Jumat, 30 Oktober 2015

Love Never Felt So Good!, by Barbara Joe Williams

Love Never Felt So Good!, by Barbara Joe Williams

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Love Never Felt So Good!, by Barbara Joe Williams

Love Never Felt So Good!, by Barbara Joe Williams

Love Never Felt So Good!, by Barbara Joe Williams

Ebook PDF Love Never Felt So Good!, by Barbara Joe Williams

Mack and Natalie Burney have been married for seven years. Mack suspects that his wife is cheating on him with a younger man, who happens to be her boss. When Mack hires a friend to go undercover, what will he discover about Natalie and himself?

Love Never Felt So Good!, by Barbara Joe Williams

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #231843 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-22
  • Released on: 2015-05-22
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Love Never Felt So Good!, by Barbara Joe Williams

Love Never Felt So Good!, by Barbara Joe Williams

Where to Download Love Never Felt So Good!, by Barbara Joe Williams

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Getting It Back! By Brenda #BRAB Love Never Felt So Good is one of the best short stories I've read in a long time. The main characters, Mack and Natalie Burney are going through a very believable rough patch in their marriage. The Burney's relationship is challenged by those things that slowly creep into a marriage, frequent business trips, working long hours, etc. The ultimate challenge is how to get back to that good loving feeling that is absent in their marriage.I loved the beginning of this story as the author, Barbara Joe sets up the storyline. The reader is pulled into the story by tangible evidence that there is some infidelity occurring. The handicapped P. I. Bobby Jackson is a great side character who serves as a voice of reason to his friend, Mack.Even though I know that this is a short story, the climax still came too quickly for me. I would have loved to get into these characters' heads a little more. However, Love Never Felt So Good has all the characteristics of a great romantic short story, wonderful characterization, rising action and a 'happily ever after' ending. I recommend this story. It's a quick enjoyable read. Get it; you won't be disappointed.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Love Never Felt So Good By Sharon Blount Love Never Felt So Good was short, I enjoyed reading about Mack and Natalie adventures! its good to read about older couples still working on making it work. Lesson they both have learned in the short story never take one person for granted. I love the twist and turns the story. you never know what will happen in one of Barbara Joe books, never disappoints. I hope she continues with the series maybe one day making a full length books out of them. Good short story!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Is what you see what you get? By mzcatjo Didn't see that ending coming! Love Never Felt So Good, has Barbara Joe doing what she does best, turning the screws on predictability and pulling out a winner. This short-short had my attention from beginning to end. Although I was shocked and a little taken aback by the revelation, there is no denying that Barbara Joe is a master storyteller! Congratulations, Barbara, you did it again!Cathy Jo, author of Transitions: short stories for a rainy day.

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Love Never Felt So Good!, by Barbara Joe Williams

Love Never Felt So Good!, by Barbara Joe Williams

Love Never Felt So Good!, by Barbara Joe Williams
Love Never Felt So Good!, by Barbara Joe Williams

, by Heart: A Mother's Story of Children and Learning at Home, by Kathleen Melin

, by Heart: A Mother's Story of Children and Learning at Home, by Kathleen Melin

The , By Heart: A Mother's Story Of Children And Learning At Home, By Kathleen Melin tends to be excellent reading book that is understandable. This is why this book , By Heart: A Mother's Story Of Children And Learning At Home, By Kathleen Melin becomes a favorite book to review. Why do not you really want turned into one of them? You could delight in reviewing , By Heart: A Mother's Story Of Children And Learning At Home, By Kathleen Melin while doing other activities. The presence of the soft file of this book , By Heart: A Mother's Story Of Children And Learning At Home, By Kathleen Melin is kind of getting encounter quickly. It consists of how you need to conserve the book , By Heart: A Mother's Story Of Children And Learning At Home, By Kathleen Melin, not in shelves naturally. You could wait in your computer system gadget and also gadget.

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, by Heart: A Mother's Story of Children and Learning at Home, by Kathleen Melin

PDF Ebook Online , by Heart: A Mother's Story of Children and Learning at Home, by Kathleen Melin

By Heart shares the surprising story of one family's journey from compliant public schooling to radical home-based learning. This literary homeschool memoir takes readers from the tundra of Bethel, Alaska, to the placid farm country of Wisconsin, all the while exploring the homeschool lifestyle.

Daring and compassionate, it portrays homeschooling as a progressive choice and thoughtfully examines classic homeschool tensions - homeschool decision, schedules and curricula, socialization, and the economics of co-parenting. By Heart offers a view of the homeschool lifestyle deeply connected to nature and its cycles. Unflinchingly human, it explores doubts and concerns while remaining steadfastly passionate to the homeschool choice.

By Heart is a "must- read" for those considering the homeschool life and a soothing companion to parents in the midst of it. Entertaining, inspiring, and empowering, it's a delightful and provocative memoir for all parents, whether they homeschool or not. For educators and policy makers, it reveals an insider's experience of the homeschool reality; meanwhile, courageously searching the historical and cultural complexity of education rather than posing a simplistic debate between public school and homeschool.

By Heart: A Mother's Story of Children and Learning at Home is a literary page-turner of a memoir that strips away facades and invites readers to an intimate portrayal of one homeschool family. Ultimately, this rare and heartfelt telling affirms all those who live their lives beyond tidy boxes and categories. Narrated by the author. Sound engineering by David Frank.

"For educators and parents alike." (Midwest Books Review)

"A literary memoir by a compelling storyteller." (Review Direct)

"A poignant and literary memoir." (Home Education)

"Unique in perspective." (Old Schoolhouse Magazine)

, by Heart: A Mother's Story of Children and Learning at Home, by Kathleen Melin

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #31506 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-09-25
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 259 minutes
, by Heart: A Mother's Story of Children and Learning at Home, by Kathleen Melin

, by Heart: A Mother's Story of Children and Learning at Home, by Kathleen Melin

Where to Download , by Heart: A Mother's Story of Children and Learning at Home, by Kathleen Melin

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Heart warming, humorous, well written story about a family. Share this one with friends, or start a book club... By Doodle Artist Kathleen Melin's By Heart is so compellingly told, sweet, and satisfyingly soulful, that laying it down, once finished, compares to taking leave of an old friend from whom one looks forward to hearing again, soon.Melin draws in loving detail an intimate portrait of the early years of the closely knit family created by her and her husband "Cy". Together, they chose to live the rural life in Alaska and then Wisconsin, where they put new life into the homestead that once belonged to Melin's great-grandparents. In a magical moment of her story, dawn finds Kathleen tending bright coals, over which steams and bubbles the sweet tree sap that she has hauled in buckets from the farm's old maple grove during the night. Vividly, we imagine deliciously pine scented cold air with just a whiff of smoke and maple syrup. Three young children spill from the house and gleefully run around the fire in brightly colored jackets while we smile, sharing in happiness described so well.Kathleen has opened her heart, and feels like an old friend.What might it be like to make the decision to home school, and devote time and energy and lost income to an endeavor not guaranteed to go smoothly? Kathleen and Cy grow quickly disappointed with the rural Alaskan school which their young firstborn has lost all interest in attending, and so do we, seeing things through their eyes. When they try to educate him and his younger siblings on their own, we cheer for them, hoping for the best. We want to believe things will work out - we just wish the schools were better.The motivated parents organize their lives around daily lessons, and the result is at first pure adventure. The struggle to balance jobs with the arrangement proves its potential undoing. A math lesson is neither well prepared nor comprehended, and leaves both a parent and a child upset. Self-esteem is at stake. New choices may be made. Things will work out, and Kathleen will write a book that is thoughtful and insightful about their journey. Her observations of a family living a life far from ordinary will be truly delightful, bringing to mind Adam Gopnik's Paris to the Moon.Grateful to have been invited along for part of the journey, we take our leave of By Heart, and wish the author and her family the best, from the heart.Write more and soon please, Kathleen Melin.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. What a Book! By Mary Rehwald What a book! There is not a shallow or unnecessary word in this astounding and poetic memoir of Kathleen Melin's and her husband's journeys through the homeschooling of their three children in rural Wisconsin. Don't think of this book as a "how-to" book (though every story is underscored by incredible insight and a great list of references at the end) but rather as a collection of twelve really well-crafted stories by a thoughtful and loving storyteller. Although the jacket description refers to the author's skills in coordinating a home school group for many years, the reader will not be burdened with the organizational issues. Rather she (or he) will be able to listen to the most intimate dialogues between parents, between boys and their fathers, between progressive and conservative mothers. Kathleen Melin expresses her faith in democracy and schooling at home simply through her wise choice of dialogues - we get to read the dialogue and decide for ourselves as the reader what to think. I like reading books like this that completely respect the reader. Numerous times deep tears welled up in me from her simple accounts of, for example, letting her children take a long time in their writing assignments. I particularly liked her respect for providing time for them during the day to be by themselves and reflect.In short Kathleen's writing is the best I've come across this past year, and this will be my Christmas present to my friends who have children that may be home schooled as well as to those who don't, simply because I was able to feel the writer's intimacy in my own bones of sorrow, longing, and happiness. And here I thought I might give "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" to my friends for Christmas this year. I won't. Melin's book is more real, and contains even more surprises in its twelve chapters that are shaped around a different perspective on her life at home during these twelve years of raising and teaching her kids. She relishes specificity - frost icycles, winter shadows, the damp smell of a room where her son has been crying into a pillow, temperature on her hands, - what I would call a "juicy" story that is completely believable written by someone you woud love to come to know well. For me the sign of that fact that I might be reading a great writer comes from the number of sudden insights I get from the stories told - insights that so quickly revealed my own private life and prejudicesto myself, and the sounds and feel of the cold winter nights up here. This is the flow of Mary Oliver and Pablo Neruda mixed with Balzac and Tolstoy.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A real gem By Mstmompj I had this book on my Amazon wish list for two years after first learning of the title via *Home Education Magazine* but frankly was leery of yet another well-intentioned, but not very well-written homeschooling memoir. A gift card and an inexpensive used copy finally prompted an order and now I have only two regrets: 1) that I didn't order the book sooner, and 2) that the book isn't longer than its slender 140 pages. Chapter Five, "Folk Art" practically brought tears to my eyes, it captures so effectively, in such human terms, the issues surrounding the pedagogue/ideologue "split" in homeschooling circles. Melin's clear prose and thoughtful, non-doctrinaire approach to many key homeschooling touchpoints are a welcome addition to the literature, and her book will stand alongside Guterson's *Family Matters* and Wallace's *Better Than School* as must-reads in the genre.

See all 9 customer reviews... , by Heart: A Mother's Story of Children and Learning at Home, by Kathleen Melin

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, by Heart: A Mother's Story of Children and Learning at Home, by Kathleen Melin

, by Heart: A Mother's Story of Children and Learning at Home, by Kathleen Melin

, by Heart: A Mother's Story of Children and Learning at Home, by Kathleen Melin
, by Heart: A Mother's Story of Children and Learning at Home, by Kathleen Melin

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015

The Principles of Success in Literature, by George Henry Lewes

The Principles of Success in Literature, by George Henry Lewes

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The Principles of Success in Literature, by George Henry Lewes

The Principles of Success in Literature, by George Henry Lewes

The Principles of Success in Literature, by George Henry Lewes

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"The Principles of Success in Literature" from George Henry Lewes. English philosopher and critic of literature and theatre (1817-1878).

The Principles of Success in Literature, by George Henry Lewes

  • Published on: 2015-05-04
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .24" w x 6.00" l, .33 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 104 pages
The Principles of Success in Literature, by George Henry Lewes

The Principles of Success in Literature, by George Henry Lewes

Where to Download The Principles of Success in Literature, by George Henry Lewes

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. An Old (but Good) Remedy for Bad Writing! By Erin Fladmo With badly written books appearing almost every day, it is such a relief to study good advice on how to write well! This book of literary advice comes from an earlier period in letters, but it deserves to be studied and applied today! The author details how logic and emotion go into certain works, either separately or together. Likewise, he stresses important truths on style and its development. All aspiring writers should add this book to their grammars and dictionaries! Best of all, it's free!

0 of 3 people found the following review helpful. great By Mary E. Werblin, Esq The item came in a timely fashion; was as described and exactly what I wanted! Thank You! Great Seller! Would buy from again!

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The Principles of Success in Literature, by George Henry Lewes

The Principles of Success in Literature, by George Henry Lewes

The Principles of Success in Literature, by George Henry Lewes
The Principles of Success in Literature, by George Henry Lewes

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2015

Blues of the Soul: Once Upon a Sometime, by Marie Belouze-Storm

Blues of the Soul: Once Upon a Sometime, by Marie Belouze-Storm

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Blues of the Soul: Once Upon a Sometime, by Marie Belouze-Storm

Blues of the Soul: Once Upon a Sometime, by Marie Belouze-Storm

Blues of the Soul: Once Upon a Sometime, by Marie Belouze-Storm

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Open ours hearts just a little wider this is what Blues of the soul is about! Blue like the bruises of destiny, blue like hope, blue the color of indigo. Blues of the soul is an historic novel. Historic as the life of Eliza Lucas-Pinckney (1722- 1793) is the framework of the novel. She was a remarkable woman who changed agriculture in colonial South Carolina, where she developed indigo as one of its most important cash crops. When Eliza was sixteen she became manager of her father’s three plantations, took care of her younger sister and her dying mother. Eliza married Charles Pinckney and had three sons and a daughter. Indeed Eliza Luca-Pinckney valued education. In addition to treating her slaves with humanity, she tutored “two black girls” whom she envisioned making (quote) “school mistresses’ for the rest of the Negro children”. Considering it was illegal for slaves to learn how to read and write, it reveals Eliza’s character, her resilience and her determination. But Blues of the soul is a novel first. It is written in a style purposely slow and steady, descriptive and nuanced, allowing a deliberately regulated pace of reading. Eliza’s words are mostly fictional, as well as all the characters that are part of the novel. They all have their dreams and their hopes, they all have their fate; they have strong bonds as a slave community, but some have unexpected relationships. There is Samelia, a slave girl, loving and understanding; who was raised with Eliza, her mistress. They shared a nursemaid, Mama Zia, a larger than life figure, a genuine and strong motherly character, and the backbone of the community. Eliza and Samelia will develop an uncommon and discreet lifetime friendship, and in spite of their different status they will always support and care for each other. There is Samuel, whose dream of freedom takes possession of his life and who sacrifices everything in its name. There is Orisha, Samelia’s daughter, who has to leave her own people to find herself. But when she knows where she belongs, when she finds the missing pieces of her past, when she forgives herself, she will be truly free and she will accomplish her destiny. And there are Uncle Augustus, resigned and kind; Aunt Chloe, reliable and grounded; Aunt Jariah knowledgeable and practical; and many more. Women are at the center of the novel because they played such a big part in caring for their community and because slave women’s life stories are rarely told; moreover a friendship between Mistress and slave. But the purpose of the book is for the reader to be carried away in a different time where the human’s feelings where not so different, to be touched by the characters’ humanity, to experience emotion and compassion, to feel the sorrow and the joie de vivre, and to be moved.

Blues of the Soul: Once Upon a Sometime, by Marie Belouze-Storm

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #678387 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-11
  • Released on: 2015-05-11
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Blues of the Soul: Once Upon a Sometime, by Marie Belouze-Storm

Blues of the Soul: Once Upon a Sometime, by Marie Belouze-Storm

Where to Download Blues of the Soul: Once Upon a Sometime, by Marie Belouze-Storm

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Very good story,with a different side of slavery. By Paul R Antic I found the book very enjoyable, I looked forward to it each day. It was not the usual cruel plantation owner type who beats,starves and rapes, but a compassionate,fair, master.. The authors own feelings of empathy,loyalty,sympathy,and relationships are strongly reflected in the characters. Another aspect of the book I enjoyed were the details of the whole process of growing rice and also indigo. Death in the book was shown to affect the characters in such a lovely way, not morbid or cavalier but deeply and with reverence.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Beautiful story By Danielle iman Beautifully takes you into the daily lives of Sammie and Eliza and the relationship they shared. I enjoyed the detailed descriptions and character development. I am intrigued that some of the characters were real people.

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Blues of the Soul: Once Upon a Sometime, by Marie Belouze-Storm

Blues of the Soul: Once Upon a Sometime, by Marie Belouze-Storm

Blues of the Soul: Once Upon a Sometime, by Marie Belouze-Storm
Blues of the Soul: Once Upon a Sometime, by Marie Belouze-Storm

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2015

Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions),

Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong

The existence of the online publication or soft data of the Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), By Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude De Saint-Martin, Martines De Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong will reduce people to get guide. It will certainly also conserve more time to only search the title or author or author to get up until your publication Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), By Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude De Saint-Martin, Martines De Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong is disclosed. After that, you could go to the web link download to visit that is offered by this site. So, this will be an excellent time to start appreciating this publication Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), By Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude De Saint-Martin, Martines De Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong to check out. Constantly good time with publication Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), By Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude De Saint-Martin, Martines De Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong, always great time with cash to spend!

Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong

Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong

Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong

Ebook Download : Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong

This issue of the Rosicrucian Digest presents a compendium of materials that provide a solid introduction to the most important aspects of Martinism.

Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #590904 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-27
  • Released on: 2015-05-27
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong

Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong

Where to Download Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Blaise Great!!!!!

See all 1 customer reviews... Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong

Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong PDF
Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong iBooks
Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong ePub
Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong rtf
Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong AZW
Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong Kindle

Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong

Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong

Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong
Martinism: Digest (Rosicrucian Order AMORC Kindle Editions), by Rosicrucian Order AMORC, Christian Bernard, Julie Scott, Julian Johnson, Jacob Boehme, Marion S. Owens, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Martines de Pasqually, Christian Rebisse, Steven Armstrong

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After building the largest drug empire ever run by a female, Keema Morrison is ready to take her game to new heights. Those plans, however, are suddenly interrupted by the surprise return of her newly freed fiance' Lamar Wright. Stunned by the power she wields and the overprotective behavior by one member of her security team, Lamar orders her to shut down her operation immediately. Just as Keema vows to stop away from the game, an underhanded scheme leaves her ten million dollars in debt to her connect. Another deadly blow dealt to her empire forces her hand and pushes Keema deeper into the drug game than she ever imagined. There are many other secrets floating around in the background of Keema's life. Will her secret life destroy her reunion with Lamar or strengthen it? Will the love of money and power blind Keema to the betrayal lurking within her own camp?

Bosslife 2: Dominate The Game, by A. Rochester

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #361537 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-18
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .66" w x 6.00" l, .87 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 292 pages
Bosslife 2: Dominate The Game, by A. Rochester

Bosslife 2: Dominate The Game, by A. Rochester

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Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Rochester is Brilliant again, 2 thumbs up By styleguru Bravo! A.Rochester is Brilliant again, 2 thumbs up! Will NOT be disappointed, could not put it down, just like BossLife 1

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Amazon Customer I love this book!!!! I can't Put it down

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Bosslife 2: Dominate The Game, by A. Rochester

Bosslife 2: Dominate The Game, by A. Rochester

Bosslife 2: Dominate The Game, by A. Rochester
Bosslife 2: Dominate The Game, by A. Rochester

Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition),

The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition), by Steve Taylor

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The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition), by Steve Taylor

The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition), by Steve Taylor

The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition), by Steve Taylor

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Discover the Essence of Who You Really AreThese powerful meditations and poetic reflections will comfort, inspire, and gently bring you out of the hectic day-to-day and back to the bedrock of peace, and even joy, of your true, essential, and authentic self. By encouraging you to see the limitations of your everyday, conditioned personality, Steve Taylor empowers you to step outside of it so you can breathe the fresh air of freedom. His words will guide you on a journey through the landscape of wider awareness, pointing out the obstacles and landmarks along the way to enlightenment. A profound modern spiritual text with the power to transmit awakening, The Calm Center will help you open to the deepest and highest experiences of a life fully lived.

The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition), by Steve Taylor

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #63011 in Books
  • Brand: Taylor, Steve
  • Published on: 2015-05-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x .60" w x 5.10" l, .44 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 128 pages
The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition), by Steve Taylor

Review “If you open yourself to their transformative power…each piece will work its magic within you.”— from the introduction by Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now and A New Earth“Every now and then a book appears that adds beautiful drops to the stream of ineffable wisdom that has flowed through the ages. The Calm Center is such a book. It opens a path to the authentic self.”— Elizabeth Lesser, author of Broken Open and cofounder of Omega Institute“Transcendent yet grounded, profound yet simple, timeless yet refreshingly new. Steve Taylor’s book takes flight and lifts us up, up, up beyond ourselves.”— Arjuna Ardagh, author of The Translucent Revolution“The Calm Center calls us back, encourages us on the journey, and reminds us of the joy and ease beneath all the daily trying. These poems help take us home.”— Oriah Mountain Dreamer, author of The Invitation“A beautifully written guide into the fierce, liberating aliveness within the present moment. Steve Taylor’s intimacy is transforming.”— Michael Bernard Beckwith, author of Life Visioning“A delightful and inspiring collection of teachings spoken from the heart of one who knows.”— Peter Russell, author of From Science to God

About the Author Steve Taylor’s books, published in eighteen languages, include Waking from Sleep, Out of the Darkness, and The Fall. Since 2011, he has appeared annually in Mind, Body, Spirit magazine’s list of “the world’s 100 most spiritually influential living people.” He teaches at Leeds Beckett University and lives in Manchester, England.

The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition), by Steve Taylor

Where to Download The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition), by Steve Taylor

Most helpful customer reviews

13 of 13 people found the following review helpful. A beautiful book, in form and content - full of wisdom and deep insight. By AmberLiza A beautiful book, in form and content - full of wisdom and deep insight. It's the kind of book you can carry around and open at random and always find something inspiring. It touches on all aspects of human life and resonates with truth. Often spiritual awakening is pictured as a blissful perfect state but this book shows that it isn’t always about bliss and harmony - it can be a disorienting and confusing, especially in the beginning. 'The old world is receding behind you, and you’re waiting at the threshold of the new, disoriented, wondering how to make sense of this strange place.'Life can be struggle, but there is always sacredness and harmony in it, if we connect to your authentic selves and return to the present moment. 'The Core' is profoundly moving, and mirrors my own journey perfectly. 'A self you had to find, so that you could lose it.'I enjoyed Eckhart Tolle's foreword too, in which he explains how the poetic is a natural expression of spirituality. This book is a fantastic example of that.

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful. Taylor's messages are written in poetic form which makes for easy, gentle reading By Marilyn Dalrymple The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening by Steve Taylor was surely written by someone who has felt about that which he writes. When you feel stuck, lost, hopeless or tormented Taylor tells us there is hope. You aren't blocked, there is nothing wrong with you, "You're not breaking down but breaking through." What a hope filled message.Taylor's messages are written in poetic form which makes for easy, gentle reading. An example From "The Mellow Glow," a message speaking to the aging process:"Why fight against the fading glow of youth?Why try to freeze a process that can't be stopped?You're clinging too hard, that's why you're weary;your face is lined with tension, not with age."I believe he speaks the truth in the last line of this stanza and in every stanza of every poem.The author speaks the truth as someone who is living it. He addresses topics that we contemplate each day, but perhaps are too afraid to vocalize. He addresses issues with which we've all struggled and tells us - in line after line - don't be too concerned, find The Calm Center and trust you'll find your answer there. He talks of death, gratefulness, sadness, strangeness, "The End of Success." His answer to "The End of Success," is:"But now that there's no way forwardthis is your chance to stop and look around.Watch as the road behind you vanishesand a landscape begins to emerge, as if throughmorning fog --a brilliant panorama, fresh and lush with meaning,with no direction anywhere, only depth and space.It was always here but you never saw it --because you were never here."Again, a hope filled message. Now you can explore the process of making your past successes richer, deeper, more meaningful.A truly worthwhile book; a gentle, prodding for us all to look to the future. It's there waiting for us.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. Beauty, Inspiration, and Compassion By Books are friends This book is special. It is so real and authentic that every page feels like a mirror. Sometimes it was inspiring, at other moments it was reassuring, and yet mostly it was comforting – the comfort of reading a truth that resonates within, wordless, until someone finds a way to express it. Steve Taylor found a way to express it. With rare beauty and depth he is offering us a glimpse into Truth – the kind of truth that transforms you. The kind of truth after which a “you” barely exists. In his own words:“How will you know how strong you are unless your strength is tested? How will you know how deep you are unless turmoil breaks your surface and forces you to dive? How will you know what sleeps inside until the whole of you is challenged to wake up? Then you’ll turn inside to gather your resources, your untapped reserves of strength and skill, then rise like a sun, amazed by your own brightness, stronger than you ever suspected deeper than you ever dreamed”

See all 39 customer reviews... The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition), by Steve Taylor

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The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition), by Steve Taylor

The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition), by Steve Taylor

The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition), by Steve Taylor
The Calm Center: Reflections and Meditations for Spiritual Awakening (An Eckhart Tolle Edition), by Steve Taylor

El Velorio Del Delincuente: "Este pueblo aboba'o, por lo que debe protestar, no protesta." (Spanish Edition),

El Velorio Del Delincuente: "Este pueblo aboba'o, por lo que debe protestar, no protesta." (Spanish Edition), by Ramón L. Rosado Marrero

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El Velorio Del Delincuente: "Este pueblo aboba'o, por lo que debe protestar, no protesta." (Spanish Edition), by Ramón L. Rosado Marrero

Download Ebook PDF Online El Velorio Del Delincuente: "Este pueblo aboba'o, por lo que debe protestar, no protesta." (Spanish Edition), by Ramón L. Rosado Marrero

Este libro es una voz de protesta por todo lo que pasa en la tierra. Unas palabras que describen al desordenado mundo en que vivimos. Habla de las aberraciones sociales, de los síntomas y de la cura. Trata de una crítica a la sociedad actual, satirizada, con humor y seriedad. Basado en un velorio, representativo y estereotipado, hace un esfuerzo con valentía para decir las cosas como son. Será una lectura agradable si se lee desde la primera palabra hasta la última. De este modo, recibirá un mensaje que podrá hacerle reír alegremente, pensar profundamente o también llorar amargamente. Aunque por momentos lo parezca, no es un libro de chistes; es un asunto serio. Puede ser una advertencia para la sociedad. En términos de importancia espiritual, es una herida para la bestia apocalíptica. Un apócrifo, profético, casi bíblico, vital para el futuro, que realicé con el juramento de no utilizar ni una sola palabra soez. Al final quedará demostrado que es posible. Ha de ser gracioso, pero profundamente sentimental; a la misma vez, un alivio contra el estrés. Para recoger ideas y poder escribirlo, me dirigí al lugar más adecuado, un sitio muy peculiar. Decidí entrar en una funeraria, la sala en donde más se habla. No fui solo, sino que escogí a un ser especial con el propósito de llevar a cabo este trabajo de investigación social. El personaje que me acompaña es ese Juan del Pueblo, aquí apodado Juancho, quien a su vez, me llama Jefe, como a todos, y ésta es la historia que les voy a contar. Un tema del cual sólo nosotros dos hablamos, ahora compartido con todo aquel que quiera enterarse. Era el velorio de un delincuente, de esa forma lo llamaron los que lo conocieron: lo llamó Juancho y lo llamé yo, aunque no lo conocí. Así lo vi, lo escuché y lo escribí.

El Velorio Del Delincuente: "Este pueblo aboba'o, por lo que debe protestar, no protesta." (Spanish Edition), by Ramón L. Rosado Marrero

  • Published on: 2015-09-03
  • Original language: Spanish
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .49" w x 6.00" l, .65 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 194 pages
El Velorio Del Delincuente: "Este pueblo aboba'o, por lo que debe protestar, no protesta." (Spanish Edition), by Ramón L. Rosado Marrero

About the Author Ramón L. Rosado Marrero es cronista y crítico de los asuntos cotidianos que se expresan en la vida colectiva. Su experiencia como maestro de escuela le facilitan la tarea de contar y apalabrar. Dotado de agudo sentido del humor y de seriedad, su palabra salta desde la risa y desencadena la reflexión profunda.

Where to Download El Velorio Del Delincuente: "Este pueblo aboba'o, por lo que debe protestar, no protesta." (Spanish Edition), by Ramón L. Rosado Marrero

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. It is a book full of truth and idealism. ... By Orlando Rosado It is a book full of truth and idealism. I believe the author is the eternal optimist.The book is a page-turner. Once one starts reading it, it is very difficult to put it aside. The person reading the book has to be in the right frame of mind because of the stark realities that are described.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By drosado Es un libro que refleja la realidad de nuestro pueblo. Leánlo hasta el final.

See all 2 customer reviews... El Velorio Del Delincuente: "Este pueblo aboba'o, por lo que debe protestar, no protesta." (Spanish Edition), by Ramón L. Rosado Marrero

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El Velorio Del Delincuente: "Este pueblo aboba'o, por lo que debe protestar, no protesta." (Spanish Edition), by Ramón L. Rosado Marrero

El Velorio Del Delincuente: "Este pueblo aboba'o, por lo que debe protestar, no protesta." (Spanish Edition), by Ramón L. Rosado Marrero

El Velorio Del Delincuente: "Este pueblo aboba'o, por lo que debe protestar, no protesta." (Spanish Edition), by Ramón L. Rosado Marrero
El Velorio Del Delincuente: "Este pueblo aboba'o, por lo que debe protestar, no protesta." (Spanish Edition), by Ramón L. Rosado Marrero

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015

The Best Man, by Elena Brown

The Best Man, by Elena Brown

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The Best Man, by Elena Brown

The Best Man, by Elena Brown

The Best Man, by Elena Brown

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Jenny Park has always been happy and confident in who she is and what she wants, but an invitation to a posh wedding throws all of that into question when she’s forced to confront the possibility that the man she’s considered a friend for more than a decade might mean something more to her. Struggling to fit in with the wealthy guests, Jenny tries to make sense of her feelings and the actions of Zachary; the best man, brother of the groom, heir to a Fortune 500 company, and quite possibly the man she was always meant to be with. A quick read. 7400 words. This is a black woman white man interracial romance short story.

The Best Man, by Elena Brown

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #272851 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-14
  • Released on: 2015-05-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Best Man, by Elena Brown

The Best Man, by Elena Brown

Where to Download The Best Man, by Elena Brown

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Quick read By Reggie I enjoyed this story. Two shy people find out what is that they needed from each other. I like his mom for her words of encouragement for these two.

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The Best Man, by Elena Brown

The Best Man, by Elena Brown

The Best Man, by Elena Brown
The Best Man, by Elena Brown

Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2015

Honcho And The Rampster, by Ashley Kramer

Honcho And The Rampster, by Ashley Kramer

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Honcho And The Rampster, by Ashley Kramer

Honcho And The Rampster, by Ashley Kramer

Honcho And The Rampster, by Ashley Kramer

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Honcho is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. He’s just moved to a new house with his doggy pal Sheila. It’s summer, the gardens around the house are huge, so there’s plenty of room to play, and they’ve got a whole bunch of new friends including dogs, cats, horses and even a round little Rampster named Eric (who has a British accent). Life is good! But one day, they find strange mysteries to solve! What on Earth has happened to The Rampster? Who is the scary figure known as Black Tom? And what’s going on in the big house up the road at number 53? Honcho and his new friends will have to use all their skills, courage and intelligence to figure it out. Filled with excitement, fun and friendship, this is the first book in a new series of Honcho adventure stories. It's aimed at kids aged 5-8, but it's fun for children of any age!

Honcho And The Rampster, by Ashley Kramer

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2334855 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-09-09
  • Released on: 2015-09-09
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Honcho And The Rampster, by Ashley Kramer

About the Author Ashley Kramer is a writer from New Zealand. He writes children's books, self-help books, and health and fitness books. He travels the world with his partner Sarah. For more information, check out http://www.ashleykramer.com

Honcho And The Rampster, by Ashley Kramer

Where to Download Honcho And The Rampster, by Ashley Kramer

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. What a great short story for children. An excellent example of friendship, cooperation and adapting to new surroundings. By Keith Guyett What a great short story for children. An excellent example of friendship, cooperation and adapting to new surroundings. Couple this with a little mystery and adventure and it makes for an exciting read for children of all ages. I love the subtle 'child friendly' way the Author has written this story e.g. taking the scariness out of preconceived 'scary dogs' and also reinforcing everyday safety habits like making sure the cats and honcho look both ways and check for cars before crossing the road in front of black toms house. The Author is on to a good thing here - my daughter (and I) look forward to Honcho's next adventure.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. The first book in the Honcho series does not fail to impress! By Garfield Honcho is a lovable character that makes friends anywhere he goes. This book is a true page turner with no lull in the adventure. The author has a true knack for character development and keeping the reader invested in the story. The illustrations in the book coupled with the build up of characters really allows you visualize as you partake in this adventure with Honcho and his friends. A few twists and turns maintains the excitement throughout the book. There are great lessons of community and friendship all through the entire read. We are excited to see what Honcho gets himself into next!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Excellent! By Donald Phillips This book is great for children and adults alike. Lovable characters, easy to read and peppered with warm little life lessons. Even the animals that seem cold and mean at first are revealed as misunderstood and caring by the end - a nice reminder for all readers to never judge a book by its cover!

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Honcho And The Rampster, by Ashley Kramer

Honcho And The Rampster, by Ashley Kramer

Honcho And The Rampster, by Ashley Kramer
Honcho And The Rampster, by Ashley Kramer

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

Love Won't Let Me Wait, by Rod Harley

Love Won't Let Me Wait, by Rod Harley

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Love Won't Let Me Wait, by Rod Harley

Love Won't Let Me Wait, by Rod Harley

Love Won't Let Me Wait, by Rod Harley

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"Love Won't Let Me Wait" is an exciting tale of romance, lust, friendship, and betrayal. It chronicles the story of Kalem Kingsley, a young professional torn between his beautiful girlfriend, Shannon Mahoney, and his supportive best friend since childhood, Latoya Lebeaux. When the lines between his friendship and love life are blurred, dark secrets and intimate betrayals are revealed, threatening to bring his world crashing down.

Love Won't Let Me Wait, by Rod Harley

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #3579224 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-18
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .54" w x 6.00" l, .71 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 236 pages
Love Won't Let Me Wait, by Rod Harley

About the Author Rod Harley is a native of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. He is a graduate of the University of Central Florida and has earned several degrees including a BS, MS, and PhD. He has spent the last 20 plus years as a counseling professional, researcher, and college professor. "Love Won't Let Me Wait" is his first novel.

Love Won't Let Me Wait, by Rod Harley

Where to Download Love Won't Let Me Wait, by Rod Harley

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Great read! By Bridget Weil Great read!! I like how everything that happens in the book happens in every day life. Some books, the story is very far fetched and not an easy read, but Rod wanted his readers to be able to relate with the characters and the plot. Looking forward to many more from Dr. Rod Harley!!

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Excellent read By RLH Excellent read. I was caught up in the steamy scenes, friendships, and love. The sort draws you in as you can relate to some of the characters. I couldn't put the book down because I just had to know what the ending entailed. I look forward to the next read.

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. This book was an excellent read. I was really able to connect to ... By Amazon Customer This book was an excellent read. I was really able to connect to the characters especially Toya and Kalem. It was nice to read a romance featuring urban characters that weren't stereotypical. I can't wait to read something else from Mr. Harley.

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Love Won't Let Me Wait, by Rod Harley

Love Won't Let Me Wait, by Rod Harley

Love Won't Let Me Wait, by Rod Harley
Love Won't Let Me Wait, by Rod Harley

Kamis, 15 Oktober 2015

What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1),

What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox

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What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox

What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox

What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox

PDF Ebook Download : What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox

****This is a COMPLETE BWWM Billionaire Romance Novella Inspired by the Hit TV Show "EMPIRE" w/ fully developed characters and NO pesky Misspellings**** Cerise Preston knows the record business like the back of her hand. Smart, Savvy and well connected she can make anybody into a star. Her family helped build an Empire that she's being shut out of; but she's devised a plan to take what's rightfully hers. Armed with the knowledge of just how much money her late mother is actually owed, she get's her self a seat at the table but quickly learns you can't fall for the one person you're trying to destroy. No matter how irresistible he may be. What's Yours Is Mine is a fully developed Alpha Billionaire Romance ***Note To Readers: If you don’t like down and dirty sex that will leave your heart pounding, you’d best sit this one out.***

Click the “buy now with 1 click” button at the top of the page OR Read it for free with Kindle Unlimited. Also available in Paperback through Amazon!

What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #294852 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-09
  • Released on: 2015-05-09
  • Format: Kindle eBook
What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox

What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox

Where to Download What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. This is a very good write up by Sasha Moore By Shopoholic This is a very good write up by Sasha Moore and Anita Cox. The lead character Cerise is a very strong lady driven by rage for revenge towards Robert Hamilton who took away everything her mother had. He was a ruthless man and she wanted to take revenge by taking over his company from the hands of the "now" owner, his son Blake.Blake turned out to be just the opposite of his father. A calm gentleman.There is an instant attraction between them but there is a problem. He is married. And she is here purely for revenge. But the intensity of passion between them takes an upper hand.There are some really intense scenes in the book which will keep your hearts racing for sure.I will not spoil the end so its for you to find out what really happens. I enjoyed the book a lot. Its fast paced and entertaining. Just a little dragging in storyline in the middle but that is passable.Definitely recommended read.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Fast-paced Scorching Hot Novella By Rachel The novella started off with a bang. Cerise has big plans to take over Black Vinyl Records out of personal revenge for them ripping her mother off when she was an R&B singer. I loved how quickly we got right to the meat of the story.I couldn't help cackling the further along Cerise got in her plan. She is doing a well thought out plan. I couldn't see any kinks in the problem.We knew, based off the synopsis, that Cerise was going to fall for the big CEO, Blake Hamilton. I was extremely surprised, in a good way, at the wild, crazy, hot, dominate sex scenes that were in the novella. Cerise definitely knows what she wants and she's going to get it, but Blake doesn't back down either behind closed doors. Yowza!There were a couple of twists that I honestly wasn't expecting. I mean, when we meet the wife I thought I knew the route she was going to go and was completely surprised in the end. I have to say, I don't like my book boyfriends to be cheaters and that's what he was. He's having sex with Cerise while married to his wife.The only problem I found with the book was an unnecessary sexy scene. How can I say any sexy scene is unnecessary? But it wasn't with Blake. It was a random vacation trip and it got really hot with a masseuse. The scene was scorching, but it didn't add to the plot.However, I really enjoyed the fast pace of this novella. I'm super eager to find out what happens next. The ending does leave on a cliffhanger, but it's not a cliffhanger that's going to make you angry, it was a good ending for the novella.I received this novella in exchange for my honest opinion.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. sexy, steamy, and hardcore. By kirannaqash786 Sexy, steamy, and the hottest sex scenes around. I was mesmerized from beginning to end. The story was very believable. A wounded woman out to take revenge on the person's son who took advantage of her mother's poverty. Wanting to take everything they made away from right under their noses.Cerise is a hardcore, no talk girl who's only goal is to being justice to her mother. Only way she can do that is take over the Black Vynil Records empire owned by the son of her enemy.Just one flaw...the owner is the hot and sexy Blake Hamilton. He quickly steals Cerise heart and gets into her panties. Now what shall she do?The whole read was very exciting and it never got boring. The way with Cerise shows attitude and shows who's boss will make any woman want to take her place. A character that can be loved and understood by all woman wishing to be the same.Blake on the lther hand, is very charming and seductive but also unfulfilled and not fool of himself like most. The perfect guy any girl every girl dreams of. Very easy to get lost in the characters struggles and values.Any woman who loves a good romance and wants some hardcore sex scenes would be the perfect candidate to read this book. I can't wait for the next one to come out.

See all 53 customer reviews... What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox

What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox PDF
What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox iBooks
What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox ePub
What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox rtf
What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox AZW
What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox Kindle

What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox

What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox

What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox
What's Yours Is Mine: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Cerise Preston Story Book 1), by Sasha Moore, Tesia Dixon-Cox

Senin, 12 Oktober 2015

Blood Diamonds, by C. Horne

Blood Diamonds, by C. Horne

Blood Diamonds, By C. Horne Actually, book is actually a home window to the globe. Even lots of people might not such as reviewing books; guides will constantly provide the exact details concerning reality, fiction, encounter, experience, politic, religious beliefs, as well as much more. We are here a web site that offers collections of publications more than the book shop. Why? We give you lots of numbers of connect to obtain the book Blood Diamonds, By C. Horne On is as you need this Blood Diamonds, By C. Horne You can locate this book conveniently here.

Blood Diamonds, by C. Horne

Blood Diamonds, by C. Horne

Blood Diamonds, by C. Horne

Best Ebook PDF Blood Diamonds, by C. Horne

“What did you do with the money this week?” she asked her husband. “Woman, leave me the hell alone!” he shouted back angrily. “I’m sick and tired of your drinking. I’m sick and tired of your whoring around so, Mark! You need to pack your shit and get on out of here,” she demanded. As soon as the words were out of her mouth he punched her, knocking her against the wall of the room. She was dazed from the blow to her head. She waited for the next kick or punch to come, but for some reason it didn’t. She fought to clear hear head and focus her eyes as she saw the bright red blood on her face which she immediately assumed was her own. She heard a sound of pain and the rumble of a beating followed by the unmistakable sound of bone breaking. She thought she was dreaming and that she the impact from his punch had her mind wandering. When her head finally cleared she saw who had screamed out in pain as well as where the blood was truly coming from. Her two sons and her nephews all swung baseball bats as they beat the shit out of her husband. His arm hung to his side broken, yet still attempting to protect himself. She flung herself from the wall to stop them before they managed to beat him to death. As they lifted their bats above their heads to swing again, she leapt over her husband’s still body because she realized that if she didn’t stop the beating then they would surely kill him. “Don’t!” she cried. “Please, don’t.” She begged them to stop. “Let us kill this nigga and pay him back for all the shit he’s done to you,” Frank said angrily. “No!” she screamed. “You’ll all go to prison if you kill him,” she reasoned with them. “Mom, if it means that he never harms you again then I’d gladly go to prison,” Billy replied heatedly. “No. Please, no! Don’t do it. I can’t let you do it,” she said frantically. Frank knelt down to look into his father’s mean eyes filled with pain and terror, yet now they showed no signs of drunkenness. Frank pushed the side of his father’s head with the bloody baseball bat in his tight grip. “Can you hear me, Pops?” he asked calmly. His father didn’t speak but his eyes showed that even in his pain he understood. “In your lifetime neither I nor any of us ever want you to speak to us again and if you ever again put your hands on Moms then I’m coming for you. The next time I come I’m going to put a bullet between your eyes and send you to hell where your maggot ass belongs. Do you understand me, Pops?” Frank asked. “I want to kill you so bad but here’s a woman you’ve dogged for years laying in your blood begging for your life. I should kill your ass anyway.” “No,” his mother cried. “Don’t do it, Frank. Please.” Frank stood but then dropped right back to his knees. He dug his hands into his father’s work pants pockets and pulled out a roll of folded bills which he gave to his mother. As the group of boys turned to leave, Billy stopped and said, “Remember, man…if she even gets a bump on her face or a scratch then you’re a dead nigga.” With that the four of them left the house as their mother ran to the phone to call an ambulance. After that night they never lived at home again but they constantly checked on their mother. For the rest of his life, their father never took another drink and for the rest of their lives they never acknowledged him again.

Blood Diamonds, by C. Horne

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2813357 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-28
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .44" w x 6.00" l, .64 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 192 pages
Blood Diamonds, by C. Horne

Blood Diamonds, by C. Horne

Where to Download Blood Diamonds, by C. Horne

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. DAMN!!!! By Lady Boss Woah!!! Mr.Horne you had my attention from the beginning to the end.I can't believe Frank and Billy's dad was an asshole.He deserve everything he got.I was laughing my ass off when they beat his ass.Their mom is so cute with her friends.Damn I wasn't expecting there jobs to be like that.Im shocked that they made it alive for so long.That ending was shocking to me.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Banger. By Lady Leo Maannn, looka here these boys were nothing nice, they were vicious with the murder game, and trust anybody could get it; as one of their business partners will find out. Business is business, but family is off limits.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great Read By Sandra Acker I loved this book. I liked all the characters. Bring them back in another book. If you like a lot of action with violence, you'll love this books.

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Blood Diamonds, by C. Horne

Blood Diamonds, by C. Horne

Blood Diamonds, by C. Horne
Blood Diamonds, by C. Horne

Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015

Beautiful Surrender (An Elite Event Book 4), by Sherelle Green

Beautiful Surrender (An Elite Event Book 4), by Sherelle Green

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Beautiful Surrender (An Elite Event Book 4), by Sherelle Green

Beautiful Surrender (An Elite Event Book 4), by Sherelle Green

Beautiful Surrender (An Elite Event Book 4), by Sherelle Green

Free PDF Ebook Online Beautiful Surrender (An Elite Event Book 4), by Sherelle Green

Let love in… 

Mya Winters has overcome a tough childhood in foster care to create a wonderful life. Organizing the first annual Elite Events Charity Date Auction is a way to give back to her community. There's one hitch—her sexy cohost, private investigator Malik Madden. She feels the heat beneath his quiet gaze, and he's made it clear he'd revoke his "most eligible bachelor" status for her. For someone as relationship-shy as Mya, that's a terrifying—and tempting—proposition. 

Malik has the close, loving family that Mya always craved, but a recent breakup made him swear off romance. Beautiful, driven Mya is changing all that. If she'll just confide in him, he can help piece together the truth about her past. But trust works both ways. And his only chance at a future with her is to share a secret that threatens their passionate connection…

Beautiful Surrender (An Elite Event Book 4), by Sherelle Green

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #383140 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Released on: 2015-05-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Beautiful Surrender (An Elite Event Book 4), by Sherelle Green

About the Author

Sherelle Green is a Chicago native with a dynamic imagination and a passion for reading and writing. Her love for romance developed in high school after stumbling across a hot and steamy Harlequin novel. She instantly became an avid romance reader and decided to pursue an education in English and Journalism. A true romantic, she believes in predestined romances, love at first sight and fairytale endings.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. There was nothing cuter than an adorable little guy with smooth creamy brown skin, piercing round honey eyes and a head full of curly brown hair."It's official, I think I'm in love," Mya Winters said softly as she placed a hand over her heart and gazed down at the face of her newest addiction."He's such a ladies' man," said Mya's friend and Elite Events cofounder, Imani Rayne-Barker. "I think he has a crush on you.""I think he does too," Mya replied as her heart swelled with pride. "Hey, little guy," she cooed while touching the hands of the smallest human she'd ever held. "It's Auntie Mya and I've been thinking about another promise I want to make to you. I promise to always give you cookies and teach you all the things your mom doesn't want me to teach you.""Really, Mya," Imani said, her voice filled with laughter. Imani and her husband, Daman Barker, were the proud parents of Daman Stanley Barker Jr., who everyone affectionately called DJ."You are the cutest thing I've ever seen," she exclaimed as she rocked DJ in her arms. He laughed in a way that proved he agreed with her statement. He caught ahold of her pinkie finger and gently tugged, rewarded by a large smile from Mya."He's only five weeks old and you already spoil him way too much," Imani said as she walked around her living room picking up an array of shopping bags filled with clothes and toys for DJ that Mya had lugged through the door earlier."I can't help it," Mya said as she made funny faces at DJ. "He deserves the best."Imani opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by her husband, Daman."The rest of the clan is here," Daman announced as he walked into the room followed by Cyd and Lex.Imani stood to hug them, but the two women went straight to Mya who was still making funny faces at DJ."I'm next," Cyd said taking DJ out of Mya's arms after promising Mya that she would give him back soon. "How's my handsome nephew doing?" She brushed noses with DJ who raised his little hands to cup her face."I love it when he does that," Lex said observing the exchange between Cyd and DJ before she placed more shopping bags in the corner of the living room where Imani had neatly stacked the bags from Mya."No love for me?" Imani said reaching out her arms. Lex walked over and gave her a quick hug."Sorry, sis," Cyd said, making no attempt to move. "I've been waiting all day to hold DJ.""I can't wait until you guys have kids so that y'all can see how it feels to be ignored." Mya laughed at her friend's comment. Imani was the most motherly of the group so Mya knew she loved the attention DJ was getting. Happiness was reflected in her eyes every time she looked at DJ.Mya wasn't the mushy or sentimental type, but being around DJ brought out feelings in her that she hadn't ever felt before. Not having a family of her own meant she missed normal family milestones like graduations, birthday parties, first births of the family and the overall feeling of belonging."How about I take my son with me to the next room while you ladies get started on business," Daman announced to the room. He reached his arms out to a reluctant Lex who had just tugged DJ from Cyd. After giving the infant a small peck, Lex handed DJ over to his father."Okay, since I called this meeting, I'll start," Mya said as she slipped a few sheets of paper out of her bag. Ever since Imani had given birth to DJ, there had been more meetings hosted at Imani and Daman's estate with a gorgeous view of Lake Michigan, than the Elite Events office in downtown Chicago. Choosing Imani's home to host their weekly Monday meetings gave Mya, Cyd and Lex a chance to see DJ who had quickly become the main reason any of them went shopping anymore."As I discussed a few months ago, there is a huge problem with the two after-school programs that we sponsor in conjunction with Chicago Public Schools." Mya handed each of the women a sheet of paper. "A few days ago, the advisory board informed me that the programs would be shutting down in a couple months. Our efforts to save the programs didn't help.""How is that possible?" Imani asked as she scanned over the notes on the paper. "We received more investments over the past couple months for this school year than ever before.""I know," Mya said in irritation as she thought about her meeting with the board. "Apparently, since so many CPS schools closed last year and even more the year before, enrollment in the after-school programs was extremely low. The money we received from investors wasn't enough to cover all the costs.""Sounds like BS to me," Cyd stated as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Enrollment is never that expensive, so the money they would have gotten would have been minimal anyway. Seems suspicious.""Don't even get me started," Mya said as she waved her hands in the air. "I've already raised hell, but it's not doing any good. There are plenty of CPS teachers and employees still upset about the direction of our schools and after-school programs. Most of our voices are going unheard. It's getting better, but there's still a long journey ahead."Overseeing programs Elite Events sponsored was always something that Mya enjoyed. Especially managing the after-school programs. If Mya hadn't started Elite Events Inc. with her partners, she would have definitely been a public school teacher. Through the after-school programs, she still put her love for education to good use despite the obstacles she was currently faced with."I remember a time when the Monday news didn't consist of a summary of shootings that happened over the weekend. But this is still a great city and you all know how much I value education. It seems that there are fewer opportunities to keep students in school and out of the streets. The youth needs these programs now more than ever."Mya had devoted a lot of time and energy into the programs, and Elite Events had invested large amounts of money to keep them from shutting down. "It's time for us to take matters into our own hands.""Are you thinking about a plan to try and save the after-school programs?" Lex asked."Even better," Mya replied as she reached in her bag once more and pulled out three portfolios. "Instead of investing more money and allowing the board to control these programs, I think we should open our own after-school program."She handed each woman a portfolio containing all the details about the Chicagoland location where they would headquarter the program, and a list of teachers and employees who currently worked at the other two after-school programs who had expressed interest in working for the Elite Events After-School Program if they chose to take that route."This all seems great," Imani said scrolling through the pages. "And I agree that there are plenty of students who could benefit from us funding our own program. But even though business is booming, how can we afford this initiative?""I was hoping you would ask," Mya said with a smile. "I didn't include these details in the portfolio, but I've been losing sleep over how we can get the initial money needed to fund this program despite the fact that we'd be utilizing the building and staff of one of the closing locations."Mya scooted to the edge of her seat, excited to share her plan with the ladies. "We meet so many influential people in our line of work and so many of them are single. What do you guys think about Elite Events hosting the first annual Elite Events Charity Date Auction? If all goes well, we could host one every year.""Oh, I like that," Lex replied while Cyd and Imani expressed similar sentiments."This charity date auction will be unlike any other auction that Chicagoans have seen before. Tickets for the auction will cost a small fee and the highest bidder gets to go on a date with his or her bid. All proceeds will go to the 'save our after-school programs' fund, only in true Elite Events fashion, we will host a dream date for the six winning couples from the audience chosen by a random draw. Therefore, singles get a chance to bid on their favorite participant and possibly win one of six dates after all the participants have been auctioned off. I know next month is soon, but we need to raise the money before school starts after Labor Day. What does everyone think?"Mya sat back in her seat and waited anxiously for their opinions."I think it's a great idea," Lex replied with a smile."Maybe we should hold an informational meeting for the participants too.""I love it too," Cyd added. "When we have a solid plan, I'll reach out to a few of our friends in the media."Imani looked up from the portfolio she was still scanning. "I really think you're on to something, Mya," she said excitedly. "This charity date auction will get Chicagoans who aren't usually concerned with education excited about contributing to a greater cause. There's only one thing really missing from this plan."Mya studied Imani's expression. "Which would be what exactly?"Imani glanced from Cyd to Lex before setting her eyes back on Mya. "A sexy male cohost, of course.""Cohost a date auction? For what?" Malik asked as he propped up his iPhone on his grand dark cherry desk and shuffled through a cluster of file folders."You really need to quit being so old school sometimes," Micah said as his eyes scanned over Malik's desk. Malik ignored the jab, but he had to agree with Micah. The colorful array of folders was another reminder that he really needed to digitally document his old files before the end of the year."I am digital with most of my client files. I need to be since I'm always traveling. These are old files from over six years ago that I haven't had time to document online." He was trying his best to concentrate on what Micah was explaining to him, but as usual, Micah seemed to be up to something."You FaceTimed me right before an important meeting to ask me to do something you know I won't do and to criticize the way I organize my office?" Malik wasn't agreeing to cohost anything until he knew exactly why Micah thought he'd be interested. When his brother began spurting random analogies that compared Malik to his fiancée, Lex, who was also a cautious thinker, he didn't have the patience to wait any longer for the catch."Spit it out, Micah," he said as he leaned back in his oversized desk chair and slightly turned to view beads of rain cascade down the side of his Detroit office window."Elite Events is hosting their first charity date auction next month and they are looking for a cohost for the event.""Next month? That's really soon.""They know," Micah replied. "They need to move quickly because the funds from the date auction will help them fund a new after-school program that will accept all of the students from two programs that are closing. They need everything finalized before Labor Day.""I'd be happy to donate," Malik said as he twirled his chair to a small black filing cabinet and placed some folders back in their appropriate place. "But I'm not really into cohosting events like this. I'm sure the ladies would rather someone else cohost whose presence will bring in extra money and someone who permanently resides in Chicago.""Naw, bro. For whatever reason, they think you would be great as a cohost. I told Lex that you wouldn't be interested, but she thinks there is at least one reason you won't be able to turn them down."Malik already had a feeling that he knew what that reason was, but he wanted to hear Micah confirm his suspicions. "And what might that be?""Mya is the lead on planning this project and is also hosting the charity date auction.""I figured," Malik said with a laugh as he turned back to his phone and clasped his large hands together. "Does Mya know about the ladies asking me to cohost?""I doubt it," Micah answered. "Which is why I knew this call was pointless and you wouldn't do it. I noticed that you and Mya didn't really talk much at Shawn and Cyd's wedding after you went after her. I warned you she was tough to handle."Malik could admit that things with Mya hadn't exactly gone as planned, but he wasn't giving up on his pursuit of her. She may have said one thing, but her body language that night had contradicted her words.The charity date auction would give him a chance to be around her more. Since they didn't live in the same state, he didn't see her much and that definitely needed to change if he was going to pursue her."Tell you what," Malik said leaning back in his desk chair. "I'll cohost the event under one condition." Micah asked Malik to explain. "Tell the ladies that I want to be the one to tell Mya that I'm cohosting the charity date auction.""Um, I don't think that's a good idea."Malik raised an eyebrow at Micah. "Like you didn't pull the same thing when you convinced the ladies to make Lex plan our parents' anniversary party.""That was different," Micah interjected. "Only Lex and Mya were free to plan the party anyway. But hold on while I tell her what you said."Malik waited patiently as he stared at his phone and observed the photos on Micah's wall. The framed pictures were from a couple different family events. There was one photo of his parents and another candid photo of Micah and Lex when Micah had proposed. But the photo that caught his attention was the one that had been taken of the entire group at their engagement party. It was another candid shot and most people were laughing or cheering in the photo. He spotted himself in the back of the group on one side of the picture with Mya a few people down from where he stood.Malik remembered the exact moment the shot was taken. He had been staring at Mya for most of the day, intrigued by the mystery behind her gaze. He had wondered what she had been thinking and had decided to approach her just as he heard the round of applause and tore his gaze away from her to cheer for his brother and Lex when they walked into the room.Malik leaned in closer to his screen, wishing Face-Time had a zoom-in option so he could see the photo better. When he concluded that he couldn't, he paused his FaceTime and searched through his emails to see if Lex had included that particular photo in the hundreds she'd sent him from the party. Luckily, she had grouped the photos and he was able to find the one he had been searching for. When he did, he zoomed in on his face in the photo before sliding his finger across the screen to view Mya.

Beautiful Surrender (An Elite Event Book 4), by Sherelle Green

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Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. I was given ARC of Beautiful Surrender by Sherelle Green for an honest review By Isha Coleman While reading a romance the first thing that I look for is character strength. Do I feel the emotions they exude jump off the page? Are the issues they face enough to hold my attention from beginning to end? I am also on the lookout for a strong female lead. I was given ARC of Beautiful Surrender by Sherelle Green for an honest review. Ms. Green certainly had the strong female lead. Mya had to be tough in order to endure growing up in foster care. She used the experiences and hardships to create a good life for herself. The chemistry between Mya and Malik is electric. Sometimes the Mya character came across a little to strong. But that was to be expected considering the obstacles she had to face in her youth. The strength was her shield against further hurt and pain. In a lot of ways May and Malik were similiar. They both had to learn that being vulnerable did not mean being weak. Beautiful Surrender is a deeply emotional read. Enjoyed it.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Excellent ! By Kindle Customer Beautiful Surrender ......This novel was a page turner Ms Green put to rest every question I was wondering about Mya.Who her family was and why she never wanted to talk about her past, Malik and Mya chemistry was off the chain once they finally stop and realized they were meant for each other.I had tears of joy on certain parts of the novel , don't want to spoil any thing for those that did not read the book yet. I know this was final book in this series which is sad .maybe we will see the characters from this novel and past in her future novels because it is a lot of cousins and the rest of the Madden brothers.Thank you Ms Green for a fantastic novel !!!!!!!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Patient Love By Mukisa N. Kibaya Mya has been through a lot in life, being a foster child and having no recollection of her birth parents. That tumultuous childhood has made her avoid romance and have a reputation of being hostile towards men. However, Malik isn't bothered by that or her biting wit. They grow closer to each other and Malik even helps Mya find her sister. I wish there was more about the process and meeting her sister in the plot.

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Beautiful Surrender (An Elite Event Book 4), by Sherelle Green

Beautiful Surrender (An Elite Event Book 4), by Sherelle Green

Beautiful Surrender (An Elite Event Book 4), by Sherelle Green
Beautiful Surrender (An Elite Event Book 4), by Sherelle Green