Rabu, 28 September 2011

The Spirit for Travel, by Auram Smith

The Spirit for Travel, by Auram Smith

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The Spirit for Travel, by Auram Smith

The Spirit for Travel, by Auram Smith

The Spirit for Travel, by Auram Smith

Ebook Download : The Spirit for Travel, by Auram Smith

The book marks the beginning of the Mahabuta Pentology and also the first in the series. Mahabuta is the five elements, which comprises of the earth, water, fire, air, and ether. The earth, one of the five Mahabuta, is the main theme concentrated in this series.

The Spirit for Travel, by Auram Smith

  • Published on: 2015-09-29
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.99" h x .30" w x 5.00" l, .32 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 138 pages
The Spirit for Travel, by Auram Smith

The Spirit for Travel, by Auram Smith

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The Spirit for Travel, by Auram Smith

The Spirit for Travel, by Auram Smith

The Spirit for Travel, by Auram Smith
The Spirit for Travel, by Auram Smith

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Unbuttoning America: A Biography of "Peyton Place", by Ardis Cameron

Unbuttoning America: A Biography of "Peyton Place", by Ardis Cameron

Unbuttoning America: A Biography Of "Peyton Place", By Ardis Cameron When creating can change your life, when composing can enhance you by offering much money, why don't you try it? Are you still extremely baffled of where getting the ideas? Do you still have no idea with what you are going to create? Currently, you will certainly require reading Unbuttoning America: A Biography Of "Peyton Place", By Ardis Cameron An excellent writer is an excellent viewers at the same time. You could define exactly how you create depending on exactly what books to review. This Unbuttoning America: A Biography Of "Peyton Place", By Ardis Cameron can help you to solve the issue. It can be among the right sources to establish your creating skill.

Unbuttoning America: A Biography of "Peyton Place", by Ardis Cameron

PDF Ebook Unbuttoning America: A Biography of "Peyton Place", by Ardis Cameron

Limited time offer: Through special arrangement with University Press of New England, we are pleased to offer a specially priced two-book set of Unbuttoning America and Peyton Place for just $29.95 paperback.

Published in 1956, Peyton Place became a bestseller and a literary phenomenon. A lurid and gripping story of murder, incest, female desire, and social injustice, it was consumed as avidly by readers as it was condemned by critics and the clergy. Its author, Grace Metalious, a housewife who grew up in poverty in a New Hampshire mill town and had aspired to be a writer from childhood, loosely based the novel's setting, characters, and incidents on real-life places, people, and events. The novel sold more than 30 million copies in hardcover and paperback, and it was adapted into a hit Hollywood film in 1957 and a popular television series that aired from 1964 to 1969. More than half a century later, the term "Peyton Place" is still in circulation as a code for a community harboring sordid secrets.

In Unbuttoning America, Ardis Cameron mines extensive interviews, fan letters, and archival materials including contemporary cartoons and cover images from film posters and foreign editions to tell how the story of a patricide in a small New England village circulated over time and became a cultural phenomenon. She argues that Peyton Place, with its frank discussions of poverty, sexuality, class and ethnic discrimination, and small-town hypocrisy, was more than a tawdry potboiler. Metalious’s depiction of how her three central female characters come to terms with their identity as women and sexual beings anticipated second-wave feminism. More broadly, Cameron asserts, the novel was also part of a larger postwar struggle over belonging and recognition. Fictionalizing contemporary realities, Metalious pushed to the surface the hidden talk and secret rebellions of a generation no longer willing to ignore the disparities and domestic constraints of Cold War America.

Unbuttoning America: A Biography of "Peyton Place", by Ardis Cameron

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #385202 in Books
  • Brand: Cameron, Ardis
  • Published on: 2015-05-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.20" h x .80" w x 6.20" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 240 pages
Unbuttoning America: A Biography of "Peyton Place", by Ardis Cameron


"Unbuttoning Americaboasts a sizzling cover of a busty '50s pinup girl resting a blue book on her sleek, gartered legs while flashing the reader a come-hither-quick look. . . . Cameronteasesout the book's significance as a bold exploration of sexual, political, gender and class questions rarely recognized in its time.For the general reader, the most rewarding parts of Cameron's book are her pages about Grace Metalious herself, the sources of her material, and her fervent fans. Cameron had access to a trove of thousands of letters written by readers to Metalious. Most came from grateful women who felt that she had told their secret, anguished stories."―Edward Kosner, Wall Street Journal (May 22, 2015)

"Like any good biography of a human, this volume includes the background history of its subject, here Grace Metalious's scandalous best-selling novel Peyton Place (1956). Cameron's book is ararity among serious scholarly texts: it is thorough in its scholarshipand at the same time a page-turner." ―B. Wallenstein,Choice(November 2015)

"More than just a page-turner, Cameron argues, Peyton Place was 'an exercise in rupture, a deep gash in the iron fabric of conventional ways of thinking and being.' Its frank portrayal of sex outside of marriage was enough to invite censure and censorship nationwide. (In Beverly Farms, Cameron writes, the library posted a sign for those seeking Peyton Place: 'If you want it, go to Salem.') The book broke other rules as well, Cameron writes, including speaking directly to women about 'the unfairness of things,' a kind of proto-feminist protest published years before Betty Friedan wrote about the 'problem that had no name.'. . . This is a serious scholarly work, but with very few exceptions Cameron eschews academic jargon for a plainspoken intelligence that befits her subject, who once rebuked critics: 'If I'm a lousy writer ... a hell of a lot of people have got lousy taste.'"―Kate Tuttle, The Boston Globe (May 21, 2015)

★ "University of Southern Maine American Studies professor Cameron (Radicals of the Worst Sort) presents a unique synthesis of historical research and fresh analysis in this study of Peyton Place. . . . Cameron dexterously tracks the shock waves, unearthing gushing fan letters as well as scathing reviews that deemed the book "a lethal weapon aimed at the purity of family life." Cameron's intelligent treatment of a racy novel meant to be read often at night, under bedcovers, a flashlight illuminating the guilty pleasures of the act' makes for a fascinating read in and of itself."―Publishers Weekly (May 4, 2015)

"Cameron (American & New England studies, Univ. of Sourthern Maine; Looking for America) explores the impact of this admittedly trashy novel on buttoned-up America: "dirty" books such as Peyton Place presented believable alternatives to people seeking answers to their dilemmas. Metalious's fan mail shows how women identified with her: they felt she understood them; her success gave them hope. This brisk read on a fascinating subject will be helpful in understanding how we got from there to here. VERDICT Readers who remember the stir Peyton Place aroused when it first came out will rush to pick up this lively book.―David Keymer, Library Journal (June 1, 2015)

"When first-time author Grace Metalious's tale of a sleepy New England town's sordid underpinnings first appeared in 1956, it rocked America. Released at the height of Eisenhower-era conservatism, her colourful yarn, which addressed such taboos as incest, abortion and class inequality, with murder and large doses of social hypocrisy tossed into the mix, became the world’s favourite dirty secret. . . . Now, six decades on, Ardis Cameron, a professor at the University of Southern Maine, shapes what is likely the first scholarly examination of the book’s role in the changing American zeitgeist. The novel, she says, "sounded a clarion call" to readers to acknowledge the falsity of Ozzie and Harriet mores. With its positive portrayal of single motherhood, working women and female sexuality, she argues, it helped pave the way for Helen Gurley Brown’s Sex and the Single Girl and Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique. . . . [Peyton Place] gave an entire generation of women 'hope, courage, confirmation, validation.'"―Christopher Loudon, Maclean's (May 22, 2015)

"Unbuttoning America is a wonderful book about a fascinating and historically significant topic: Grace Metalious, her novel Peyton Place, and her readers. It is clearly argued, strongly researched, impressively structured, and beautifully written. The consistent use of readers' fan letters, combined with quotes from Metalious and her personal and professional contemporaries, provides a thorough analysis and vivid sense of the production and reception of this literary blockbuster. The energetic writing, with Ardis Cameron's voice coming through on every page, makes the book lively. Cameron’s rich historical contextualization allows the reader to grasp the full meaning and significance of Peyton Place and its cultural work."―Jennifer Frost, University of Auckland, author of Hedda Hopper’s Hollywood: Celebrity Gossip and American Conservatism

"Seldom have I encountered a book as well-written and argued as Unbuttoning America. Ardis Cameron has mastered a tremendous amount of knowledge of the historic era, popular literature and popular culture, women's writing, women’s reading, the literary marketplace, New York publishing, the history of sexuality, the construction of New England, consumer culture, and the sociology of everyday life. Cameron deploys this material lightly, with consummate skill, to produce a revelatory account that illuminates how a popular book enters and transforms the cultural landscape."―Judith E. Smith, University of Massachusetts, Boston, author of Visions of Belonging: Family Stories, Popular Culture, and Postwar Democracy, 1940–1960

About the Author

Ardis Cameron is Professor of American and New England Studies at the University of Southern Maine. She is the author of Radicals of the Worst Sort: The Laboring Women of Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1880–1912 and the editor of Looking For America: The Visual Making of People and Nation. She also provided the introductions to the reprint editions of Peyton Place and Return to Peyton Place.

Where to Download Unbuttoning America: A Biography of "Peyton Place", by Ardis Cameron

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Admirable Effort and a Fabulous Read By Laura D WHAT a fabulous book, and why couldn't it be longer? I gobbled it up this afternoon and evening, as soon as it was delivered in the mail. There is so much to say about the cultural influence of Peyton Place and Grace Metalious' life -- well covered in Emily Toth's excellent 1981 and so far only extant biography, yes, but here is updated information from Ardis Cameron on the 1947 Barbara Roberts case (whom Toth, to my and perhaps other readers' puzzlement, covers with the pseudonym of "Jane Glenn", so that for years I thought that WAS the victim's real name).It's so absolutely true that the novel had a dark, despairing interior which the silly, squeaky-clean movie version of course came nowhere near capturing, and for once an old fart like myself can say that I was too young to have ever seen the 1960's TV series, but I'd always heard it was even worse than the movie. I wonder, I just wonder what it would be like to actually do a film version which is really true to the book, setting it in the 1930's, and WWII-and-postwar 1940's -- to really have it as sordid and shabby with tragic class struggles and grim sexual cruelty as Grace Metalious' novel portrayed. They can even throw in the sleazy aspects of the sequel novel, Return to Peyton Place, but how interesting it would be to have 1940's period authenticity (just like in the 1996 version of Lolita, which makes the story one of heartrendingly sad and tragic abuse belying the bucolic settings, instead of snickering trash like the 1962 version). I don't understand why no film company, especially an indie one, would want to undertake this project, and highlight the proto-feminist undertone of the story, which Metalious probably didn't even realize she was doing. I'd heard that for some time there was going to be a film biography of Grace Metalious, and THAT would be very interesting.There is some disparity of agreement of whether or not Metalious' publisher had a ghostwriter pull together the sequel novel, because Grace was by then severely alcoholic and the book, such as it was, proved to be a mess, yet she was able to follow it with two readable, in fact fairly well written, books: The Tight White Collar and No Adam in Eden, although both novels sorely lacked the pungency of the first Peyton Place. One wonders what Grace Metalious could have been capable of had she lived, been able to temper or even recover from her drinking trouble, and sailed into the 1970's with novels of possibly equal merit (as far as popular fiction is concerned,but let's face it, we can't be literary snobs here; this book's appearance in the mid-1950's blew everyone out of the water.) If critics grumble that Sinclair Lewis did pretty much the same thing in the 1920's, just remember that getting the story from a woman's point of view isn't the same as having a woman actually write it, and rather than scraping against or hinting at scandal, she bravely dove into a roman a clef which exposed the very worst of a small community's rancid hypocrisy and exploitation of the poor and helpless. Whether or not it was quasi-autobiographical really doesn't matter some 60 years later. She showed people the ghastliness of their lives which none of the existing blue laws or churchgoing or smug acceptance of everyone "knowing their place" could successfully quash, no matter how many town elders and librarians fought to keep the novel out of circulation and from being sold in bookstores. Yes, of course since the 1900's there'd been plenty of novels showing how wormy and vile supposedly pastoral small towns can be -- Bellemann, Dreiser, Anderson, Lewis, et. al. -- but having a woman write it, with females as acting protagonists instead of ornaments, was a revelation in its time. And really, I am disappointed this remarkable effort by Cameron wasn't longer -- it truly should have been; there is much to expound upon to expand it.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Dangerous Ideas Packaged as Pulp Fiction By takingadayoff It's hard to imagine what a splash the book Peyton Place made when it came out in the Fifties. It addressed issues that were largely not discussed except in whispers, issues such as incest, child abuse, date rape, and perhaps the most dangerous of all, feminism. Of course it was the sex that sold the book, and that's what most people remember about it even today.American Studies Professor Ardis Cameron looks at Peyton Place in its mid-century historical context, as a publishing phenomenon, at its incarnations as a movie and as a TV series, at the reactions among critics and fans, and at the author, Grace Metalious.The divide that Peyton Place exposed was evident in a single household. While noted critic Bernard De Voto was harrumphing over the "cultural tripe" that was infesting the literary world, his wife, book reviewer and editor Avis De Voto got a letter from family friend Julia Child (yes, the French Chef) saying she had "quite enjoyed it." She said that Metalious "does have a style, and a manner of creating atmosphere and character." And that having finished Peyton Place, Child was ready to return to the Goethe she'd been tackling before that.Metalious wrote Peyton Place as a serious effort, not as is suggested by the lurid paperback cover art, as pulp fiction. In a way, it was as much a protest against the status quo as was Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique, which wouldn't appear until 1963, seven years after the debut of Peyton Place. Metalious was considered an outsider of sorts due to her "exotic" ethnicity as French Canadian and her husband's Greek heritage. She would never be allowed to fit in, so she decided to stand out.Cameron makes an academic treatment of literature into a fascinating ride into Fifties culture, post-War angst, publishing and bookselling, the results of sudden fame and fortune, and reverberations that reach into the 21st century.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. The last part of the book finally deals with Grace Metalious and The Book Peyton Place and I really enjoyed it. However having s By bookwomen37 This review is really a 3 1/2 star review. I found the beginning of the book to be rather slow and the author repeated herself a lot, sometimes word for word. The beginning of the book was more of a history of publishing and reading. The last part of the book finally deals with Grace Metalious and The Book Peyton Place and I really enjoyed it. However having studied Women's Lit, read Peyton Place and the Grace Biography there was not a lot of new information to me in this book. The letters to Grace are interesting but they are too many of them that basically say the same thing. I am glad I finished this book since I enjoyed the ending and for those not familiar with Peyton Place or Grace should enjoy reading about this publishing phenomenon.

See all 5 customer reviews... Unbuttoning America: A Biography of "Peyton Place", by Ardis Cameron

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Unbuttoning America: A Biography of "Peyton Place", by Ardis Cameron

Unbuttoning America: A Biography of "Peyton Place", by Ardis Cameron

Unbuttoning America: A Biography of "Peyton Place", by Ardis Cameron
Unbuttoning America: A Biography of "Peyton Place", by Ardis Cameron

Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building,

Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes

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Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes

Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes

Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes

Download Ebook PDF Online Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes

This book is an exercise in reading like a writer – reading with the purpose of figuring out how the plots of a few recognized masterpieces succeed in making readers turn the page. The reason for proposing this as a way of learning plot-making is my own experience as a writer -- that the most accomplished novelists are the greatest teachers and that their lessons may be drawn from a close study of their work. The three novels that are the subject of this study – Ian Fleming’s Dr. No, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Evelyn Waugh’s A Handful of Dust – have all achieved astonishing success. They are all not only recognized masterpieces of their very different genres but have also won the glittering prizes – fame, fortune, movie deals -- for which many a haggard writer would sell his or her soul to the Devil. A great plot is a page-turning machine. The reader is immediately grabbed by it and then pulled along by an ever-changing, propulsive dynamic of suspense, curiosity and surprise. All three of these very different novels -- a James Bond thriller, a prototypical “Regency Romance” and a scathing 20th-century black comedy – are driven forward by this kind of engine. One of the chief objectives of this book is – not only to examine the parts of this engine as it moves along, but also to discover the secret of the energy that propels it forward.

Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #821389 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-31
  • Released on: 2015-05-31
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes

Review "So, what do Ian Fleming, Jane Austen and Evelyn Waugh have in common (aside from being famous and acclaimed fiction writers)? Their styles and plots are quite different, but are here used as three specific, diverse examples of what can be done within the fictional framework to produce an exceptional piece. . . would-be fiction writers should expect a guide far more detailed and complex than the usual 'how to' title - and far more valuable, as a result. It analyzes and contrasts its authors with a solid eye to considering what devices work in literary fiction, and why - and this makes it an invaluable resource indeed."              -- D. Donovan, Senior Book Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

About the Author Terry Richard Bazes is the author of Lizard World (Livingston Press) and of Goldsmith's Return (White Pine Press). His personal essays and fiction have appeared in a number of publications, including The Washington Post Book World, Newsday, Columbia Magazine, Travelers' Tales: Spain, Lost Magazine and the Evergreen Review. He is a graduate of Columbia College and has a PhD. in English Literature from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. His doctoral dissertation, entitled Romance and Realism in the Early Novel, a study of the role of the fantastic in 17th- and 18th-century fiction, has served as a theoretical framework for his novels.

Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes

Where to Download Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Excellent guide to plotting for the aspiring novelist By Patrick Murtha The title of this small, valuable book immediately suggests its intended audience - aspiring fiction writers - although intense fiction readers would also find it worth their time. It is pitched closer to literary criticism than a "how to" manual, so it is not like one of those screenwriting guides that tells you that you must concoct a sub-crisis on page 46 of your script. (And thank heaven for that, because those screenwriting books are a scourge against creativity in Hollywood. If you ever wonder why all the big-budget movies you see seem vaguely the same no matter what their genre, it's because they are.)Terry Richard Bazes, a novelist himself, and the holder of a PhD in English Literature, is more sensitive than that, and less prescriptive. He is putting forward neither a General Theory of Fiction (again, thank heaven) nor a writing formula. Rather, he is looking at three acknowledged classics of their genres - Ian Fleming's Dr. No, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, and Evelyn Waugh's A Handful of Dust - and extrapolating certain similarities of approach in their plotting, which center on the notion of plotting backward from climaxes so that each step that leads up to them is effective, and false ends that do not lead up to them are eliminated.Now, this analysis would not work for every good novel, or at least not in so bald a way. Since this is a book about plotting, it privileges plot as the key element in fiction-writing: "A great plot is a page-turning machine." That is true as far as it goes, but readers whose interests in fiction go beyond plot may feel that Bazes is giving short shrift to characterization, atmosphere, prose, and so on. I felt this specifically when Bazes discussed "minor characters," whom he tends to see as purely functional. I don' think that the minor characters in Austen, for one, read quite so mechanistically as that.Still, one can't complain that a short book is focussed on what its title says it will be focussed on, especially when there is such abundant good sense and sharp close-reading technique along the way. A lot of the basic ideas here go back to Aristotle's Poetics, although Bazes relies more heavily on Gustav Freytag's famous pyramid of plot structure. I have always had an issue with how Freytag's ideas are diagrammed, which I wish that Bazes had dealt with. A typical Freytag pyramid is shaped like a perfect triangle with a rising action leading to a climax, and a falling action that drops away it. This gives the impression that the climax takes place at the mid-point of the narrative, and the rising and falling actions are given equal space. But that is very seldom the case. More typically, the rising action is gradual and takes up 75% of the story or more; the falling action is precipitous and swift and takes up 25% of the story or less. The tendency in movies especially - and now popular novels follow movies' lead - is to compress post-climactic action ruthlessly.A particular strength of Bazes' essay is the deliberate disparity among the three texts he analyzes. You can't get much more different than Dr. No and Pride and Prejudice! Bazes wants that strong contrast between an action-oriented text with virtually no internal characterization and a psychologically-oriented text with deep characterization, in order to demonstrate that notwithstanding their immense differences, the two novels use plenty of the same plotting techniques. The contrast is indeed an effective one, although it must be said that although it is easy to follow Bazes' analysis of Dr. No whether you have read the book or not, it is much less easy to follow the discussion of Pride and Prejudice if you have not gotten that book under your belt (and recently at that).Tossing in A Handful of Dust, a comic novel with a cruel edge and a nasty resolution, is a cheeky move and also works to the book's benefit. As with Dr. No, the discussion of this book is crystalline whether you have read it or not (and if you haven't, you'll want to afterwards).Plot Fiction like the Masters deserves a place in the budding novelist's arsenal.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A Must Read For Authors and Aspiring Authors By Norm Goldman Terry Richard Bazes's Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building is not a step-by-step formula for writing a novel but rather, as mentioned in the Introduction, it is “an exercise in reading like a writer.” Using as examples, Ian Fleming's Dr. No, Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice and Evelyn Waugh's A Handful of Dust, Bazes meticulously illustrates how the plots of these three novels succeed in captivating their readers. We are shown how the writing of these novels was vivid and memorable, how these authors set themselves apart from others, and how they wrote with a unique style. It should be pointed out that the book is not about how plots should be crafted but rather how they were actually shaped.To understand how a good plot works, Bazes refers to Gustave Freytag's famous pyramid which has become a seminal work for writers of literature. Freytag was a German playwright and novelist and in his Die Technik des Dramas (Technique of the Drama-1863) states that a drama is constructed like a pyramid. Consequently, the story is divided into five component parts: 1) the introduction, 2)the rise, 3) the climax, 4) the fall and 5) the catastrophe. Freytag also gave his pyramid three steps or dramatic moments-only one of which he considered to be essential to every play. He termed this the “necessary” step or the “exciting moment” and this was placed on his pyramid in between the introduction and the rise.Bazes uses the pyramidal pattern (“the way their plots have been designed as a consecutive series of incidents that introduce a conflict, built it to a crisis of incidents and finally bring it to closure”) as his model in dissecting the plots of the three novels. To drive home his point, he succinctly pulls apart and examines the plots of the three novels and demonstrates how all employ the same techniques although their plots widely differ. He maintains that the three novelists, Fleming, Austen and Waugh did not blindly begin on page one and fumble their way into a plot. What they did is to craft a plot where “each one of the moments of dramatic change in each one of the novels-each of the so-called 'plot points'-is a stage in the evolution of a central conflict.” In other words, as Bazes confirms and what is important is that in the three plots each incident serves either to introduce a conflict, increase a conflict, bring it to a crisis or give it closure. Without doubt, the choice of a conflict and characterization of the antagonists for all three novels comprised the first step of the building process.If you are an author or an aspiring one, Bazes's Plot Ficton like the Masters is a must read particularly if you wish to understand how Freytag's pyramid has provided us with an excellent template that will no doubt help us in writing our novel. There is a great deal to chew on in this book, however, I must thank Terry Bazes for showing us how three outstanding novelists have attained the perfect combination of elements in their stories using as their guideline the pyramid. Keep in mind that the applicability of Freytag’s pyramid is used not only in examining novels, but also in short stories, plays, screenplays and even narrative poems.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A Masterful Novelist Writes about the Plotting Architecture of Three Other Masters of the Novel By Wordsworth One of many literary strengths in the novels of Terry Richard Bazes and clearly evident in "Goldsmith's Return" and "Lizard World" is his uncanny gift for compelling, original and realistic plotting. Few novelists possess the native talent to weave the plot of a novel in such a truly original fashion as if it were the revelation of a magnificent tapestry of unexpected beauty in its construction by looking at the weaving of its underside. In "Plot Fiction like the Masters" we find that Bazes has deconstructed the art of the plot to provide insight of great value not only to novelists but also to their readers. In so doing Bazes' work heightens an appreciation of the value of the art of the novelist to serve both parties. He accomplishes his literary objective by means of deconstructing the plots of Ian Fleming in "Dr. No", Jane Austen in "Pride and Prejudice" and Evelyn Waugh in "A Handful of Dust." After all, it is the plot which sells the novel, isn't it, and brings it to a wider audience. "A great plot is a page-turning machine," Bazes writes. Clearly, these three masters of the plot are among the most prolific sellers of novels in the history of the genre. "Pride and Prejudice" is perpetually atop lists of favorite novels on Goodreads and Fleming's popular books and movies have made hundreds of millions in a fortune for Fleming. Evelyn Waugh is highly regarded for his overall literary merit as a serious novelist with an undisputed ability to blend beautiful literary style with convincing, original plot lines. Bazes presents us with Gustave Freytag's famous pyramid for plotting and walks us through how these three novelists take their readers up and down this pyramid metaphor in their novels. Each of these three novels shares a story of conflict and the plot points delineate the serious stages in the life cycle of the central conflict. In each novel it is the characterization of the antagonists which govern the architecture of the stages in the life cycle of the central conflict in the introduction, build-up of a central crisis and final resolution of the conflict per Freytag's Plotting Pyramid. It is the advance planning of the plotlines which enables the novelists to design and build characters whose roles serve the purposes of introducing, increasing or resolving a central crisis. "For all three novelists the choice of a conflict and the characterization of the antagonists comprise the very first steps of the story building process," Bazes astutely observes. Secondary characters serve as satellites who come into being to serve to make the stages of the conflict unfold. "It is conflict, like flint against steel, that gives the gift of fire," Bazes writes. Here is why the study of the architecture of conflict matters: it provides not only a roadmap to novelists in the creation of compelling conflict in their work but also gives readers useful instruction in how fictional conflict may well build and resolve also in reality. Do you know of anyone who may stand to benefit from a better understanding of the subject of how conflict increases and can be resolved? The course of life itself is driven by the management of conflict, is it not? Is history no less than the sum total of the great successes and abysmal failures of humanity in the rise and fall of major conflicts? On a grand scale doesn't the destiny of great conflict proximate to our lives govern how we conduct ourselves to resolves their impacts upon our lives? Do we not judge each other and ourselves based upon the criteria of our integrity in managing conflict resolution? Certainly the lives of the two main protagonists in "Pride and Prejudice" were governed by the ways that love overcome the conflicts dividing them because of their respective pride and prejudice. Is this fiction not instructive to us in fact? In his sagacious focus upon the methodologies used by three masters of fiction, Bazes has performed a great service to every novelist and every reader by illuminating how conflict builds into crisis and how conflict is resolved not only in literature but also in the entirety of literature how humanity may invent or discover possible options for solutions to one of its most eternally vexing conundrums. Bazes is expert in his insight because in his novels he both talks the talk and walks the walk: he is the real thing and his own novels attest to his manifest gifts for plotting. The twin subjects of conflict escalating to crisis and its resolution could hardly wish for a more articulate literary novelist to shed new light upon them for both readers and writers with his practical experience and luminous insight than Terry Bazes.

See all 9 customer reviews... Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes

Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes PDF
Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes iBooks
Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes ePub
Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes rtf
Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes AZW
Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes Kindle

Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes

Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes

Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes
Plot Fiction like the Masters: Ian Fleming, Jane Austen, Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Story-Building, by Terry Richard Bazes

Rabu, 21 September 2011

Fit For A King, by P. Sharee

Fit For A King, by P. Sharee

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Fit For A King, by P. Sharee

Fit For A King, by P. Sharee

Fit For A King, by P. Sharee

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Nathaniel King has more money than he could spend in three lifetimes. Sadly, his tragic past haunts him and romance does not seem like an option for Mr. King. That is until he meets her. Veronica Banks, determined to make a fresh start in Houston, has just escaped Atlanta and her abusive past with Chico. When these two shatter the walls they've built as a result of their emotional pasts, love heats up but starts to unravel before they know what hits them. Find out how it all goes down in this classic erotic love story where second chances are real and chivalry is far from dead.

Fit For A King, by P. Sharee

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #3728321 in Books
  • Brand: Sharee, P.
  • Published on: 2015-05-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .56" w x 5.50" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 240 pages
Fit For A King, by P. Sharee

Fit For A King, by P. Sharee

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Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. The book was really good it was full of surprises By Sierra The book was really good it was full of surprises. It kept you wondering what was going to happen next I did not want to put the book down once I picked it up until I finished it. The book was really easy to follow, you could paint a picture of what was going on in your head. It had a lot of details. The book was great and I can not wait for a part 2.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. #TeamChase By Amazon Customer Fit For A King is a Dazzling page turner that keeps your attention from start to finish! The author did a great job at vividly telling this amazing story! It took me less than a day to finish this novel and I was left wanting more and more! I'm so excited to see what's next with Nathaniel King and Ronnie's love story along with the other characters. I can't wait for the next installment from this author I hope she brings part 2 out soon!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I thought the book was good, I don't read much and it definitely kept ... By Tiara Roberts I thought the book was good, I don't read much and it definitely kept me interested throughout the book. It had multiple surprising twist, which made it that much harder to put down. I think a couple of my favorite characters are Veronica, Nate, Chase, and Ashley. Their personalities are very different from each other, from loving and sweet to sneaky and childish. Good read, I recommend it!

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Fit For A King, by P. Sharee

Fit For A King, by P. Sharee

Fit For A King, by P. Sharee
Fit For A King, by P. Sharee

Senin, 19 September 2011

From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance,

From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance, by Brian Fikkert, Russell Mask

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From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance, by Brian Fikkert, Russell Mask

From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance, by Brian Fikkert, Russell Mask

From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance, by Brian Fikkert, Russell Mask

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The church of Jesus Christ finds itself at a very unique moment in history. The average Christian living in the “economically advanced countries” enjoys a level of prosperity that has been unimaginable for most of human history.  At the same time, over 2.5 billion people in the Majority World (Africa, Asia, and Latin America) live on less than $2 per day, with many of these people being Christians.  Ironically, it is amongst the “least of these” in the Global South that the global church is experiencing the most rapid growth.

All of this raises profound challenges to the global church.  How can churches and missionaries in the Majority World effectively address the devastating poverty both inside their congregations and just outside their doors? How can churches in the economically advanced countries effectively partner with Global South churches in this process?  The very integrity of the global church’s testimony is at stake, for where God’s people reside, there should be no poverty (Deuteronomy 15:4; Acts 4:34).

For the past several decades, microfinance (MF) and microenterprise development (MED) have been the leading approaches to poverty alleviation. MF/MED is a set of interventions that allow households to better manage their finances and start small businesses. From remote churches in rural Africa to the short-term missions programs of mega-churches in the United States, churches and missionaries have taken the plunge into MF/MED, trying to emulate the apparent success of large-scale relief and development organizations. Unfortunately, most churches and missionaries find this to be far more difficult than they had imagined. Repayment rates on loans are low and churches typically end up with struggling programs that require ongoing financial subsidies. Everybody gets hurt in the process: donors, relief and development agencies, churches and missionaries, and--most importantly—the poor people themselves.

This book explains the basic principles for successfully utilizing microfinance in ministry. Drawing on best practice research and their own pioneering work with the Chalmers Center, Brian Fikkert and Russell Mask chart a path for churches and missionaries to pursue, a path that minimizes the risks of harm, relies on local resources, and enables missionaries and churches to minister in powerful ways to the spiritual and economic needs of some of the poorest people on the planet.

The insights of microfinance can play a tremendous role in helping to stabilize poor households, removing them from the brink of disaster and enabling them to make the changes that are conducive to long-term progress. Moreover, when combined with evangelism and discipleship, a church-centered microfinance program can be a powerful tool for holistic ministry—one that is empowering for the poor and devoid of the dependencies plaguing most relationships between churches in economically advanced countries and churches in poor nations.

From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance, by Brian Fikkert, Russell Mask

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #282405 in Books
  • Brand: Fikkert, Brian/ Mask, Russell
  • Published on: 2015-05-12
  • Released on: 2015-05-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.39" h x .87" w x 5.47" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 336 pages
From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance, by Brian Fikkert, Russell Mask

Review Caring for the poor is an obvious priority to followers of Jesus. But how do we help without hurting? Fikkert and Mask’s new book, From Dependence to Dignity, explores groundbreaking ideas on how to help the poor through microfinance ministries. The result of years of research, field experience, and prayerful insight, this latest book from the Chalmers Center will empower the body of Christ to make a significant difference in the lives of the poor worldwide. -- Craig Groeschel, , Senior Pastor of LifeChurch.tv and coauthor of From This Day ForwardIn this highly anticipated book, Brian Fikkert and Russell Mask of the Chalmers Center go beyond the call for charity by equipping the church to respond in ways that make a lasting impact. HOPE International has used the Chalmers Center’s training and curricula in our own church-centered microfinance ministries with amazing results, so I am delighted to see the global church being equipped on an even larger scale through this outstanding book and the resources on the associated website. I couldn’t recommend it more highly! -- Peter Greer, , President and CEO of HOPE InternationalFilled with first-rate theology and practice, Fikkert and Mask present a set of proven solutions to help people overcome vulnerability. Practical and sound, this book encapsulates the virtues of the worldwide microfinance movement. I highly commend it to you. -- Stephan Bauman, , President and CEO of World ReliefThis is an excellent book for those engaged in the task of breaking the “dependency syndrome” that some NGOs have inadvertently created among the poor and marginalized that they have sought to help through long-term engagement. The book makes a strong case for the important role of the local church in poverty alleviation by being balanced in how it proclaims and demonstrates the gospel, in the spirit of what true integral mission is all about. Just as Helping without Hurting in Short-Term Missions had a significant impact on the uninitiated “short-term visitors” into the developing world, this book has a message for transforming the “longterm settlers”! -- Dr. Ravi I. Jayakaran, , Senior Associate for Integral Mission, Lausanne MovementChurches around the world have attempted to harness the power of microfinance to reduce poverty, empower dignity, and bring Christ-centered transformation to their communities . . . but the results are often disappointing. As a Rwandan pastor once told me, “It’s hard for a pastor to be your loan shark,” expressing the frustration of grace-centered churches attempting to enforce repayment (which often requires coercion-centered measures). In From Dependence to Dignity, Fikkert and Mask have empowered the church with a great resource --- providing a gospel-centered framework, economic best practices, and easy-to-understand tools for churches to use microfinance for the glory of God and the transformation of the world. -- Joshua Ryan Butler, , Pastor of Local and Global Outreach, Imago Dei Community churchDrs. Fikkert and Mask extend the groundbreaking approach of When Helping Hurts into the practice of microfinance. Their prescriptions remain biblically sound, practically effective, and generously humane --- in a word, Christ-centered. If the Church is going to lead internationally in poverty alleviation that works on the ground, this is the book that must be read first. -- Scott Maclellan, , Chair of the Maclellan FoundationThank you, Brian and Russell, for sharing these stories and awesome resources about the power of dignity. Poor women and communities could have never dreamed how belonging to a church-based savings program could so radically change their lives, their family, and community. This is a book on what integral mission looks like today. This is a book about the Great Commission and how some of the poorest people and churches are loving God, loving their neighbor, and loving themselves through microfinance. You will not read this practical, how-to book just once, but will refer back often to look at models of what Good News looks like to the poorest amongst us and those partnering with them in seeing God’s kingdom come in this generation. -- G. Stephen Goode, , YWAM Ambassador for Compassion/Justice, Bangkok, ThailandOnce again Fikkert and Mask are providing a pragmatic, exciting path forward to help us learn how to meet the needs of the world’s poorest people --- without creating dependency. Their solution, based in the local church, is supported by strong theology, real world examples, and practical steps on how to move forward. This book is must reading to understand how to bring healthy, Christ-centered, lasting change in the interesting, complex financial world of the very poor. -- Peter Ochs, , Cofounder and Board Chair of First Fruit Inc.I am honored to heartily endorse the work From Dependency to Dignity by Brian Fikkert and Russ Mask. They are making a great contribution to the church and benefiting the poor in the hardest places around the globe. Through the insights of this book, they are --- with sound biblical reasoning and application --- helping us to tackle poverty alleviation in the fullest sense. I am confident that the result of their labor will be helping the Church of King Jesus to be more fully the Church that Christ intended. And their work will help “the poor to see and be glad” (Psalm 69:32). Do yourself, the poor, and your church a favor by putting into practice the wisdom contained in these pages. -- Gary Edmonds, , President and CEO, FH/Food for the Hungry

About the Author

Dr. Brian Fikkert is the Founder and Executive Director of the Chalmers Center for Economic Development at Covenant College, where he also serves as a Professor of Economics and Community Development. Dr. Fikkert earned a Ph.D. “with distinction” in economics from Yale University, specializing in Third World economic development and international economics. Dr. Fikkert has been a consultant to the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the United States Agency for International Development. Prior to coming to Covenant College, he was a professor at the University of Maryland and a research fellow at the Center for Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector. Dr. Fikkert is in demand as a speaker and has numerous academic and popular publications, the most recent being When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor…and Yourself.

From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance, by Brian Fikkert, Russell Mask

Where to Download From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance, by Brian Fikkert, Russell Mask

Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 9 people found the following review helpful. A must-read that equips the church to go beyond charity By Peter K. Greer In this highly anticipated book, Brian Fikkert and Russell Mask of the Chalmers Center go beyond the call for charity by equipping the church to respond in ways that make a lasting impact. HOPE International has used the Chalmers Center's training and curricula in our own church-centered microfinance ministries with amazing results, so I am delighted to see the global church being equipping on an even larger scale through this outstanding book and the resources on the associated website. I couldn't recommend it more highly!

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. The Must-Read for Church-Centered Microfinance By Joshua Ryan Butler Churches around the world have attempted to harness the power of microfinance to reduce poverty, empower dignity, and bring Christ-centered transformation to their communities... but the results are often disappointing. As a Rwandan pastor once told me, "It's hard for a pastor to be your loan shark," expressing the frustration of grace-centered churches attempting to enforce repayment (which often requires coercion-centered measures). In "From Dependence to Dignity," Fikkert and Mask have empowered the church with a great resource--providing a gospel-centered framework, economic best practices, and easy-to-understand tools for churches to use microfinance for the glory of God and the transformation of the world.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A practical guide for helping think about poverty elimination. ... By M. Williams A practical guide for helping think about poverty elimination. The authors have academic backgrounds and field experience so the book is filled with ways to work in seeking to eliminate poverty and bring dignity to people.. Buy it today. You will not be sorry.

See all 4 customer reviews... From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance, by Brian Fikkert, Russell Mask

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From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance, by Brian Fikkert, Russell Mask ePub
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From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance, by Brian Fikkert, Russell Mask

From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance, by Brian Fikkert, Russell Mask

From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance, by Brian Fikkert, Russell Mask
From Dependence to Dignity: How to Alleviate Poverty through Church-Centered Microfinance, by Brian Fikkert, Russell Mask

Minggu, 18 September 2011

The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress,

The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr.

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The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr.

The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr.

The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr.

Download PDF Ebook The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr.

The Moving Panorama of Pilgrim’s Progress is an extraordinary 8-foot by 800-foot painting that was created in 1851 and thought lost for a full century. Rediscovered in 1996 and fully restored in 2012, it illustrates John Bunyan’s iconic book The Pilgrim’s Progress—first published in 1678 and in print continuously since then—a heart-stopping allegory of trial and faith in which the hero, Christian, battles giants, monsters, tricksters, and his own weaknesses to reach the Celestial City. Moving panoramas were a mid-nineteenth-century precursor to the motion picture, massive canvases that were scrolled across a stage and accompanied by a lecturer and music. One of only a handful that survive today, the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim’s Progress was one of the most popular and important moving panoramas of its day, with designs by rising luminaries of the Hudson River School of American landscape painting: Frederic Edwin Church, Jasper Cropsey, Daniel Huntington, and others. Scholars and fans of theater and film, panoramas, American art, religious studies, literature, and The Pilgrim’s Progress itself will value this beautifully illustrated volume.

The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr.

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2686369 in Books
  • Brand: Routhier, Commas/ Avery, Kevin J./ Hardiman, Thomas, Jr./ Rounds, Leslie L. (CON)
  • Published on: 2015-05-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.30" h x .70" w x 7.30" l, .92 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 164 pages
The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr.

Review “The [panorama] is one of the pop wonders of the world.”—Wanda M. Corn, author of The Great American Thing“Brilliantly illuminating the artistry, medium, and machinery of an innovative and widely practiced nineteenth-century pictorial technology, this gorgeously illustrated collaboration is a model work of detection, discovery, preservation, and interpretation. At the heart of this enterprise, the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim’s Progress exemplifies a form of popular entertainment that was as intimately connected to the growth of American fine arts as to burgeoning audiences for novel visual and performative extravaganzas. A highly recommended, significant history, sure to inform and fascinate scholars and the wider reading public alike!”—Sally Promey, professor of religion and visual culture, Yale University“The panorama’s story - its spectacular debut, its disappearance, and its rediscovery - is remarkable in and of itself, but this is also a great museum story.”—Seacoast Online“The Painters’ Panorama traces the “progress” of the panorama: the creation of the painting, its’ travels, its’ rediscovery and the efforts by a dedicated group of people to preserve the painting and again bring it before an audience.” —International Panorama Council’s Newsletter

About the Author JESSICA SKWIRE ROUTHIER is an independent museum professional affiliated with Maine Archives and Museums and the Maine Photo Project. KEVIN J. AVERY is a researcher at the Metropolitan Museum of Art as well as a professor of art history at Hunter College of the City University of New York. THOMAS HARDIMAN JR. is keeper at the Portsmouth Athenæum in New Hampshire.

The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr.

Where to Download The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A little museum brings alive a big painting By birdster This is an excellent study of one of the rare surviving moving panoramas -- a long forgotten, recently rediscovered artistic entertainment which was extremely popular in the mid-19th century. It a fascinating story of a refound Hudson River School painting 800 feet long by 8 feet high, and the story of its conservation, interpretation and presentation by a very small Maine museum. This book, along with Huhtamo's recent overview of the moving panorama, fill a huge gap in American art history. Jessica Routhier's study is smart and crisp.

See all 1 customer reviews... The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr.

The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr. PDF
The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr. iBooks
The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr. ePub
The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr. rtf
The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr. AZW
The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr. Kindle

The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr.

The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr.

The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr.
The Painters' Panorama: Narrative, Art, and Faith in the Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, by Jessica Skwire Routhier, Kevin J. Avery, Thomas Hardiman Jr.

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Daddy Issues: How Can I Become a Woman Without Him?, by Brenda Thomas

Daddy Issues: How Can I Become a Woman Without Him?, by Brenda Thomas

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Daddy Issues: How Can I Become a Woman Without Him?, by Brenda Thomas

Daddy Issues: How Can I Become a Woman Without Him?, by Brenda Thomas

Daddy Issues: How Can I Become a Woman Without Him?, by Brenda Thomas

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So many children are growing up without their fathers. Nationwide, the absence of fathers is an epidemic. In "Daddy Issues: How Can I Become a Woman Without Him?" author Brenda Thomas shares her intimate life story of growing up not knowing her father and the many issues this caused within her own life. This book is to encourage and build up women so that the need to silently suffer with the thought that something is wrong with them would be voided. Join Brenda on this heartfelt journey to discovering who you are in Christ, as well as healing and forgiveness in your life.

Daddy Issues: How Can I Become a Woman Without Him?, by Brenda Thomas

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1616569 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-09-09
  • Released on: 2015-09-09
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Daddy Issues: How Can I Become a Woman Without Him?, by Brenda Thomas

Review Minister BB is a blessing wherever she goes, bringing her non-traditional, yet honest, approach to everyday matters. She encourages and oftentimes pushes you with her words of wisdom that are not only practical, but powerful. Minister BB is a dynamic motivator that takes you from just being to beyond. --Kimberly Davis, Denver, COBrenda speaks to the very soul of anyone who has ever been through anything in their lifetime. --Delana Roberts, Azusa, CA

About the Author Brenda B. Thomas is the former director/founder of Unity Among Women and her life experience, formal education in Human Services and faith in God has proven instrumental in her endeavors. She empowers people within her sphere of influence by sharing her testimony when and wherever possible. Minster BB (as she is affectionately known) is an Author and Keynote speaker in various arenas, such as Unity Among Women Conferences (UAW Denver, CO), Greater New Foundation Fellowship Church (Pomona, CA), Moving Beyond Transitional Home (Pomona, CA) and co-Facilitated topics that empower young ladies by Girls Empowerment Workshops (Sponsored by Athletes & Beyond Denver, CO) and a host of others. Brenda is also an ordained elder at The Potters House of Denver in Denver, CO under the covering of Pastor Chris Hill. Brenda was drawn to youth ministry after realizing that in her hometown of Pomona, California there were not many mentors who reached out to young girls and women who had struggles with self-esteem and motivation. Brenda successfully took on the responsibilities of starting at her home church first. It is Brenda s dream to travel the United States and abroad teaching and empowering women with the message of conquering Daddy Issues, in order to find themselves and live as God intended them to live.

Daddy Issues: How Can I Become a Woman Without Him?, by Brenda Thomas

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A great read. By Lady T This book is worth the buy. A great read.

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Daddy Issues: How Can I Become a Woman Without Him?, by Brenda Thomas

Daddy Issues: How Can I Become a Woman Without Him?, by Brenda Thomas

Daddy Issues: How Can I Become a Woman Without Him?, by Brenda Thomas
Daddy Issues: How Can I Become a Woman Without Him?, by Brenda Thomas

Jumat, 16 September 2011

The Imitation of Christ (Xist Classics), by Thomas à Kempis

The Imitation of Christ (Xist Classics), by Thomas à Kempis

It will certainly believe when you are going to select this e-book. This impressive The Imitation Of Christ (Xist Classics), By Thomas à Kempis publication could be read totally in specific time depending upon how typically you open up as well as review them. One to bear in mind is that every e-book has their very own production to acquire by each reader. So, be the great viewers and also be a better person after reviewing this publication The Imitation Of Christ (Xist Classics), By Thomas à Kempis

The Imitation of Christ (Xist Classics), by Thomas à Kempis

The Imitation of Christ (Xist Classics), by Thomas à Kempis

The Imitation of Christ (Xist Classics), by Thomas à Kempis

PDF Ebook The Imitation of Christ (Xist Classics), by Thomas à Kempis

Read the most widely-read devotional book next to the Bible

"At the Day of Judgment we shall not be asked what we have read but what we have done." — Thomas à Kempis, The Imitation of Christ

The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis is a classic Catholic devotional book. Essential reading for all Christians, The Imitation of Christ encourages Christians to remain faithful to God and cultivate inward peace, purity of heart and a good conscience while being thankful for every gift from God.

Xist Publishing is a digital-first publisher. Xist Publishing creates books for the touchscreen generation and is dedicated to helping everyone develop a lifetime love of reading, no matter what form it takes

  • Get your next Xist Classic title for Kindle here: http://amzn.to/1A7cKKl
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The Imitation of Christ (Xist Classics), by Thomas à Kempis

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #566172 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-15
  • Released on: 2015-05-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Imitation of Christ (Xist Classics), by Thomas à Kempis

Amazon.com Review The Thomas à Kempis fan club includes St. Ignatius, Thomas Merton, Thomas More, and even Agatha Christie's Miss Marple. (She reads a chapter of The Imitation of Christ every night before sleep.) Imitation has exerted immense influence on Christian worship, ethics, and church structure, because it gives specific yet broad-minded guidance about the central task of Christian life--learning to live like Jesus. Better to read this book a little here and there, now and then, than to try gobbling it cover to cover. Imitation is no triumph of orderly thinking, but it's a great monument and incentive to deep living. --Michael Joseph Gross

Review If a man tells you that he is fond of the Imitation, view him with sudden suspicion; he is either a dabbler or a saint...Heaven help us if we find easy reading in the Imitation of Christ -- Ronald Knox None, I believe, except the Bible, has been so universally read and loved by Christians of all tongues and sects -- Thomas Carlyle The most influential devotional book in Western Christian history -- Professor John van Engen

Language Notes Text: English, Latin (translation)

The Imitation of Christ (Xist Classics), by Thomas à Kempis

Where to Download The Imitation of Christ (Xist Classics), by Thomas à Kempis

Most helpful customer reviews

157 of 160 people found the following review helpful. Listening with the Heart By Mark Blackburn "Want to know the best advice I ever heard?" asked Larry King, in an interview published today in Canada's National Post newspaper: "I never learned ANYTHING while I was talking." 50 years experience at the interviewer's microphone and Larry's best advice comes down to one word. "Listen!"Coincidentally (or maybe not!) I picked up this just-received book, sent to me by a dear friend who recalled my reviewing an earlier published edition of this same "Ronald Knox translation." And it literally fell open to these words,"By all means ask questions, but LISTEN to what holy writers have to tell you . . . often enough, (when we hear) Holy Scripture, we are distracted by mere curiosity; we want to seize upon some point and argue about it, when we ought to (listen) and move on."I flipped open "The Imitation" just now and my eyes (lately fixated on my newest pride and joy were these: (p 32 under the heading, "ABOUT SELF-CONFIDENCE, AND HOW TO GET RID OF SELF-CONCEIT")"It is nonsense to depend for your happiness on created things (and) why all this self-importance? Do not boast of riches, if you happen to possess them . . . nor about the important friends you have; boast rather of God's friendship."Do not give yourself airs, if you have physical strength or beauty; it only takes a spell of illness to waste the one, or mar the other. Do not be self-satisfied about your own skill or cleverness; God is hard to satisfy, and it is from him that they come, all these gifts of nature."He reads our thoughts, and will only think the worse of you, if you think yourself better than other people. Even your good actions must not be a source of pride to you: If you have any good qualities to show for yourself, credit your neighbor with even better qualities: that is the way to be humble."To be humble is to enjoy undisturbed peace of mind, while the proud heart is swept with gusts of envy and resentment."----Seven years ago (on my birthday actually) I wrote my very first review for Amazon.com -- for an earlier re-print of this same translation. This latest version, from Ignatius Press of San Francisco, is far-and-away the most beautiful and features cover art by Andrea Solario (1480-1540) from the "Galleria Borghese, Rome" -- painted about a century after Thomas a Kempis produced his "Imitation." Inside artwork includes some marvelous, same-period woodcuts by Albrecht Durer.----In his (2005) FOREWARD to this new edition, psychologist and priest Benedict Groeschel (seen by millions on his "Sunday Night Live" TV show on EWTN) recalls stealing his first copy of the "Imitation" from the public library in his Caldwell NJ hometown - slipping it into his schoolbag intending to return it "to its rightful place on the shelf, in two weeks time, the ordinary period for a book loan in those days.""The title suggested to my 12-year-old mind that this must be a story about someone who pretended to be Jesus. I went and sat by a window . . . the spring sun (shining) on the oak table, I can still see my blue-sweatered arm around the book as I began to read:"'Vanity of Vanities - all is vanity except to love God and serve him alone.' At that moment I was electrified, and I sat there reading page after page . . . . for two hours, mesmerized by the book!"----As for the translation? Is it really the best-ever? I stand by my thoughts of seven years ago:"I have several translations of the Imitation but I keep coming back to this one. I believe many readers will find this translation 'flows' better than the others, written as it is in a warm, gentle and accessible style by a master translator and communicator, Monsignor Ronald Knox. A convert to Catholicism who produced an acclaimed Latin-to-English translation of the Bible, Knox completed the first 30 or so chapters of the Imitation before his death in 1957. He wrote to Michael Oakley, two months before his passing: "If I die without finishing my translation, please tell my executors that you are to finish it." The younger Latin scholar did a splendid, seamless job of completing Knox's superb translation of what was--until this century--the second most widely read book in the world. What a delight that this version is once again available, [50 years] after its first publication. If you purchase only one copy of the Imitation in your lifetime, make it this one."

238 of 248 people found the following review helpful. Best Translation of the World's 2nd Most Important Book By Mark Blackburn I have several translations of the Imitation but I keep coming back to this one. I believe many readers will find this translation 'flows' better than the others, written as it is in a warm, gentle and accessible style by a master translator and communicator, Monsignor Ronald Knox. A convert to Catholicism who produced an acclaimed Latin-to-English translation of the Bible, Knox completed the first 30 or so chapters of the Imitation before his death in 1957. He wrote to Michael Oakley, two months before his passing: "If I die without finishing my translation, please tell my executors that you are to finish it." The younger Latin scholar did a splendid, seamless job of completing Knox's superb translation of what was--until this century--the second most widely read book in the world. What a delight that this version is once again available, almost 40 years after its first publication. If you purchase only one copy of the Imitation in your lifetime, make it this one.

176 of 187 people found the following review helpful. The way to happiness and peace By Adam C. Roberts As a pastor I see so many people who are miserable. They are depressed, filled with worry and have so little joy in their lives. This book speaks specifically to those problems. In a nutshell this book says that we are miserable because we are trying to find joy in other people and in other things and everything out there will fail us and let us down. The only thing that provides true happiness, peace and contentment is God. The Imitation of Christ goes through exercises on how we can detach ourselves from worldly things to focus on God. Once we are focused solely on God and have the faith that God will provide everything we need, then we can really enjoy the world around us. Enjoy it because once we receive true happiness from God we can see how beautiful the world is and enjoy it as the gift God created it to be, instead of something that we grab onto in the hopes that it will provide us our happiness and security.

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The Imitation of Christ (Xist Classics), by Thomas à Kempis

The Imitation of Christ (Xist Classics), by Thomas à Kempis

The Imitation of Christ (Xist Classics), by Thomas à Kempis
The Imitation of Christ (Xist Classics), by Thomas à Kempis

Kamis, 15 September 2011

Knight Kisses, by Athina Paris

Knight Kisses, by Athina Paris

Knight Kisses, By Athina Paris. It is the time to improve as well as freshen your skill, knowledge and also encounter included some home entertainment for you after long time with monotone things. Working in the workplace, going to examine, learning from test and also more activities might be completed and you need to start brand-new things. If you really feel so tired, why do not you try brand-new thing? A very easy point? Checking out Knight Kisses, By Athina Paris is exactly what we offer to you will certainly understand. And also guide with the title Knight Kisses, By Athina Paris is the recommendation now.

Knight Kisses, by Athina Paris

Knight Kisses, by Athina Paris

Knight Kisses, by Athina Paris

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After losing her mother to cancer, Gabrielle swears off love; because loving hurts too much. She travels to Africa to meet her father - a man she never knew. Another tragedy follows and Gabrielle realises the wisdom in locking away her heart. But that was before she met Jonathan Knight, a man who amuses and confuses her, and Paul, his best friend, who is just as smart and funny. Through an unfortunate sequence of events, she finds herself in a troublesome situation and unwittingly sinks into a morass of danger. Paul offers a solution, which Jonathan grabs for reasons of his own. Instinctively, she declines the proposition, sensing a cover-up, but Jonathan is persuasive, as he paints a fabulous picture of security. She accepts out of desperation, but soon, Jonathan's ulterior motives unravel, and nothing is as it should be.

Knight Kisses, by Athina Paris

  • Published on: 2015-09-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.02" h x .81" w x 5.98" l, 1.15 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 392 pages
Knight Kisses, by Athina Paris

About the Author Athina Paris lives in South Africa but spent her formative years in Mozambique, where she was born and went to school. Years in convents and boarding schools prompted a deep curiosity and the need to liberate her mind, which quickly developed into an avid interest in reading and storytelling and led to a lifelong obsession with the written word and books.By fifteen she had read most of the classics, discovered ancient civilizations and became fascinated with various mythologies; a love she has kept to this day.Raised in a culture where meddling is seen as 'caring', she became a spectator of human nature. Quiet and shy, she preferred recording conduct rather than participating in what she calls familial mass hysteria, and so built a treasure-trove of relationship observations from which she eventually drew backgrounds for the characters in her romantic novels.She studied Interior Design, but soon felt the pull of her dormant talent and turned to Creative Writing, as she realised the significance of those notebooks packed with ideas.She soon followed it with Scriptwriting.Set in faraway and exotic places, Athina's epic romantic work takes her characters on voyages of self-discovery while dealing with catastrophic love lives and an imperfect world. A stint as a high school English teacher polished her skills. However, she has recently vacated the position to concentrate on her professional goals of writing, editing and proofreading.

Knight Kisses, by Athina Paris

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Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Athina Paris has another great HEA romance By J L Hill Athina Paris writes grand romances, Love & Madness was such a novel and Knight Kisses, her follow up work is of the same caliber. She starts off with a young girl Gabrielle who is tossed into a tumultuous situation when her mother dies suddenly of cancer. She is sent to South Africa to live with the father she believed was dead. It is anything but a happy family reunion as her father turns out to be nefarious.A small inheritance, a baby sister, and Jonathan Knight interest in her soon complicates her life. Gabrielle finds that secrets are a family trait, you can say it is in her DNA. She lies about her kid sister and others jumps to conclusions which builds a web of deception. Her father’s associates contributes to her need for clandestineness. But secrets have a way of making themselves known.Athina has a very unique way of building her romances to the evitable HEA. Her story plots and characters will keeping you guessing and entertained to the last page. She is a masterful storyteller who romances don’t necessarily read like your ordinary romances. You will fall in love with her characters, her stories, and her.

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Knight Kisses, by Athina Paris

Knight Kisses, by Athina Paris

Knight Kisses, by Athina Paris
Knight Kisses, by Athina Paris

Selasa, 13 September 2011

Chosen Paths, by J R Nott

Chosen Paths, by J R Nott

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Chosen Paths, by J R Nott

Chosen Paths, by J R Nott

Chosen Paths, by J R Nott

Read Online and Download Chosen Paths, by J R Nott

After witnessing the suicide of a loved one, Brazilian starts to see how messy life can truly be. Growing from a sheltered, shy child to a successful, Black, LGBT woman, Brazil learns to navigate love, friendship and loss in this love story that is as complicated as real life is.

Chosen Paths, by J R Nott

  • Published on: 2015-09-24
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .24" w x 6.00" l, .43 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 98 pages
Chosen Paths, by J R Nott

About the Author J.R. Nott, a native North Carolinian, marries her love of writing with real life experience. She resides in Durham, N.C. where she has published the first book in the series: Chosen Paths.

Chosen Paths, by J R Nott

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Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. ... it very inspirational and enlightening it was a very good book to read I would recommend it to By Amazon Customer I found it very inspirational and enlightening it was a very good book to read I would recommend it to others

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I couldn't stop reading. By Patricia Jenkins I really enjoyed it. It kept me reading to the end. I can't wait for the next one to come out.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Amazon Customer Great book I love it! Can't wait for the next one!!!

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Chosen Paths, by J R Nott

Chosen Paths, by J R Nott

Chosen Paths, by J R Nott
Chosen Paths, by J R Nott