After This, By T.E Williams is popular as the home window to open up the world, the life, and also extra thing. This is just what the people now require so much. Also there are many individuals which do not such as reading; it can be a selection as recommendation. When you actually need the ways to create the following motivations, book After This, By T.E Williams will truly assist you to the method. Moreover this After This, By T.E Williams, you will certainly have no remorse to obtain it.

After This, by T.E Williams

After This, by T.E Williams

After This, by T.E Williams

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Précis After This… introduces Missy, a young girl who despite a solid foundation and upbringing by both parents, has found herself in some easily avoidable circumstances. Missy makes a number of major life-changing mistakes without realizing she is repeating the same patterns over and over again without fully learning the lessons of those mistakes. Along her journey, Missy encounters some colorful characters; some disappointments; some hardships; and eventually, validation. She finally claims what is rightfully hers but before she alters her path, Missy will have to learn to first forgive herself so that the past does not consume her. You will find yourself yelling at her through the pages as she jumps from one glorious mistake to the next, painfully unaware that life is just speeding by without her having truly lived or stopping to enjoy the ride. Until… ~’After This’...

After This, by T.E Williams

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1253527 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-31
  • Released on: 2015-05-31
  • Format: Kindle eBook
After This, by T.E Williams

After This, by T.E Williams

Where to Download After This, by T.E Williams

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I enjoyed this book By Pete R Compelling, thought-provoking, and inspiring. I enjoyed this book. It is concise and not convoluted as we see often with much of today's writing. I often see a correlation between an author's life experience and their ability to not just write the technical aspects of the craft but to conceptualize themes and the "bigger picture" onto paper. T.E. Williams understands life and therefor it comes out in her writing in a pleasant way that resonates long after she has signed off at the end.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Life is About Choices By Rozalyn Donaldson This book was more than just a story. It was a testimony of having options and making your own choices. I couldn't put it down because I had to know what choices the main character would make next. I found this book to be shocking, jaw dropping and uplifting all at the same time. This is a great read on any day and very enjoyable.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Awesome book By Melissa Francis I really enjoyed reading this book. Emotional at times because I can relate to some of the character's struggle. Proud because I grew up in West Trenton in N.J. Encouraged because I'm a living witness of God's grace and mercy. Great job!

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After This, by T.E Williams

After This, by T.E Williams

After This, by T.E Williams
After This, by T.E Williams

Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013

The Heart of the Amish: Life Lessons on Peacemaking and the Power of Forgiveness,

The Heart of the Amish: Life Lessons on Peacemaking and the Power of Forgiveness, by Suzanne Woods Fisher

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The Heart of the Amish: Life Lessons on Peacemaking and the Power of Forgiveness, by Suzanne Woods Fisher

The Heart of the Amish: Life Lessons on Peacemaking and the Power of Forgiveness, by Suzanne Woods Fisher

The Heart of the Amish: Life Lessons on Peacemaking and the Power of Forgiveness, by Suzanne Woods Fisher

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Everyone has been hurt. Everyone experiences conflict, great and small. Everyone has someone to forgive. But sometimes we just can't bring ourselves to forgive someone who has wronged us or we don't take the need to forgive seriously--not like the Amish do. Forgiving others in order to live at peace is woven into the very fabric of their faith. To the Amish way of thinking, "You can't love the stream without knowing the source. " We must forgive others, they believe, because God forgave us.The Heart of the Amish invites readers into the world of a people renowned for their ability to forgive. Through true stories gathered from a variety of Amish communities, bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher illustrates how they are able to release their pain and desire for revenge, and live at peace with others. Her in-depth, personal research uncovers the astounding yet fundamental way the Amish can forgive anyone from the angry customer at the grocery store to the shooter at Nickel Mines. Readers will learn how to invite God into their stories, apply lessons from the Amish to their own circumstances, and find the freedom that comes with true forgiveness.

The Heart of the Amish: Life Lessons on Peacemaking and the Power of Forgiveness, by Suzanne Woods Fisher

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #130464 in Books
  • Brand: Fisher, Suzanne Woods
  • Published on: 2015-05-05
  • Released on: 2015-05-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .44" w x 5.50" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 192 pages
The Heart of the Amish: Life Lessons on Peacemaking and the Power of Forgiveness, by Suzanne Woods Fisher

From the Back Cover "Powerful! That's the first word that comes to mind after reading this excellent book. You will be inspired to make changes in your life."--Chandler Gerber, featured in the film From One Second to the Next We have all been hurt and we all have someone we need to forgive. But sometimes it's hard to let go of our hurt and anger in order to truly forgive and move on. For the Amish, forgiving others in order to live at peace is woven into the very fabric of their faith. From daily annoyances to heartbreaking tragedy, they exhibit an incredible capacity for forgiveness that often baffles us. How do they do it? And how can we have the same attitude and ability to forgive?Through true stories gathered from a variety of Amish communities, bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher shows you how the Amish are able to release their pain and desire for revenge, and live at peace with others. Her in-depth, personal research uncovers the astounding yet fundamental way the Amish can forgive anyone from the angry customer at the grocery store to the shooter at Nickel Mines. You'll learn how to invite God into your story, apply lessons from the Amish to your own circumstances, and find the freedom that comes with true forgiveness."Fisher's stories of the Amish will arm you with tools to forgive and find the path to reconciliation as they draw you closer to God."--Elizabeth B. Brown, author of Living Successfully with Screwed-Up PeopleSuzanne Woods Fisher is the bestselling author of Amish Peace and Amish Proverbs, as well as many novels about the Amish, including the Lancaster County Secrets series, the Stoney Ridge Seasons series, and The Inn at Eagle Hill series. She is also the coauthor of an Amish children's series, The Adventures of Lily Lapp. Suzanne is a Carol Award winner for The Search, a Carol Award finalist for The Choice, and a Christy Award finalist for The Waiting. She is also a columnist for Christian Post and Cooking & Such magazines. She lives in California. Learn more at and follow Suzanne on Twitter @suzannewfisher.

About the Author Suzanne Woods Fisher is the bestselling author of Amish Peace and Amish Proverbs, as well as many novels about the Amish, including the Lancaster County Secrets series, the Stoney Ridge Seasons series, and The Inn at Eagle Hill series. She is also the coauthor of an Amish children's series, The Adventures of Lily Lapp. Suzanne is a Carol Award winner for The Search, a Carol Award finalist for The Choice, and a Christy Award finalist for The Waiting. She is also a columnist for Christian Post and Cooking & Such magazines. She lives in California. Learn more at and follow Suzanne on Twitter @suzannewfisher.

The Heart of the Amish: Life Lessons on Peacemaking and the Power of Forgiveness, by Suzanne Woods Fisher

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Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful. A BOOK ON REAL FORGIVENESS! By Moonpie There have been a multitude of books written on the subject of forgiveness, but this one’s approach is very different. Forgiveness is a struggle for everyone at one time or another, and there are those that find it impossible. I found this book more powerful than those with all the “dos” and “don’ts” because the author used real life stories. The reader can relate to the people and circumstances in different accounts that will remind them of times they have not forgiven. Seeing God’s grace in action really touches your heart. You find yourself thinking, “If they can do that so can I.” In many cases the wrongs done to the person will make the personal offenses you experienced seem small and trite.The Amish have a special corner on forgiving in that they have made it a part of their foundational beliefs and worship of God. For them, it is not optional; it is a must to obey the Lord. In reading this book and in the past, I am awe struck at the magnitude of injustices they truly and completely forgive, in comparison to the small offenses most people hang on to.Each story begins with an Amish proverb. They were so profound I wanted to copy them! Some I plan to use in our church bulletin. All the testimonies were interesting and powerful. They are all followed by “Reflections of Peacemaking” and “Plain Truth”. “Reflections” asks thought provoking questions for the reader to look into their track record concerning forgiving others. Some even draw you back into people in the story comparing yourself to the one wronged and their response to being hurt. “Plain Truth” shares interesting facts about the Amish. This book touched my heart and inspired me. It is a great read for anyone, but especially if you struggle with holding grudges and not others. Everyone may not be Amish, but the Lord expects the same degree of forgiveness from us, His children. No one could ever do to us, what our sins did to Him. We owe it to Him to forgive others. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Baker Books in exchange for an honest review. I am not required to write a positive review, the opinions I have shared are my own.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. 26 Stories Forgiving Others and Ourselves By VicG Suzanne Woods Fisher in her new book, “The Heart Of The Amish” published by Revell gives us Life Lessons on Peacemaking and the Power of Forgiveness.From the back cover: We have all been hurt and we all have someone we need to forgive. But sometimes it’s hard to let go of our hurt and anger in order to truly forgive and move on.For the Amish, forgiving others in order to live at peace is woven into the very fabric of their faith. From daily annoyances to heartbreaking tragedy, they exhibit an incredible capacity for forgiveness that often baffles us. How do they do it? And how can we have the same attitude and ability to forgive?Through true stories gathered from a variety of Amish communities, bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher shows you how the Amish are able to release their pain and desire for revenge, and live at peace with others. Her in-depth, personal research uncovers the astounding yet fundamental way the Amish can forgive anyone from the angry customer at the grocery store to the shooter at Nickel Mines. You’ll learn how to invite God into your story, apply lessons from the Amish to your own circumstances, and find the freedom that comes with true forgiveness.In “The Heart Of The Amish”Ms. Fisher has given us a study in forgiveness. In two parts: Part One: Everyday Friction and Part Two: Turning Points Ms. Fisher provides us twenty-six stories of what real people went through and how they were able to forgive both others and themselves. Every one of us, whether we are Amish or not, suffers hurt and we need to forgive if we are to move on and grow. It can be done. It is not easy, however The Holy Spirit is there to help and guide us. This book will provide inspiration.Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Loved this book! By Michelle N Suzanne opens her book with this: “A warning: there’s a pretty good chance you won’t feel like the same person after reading this book.”She was right.This is the first book I've read about the Amish. Naturally, I knew some things about them as a group and their beliefs. But I wasn't prepared for the stories Suzanne shared here.From each instance Suzanne wrote about, it is clear that the Amish know how to forgive. Not only do they know how to forgive, but it is woven completely into the fabric of their lives. Suzanne writes with ease and with conviction. As the reader, it is apparent that this is a topic she is passionate about.When I picked up this book, I was not prepared for the experience I got. But I wouldn't change it for a thing. This book is a quick and easy read, but it will be one that stays with you long after you close the back cover. I highly recommend this book to readers from all walks of life. You won't be the same person when you finish it. I have begun my search for Suzanne's other books and am confident I'll be just as pleased with them.

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The Heart of the Amish: Life Lessons on Peacemaking and the Power of Forgiveness, by Suzanne Woods Fisher

The Heart of the Amish: Life Lessons on Peacemaking and the Power of Forgiveness, by Suzanne Woods Fisher

The Heart of the Amish: Life Lessons on Peacemaking and the Power of Forgiveness, by Suzanne Woods Fisher
The Heart of the Amish: Life Lessons on Peacemaking and the Power of Forgiveness, by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

Cowboy Love (BWWM Pregnancy Romance), by Tasha Jones, Interracial Love

Cowboy Love (BWWM Pregnancy Romance), by Tasha Jones, Interracial Love

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***A Complete Novel With NO CLIFFHANGER***Tamika Davis thought she left her old life behind.When a last minute work assignment has Tamika back in the small Texas town that she grew up in her whole life ends up turning upside down.While seven years had passed since she left and she had moved on to much bigger and better things in the city, she couldn't help but be recognized on her return by several town folk. For them it was almost like time stood still, while for her this town brought back nothing but bad memories.While Tamika and her colleague Aaron were there to quickly settle the estate of a deceased client, things get much more complicated when Tamika realizes that Vanessa, the daughter of her deceased client, has been dating her first love for the last five years. And there he was. Noah. The man who had taken her body, her heart, and shattered them into a million pieces. He was her first love and when she saw him with Vanessa she couldn't help but feel jealous even after all those years.She knew him as a bad boy with a temper who was always fighting his own demons. Someone with no direction who could barely hold down a job. But something was different about him now. He owned a ranch and was a full time cowboy. But did this really change the past? They were young and in love, and in one night of drunken passion they ended up getting pregnant. Tamika told Noah, and he wanted nothing to do with the baby. Young, pregnant and alone she decided to leave town for good. But a few weeks after she left, she lost the baby, even more heartbreaking is Noah thought she got rid of it.With all their history and drama together will they be able to rekindle an old flame? Or should the past stay where it belongs?Read this complete standalone romance to the end by scrolling up and clicking "Buy Now With 1 Click" Check the "Look Inside" feature and find out how you can get 3 EXCLUSIVE Standalone BWWM Romances, absolutely FREE, sent to you in minutes!

Cowboy Love (BWWM Pregnancy Romance), by Tasha Jones, Interracial Love

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #131806 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-13
  • Released on: 2015-05-13
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Cowboy Love (BWWM Pregnancy Romance), by Tasha Jones, Interracial Love

Cowboy Love (BWWM Pregnancy Romance), by Tasha Jones, Interracial Love

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Love it! By CollegeMan18 There are just so many characters to know and love from this book and i have really grown a relationship with vanessa and i really do like how the author incorporates her into this book.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Beautiful Story!! By tee I really loved this story, I finished it in one session. The H was a jerk at times but he truly loved the h. The story could have been a little longer though.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. So glad i randomly decided to buy this book By Dark Angel I was searching through Amazon when i looked into a random genre and saw the front cover of this book which caught my eye. Me being the very superstitious person i am decided to go on a whim, buying this book and really trying to get into the flow that i was once was in. I really was looking for a book that made me felt like i was in the book, a book where i can feel the emotions of the characters and that amazing feeling of being anxious for the ending. This book brought all that and some more! when i first started to read this book it started of luring me in with its great amount of detail with each character and their development. Their are quite a few dynamic characters which really keep on the edge of whatever you’re sitting. You also can't forget about the static, although their development is very small they are very essential overall to this very deep and exciting plot. I would really like to recommend this book to anyone even if you don't like romance, there is always something in this book for everyone.

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Cowboy Love (BWWM Pregnancy Romance), by Tasha Jones, Interracial Love
Cowboy Love (BWWM Pregnancy Romance), by Tasha Jones, Interracial Love

Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

Rising to the Top, by Robert Butler

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Every hustler enters the game with the intentions of achieving a goal. In Harlem’s own “Grant Projects” a crew of young, aspiring men with hopes to corner the New York heroin trade, find themselves on the road to riches, but no journey on the highway of success is complete without twists and turns. Join Tee, El and their crew—SmokeMobb, as their journey unfolds and anarchy rears its evil head!!! With corrupt cops, stick-up kids and haters; take a ride through the grimy streets of New York, to the boardrooms of the music industry, as these men show their loyalty amongst themselves and the game as they know it, while “Rising to the Top.”

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  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1842840 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-18
  • Released on: 2015-05-18
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Rising to the Top, by Robert Butler

About the Author Robert Butler Haling from Harlem New York, This Is His First Title Rising to the Top. This Is the First of a Trilogy, He Said He Started Righting Because the Music Business Was Saturated.

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Rising to the Top, by Robert Butler

Rabu, 04 Desember 2013

What The Heart Desires (Part 1) (BWWM, African American, Interracial, and Multicultural),

What The Heart Desires (Part 1) (BWWM, African American, Interracial, and Multicultural), by Erica Storm

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What The Heart Desires (Part 1) (BWWM, African American, Interracial, and Multicultural), by Erica Storm

What The Heart Desires (Part 1) (BWWM, African American, Interracial, and Multicultural), by Erica Storm

Read and Download What The Heart Desires (Part 1) (BWWM, African American, Interracial, and Multicultural), by Erica Storm

This book (BWWM, Interracial, African American, and Multicultural) is for individuals 18 and over. Twenty-five year old Leila Brooks thinks she has found the love of her life, and she has it all together when she becomes the fiancé of the successful club owner, tall dark and handsome Troy Jameson. But she doesn’t see what’s coming next, and it will cause her to question her whole life, where she rushes out into the night like a crazy woman, only to be mistaken for a lady of the evening by the gorgeous thirty something, and very rich, Evan Hunter. Evan Hunter has just caught his best friend making love to his fiancé in the bathroom at a company party, and he goes on a drunken spree determine to make love to the first woman who wants him. When he spots Leila Brooks walking alone on the Westside highway, he thinks she’s a streetwalker, and he stops to pick her up. These two people will find that no matter wherever they go, or whomever they are with, their paths seem to cross. Is this a sign that they are meant to be together or is this just a crazy coincidence? This is the first part of a serial.

What The Heart Desires (Part 1) (BWWM, African American, Interracial, and Multicultural), by Erica Storm

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1085294 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-09
  • Released on: 2015-05-09
  • Format: Kindle eBook
What The Heart Desires (Part 1) (BWWM, African American, Interracial, and Multicultural), by Erica Storm

What The Heart Desires (Part 1) (BWWM, African American, Interracial, and Multicultural), by Erica Storm

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Wow By Amazon Customer Erica Storm your good, I had to get the series I'm going to leave a good review on all three. This was off the chain good Lelia and Evan, wow loved every minute. You want a great read get this series.Ztoria

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Good read By Reggie I enjoyed this book. Poor Lelia can't catch a break. Troy is a double dog using this poor girl. I like her girlfriend Tamika.

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What The Heart Desires (Part 1) (BWWM, African American, Interracial, and Multicultural), by Erica Storm
What The Heart Desires (Part 1) (BWWM, African American, Interracial, and Multicultural), by Erica Storm