The FALL of BABYLON the Great AMERICA (Bible Prophecy Revealed) (Volume 3), by Michael D. Fortner
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The FALL of BABYLON the Great AMERICA (Bible Prophecy Revealed) (Volume 3), by Michael D. Fortner

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If you are looking for an analysis of Babylon the Great, to determine if it might be the United States of America, then this book is for you. One of the most difficult things I had to do in order to correctly interpret Bible prophecy, was come to the realization that America is Babylon the Great (BTG). I did not want to believe it. I resisted because it means that America will be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. But after years of study, the evidence forced me to that conclusion. Then I realized, that most nations of the world will suffer great destruction to one degree or another, based on their sins. So America will also suffer for its sinfulness. I also came to understand that Babylon the Great (BTG) is not all of America, it is ONLY wicked America. God will destroy wicked America, but he will save a righteous remnant from those who do not go in the Rapture, to rebuild the nation. During the past 10 years I saw such great decline in America, that I can now see why America will be destroyed, and also why it must be destroyed. But America will NOT be destroyed before the start of the Great Tribulation (GT), which is so often claimed, but will only be wounded at the start of the GT, but will be nuked and then invaded at the end of the GT. America will have a civil war, then is nuked. The nuclear war and invasion of America are the last acts of the beast (a Revised Islamic Empire) and its allies (Russia and China and North Korea), in its attempt to totally destroy Christianity and the Christians in America. Then Christ returns to save the world by destroying the evil that is taking over the world. Many people misinterpret Babylon the Great (BTG) harlot, prostitute, in Revelation 17 and 18. She has been interpreted to be, the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Church, America, Jerusalem, Islam, Saudi Arabia, and who knows what else. I will provide a mountain of evidence and explain in detail how America is political Babylon, cultural Babylon, and economic Babylon, that is capitalism which is headquartered in America; America being the premier capitalist nation in the world. If Babylon is also a city, then it is New York City. Like my previous two books on Bible prophecy, there is a lot of new insights in this book that are not found in any other book on Babylon the Great and America. I also discuss the Old Testament references to an end-time Babylon, which is not a rebuilt city in Iraq, but can only be the same as Mystery Babylon in Revelation. And I will discuss the founding of America, how it was founded with a de facto covenant with God ("de facto" means being in effect though not formally recognized). But America also is chosen of God because it was one of the nations that God promised to Abraham. Yes, God promised Abraham more than one nation! It is likely the main reason that America became the greatest and most powerful nation the world has ever seen. I also show how America will be split into three parts by a huge global earthquake (Rev. 16) after it betrays Israel. One split will be along the Mississippi River, the other in California. This book also includes a discussion of Gog and Magog of Ezekiel 38, which gives us details for two wars, not just one. One will be an invasion of Israel; the other will be an invasion of America. In the appendix I discuss the misinterpretation of Walid Shoebat, showing that his view of BTG being Saudi Arabia is grossly wrong. This is Book 3 of the Bible Prophecy Revealed series, which is a complete teaching on Bible prophecy. If you liked the other books, you will like this one. If you did not like the others, you will not like this one. (This is edition 1.75 with some slight improvements.) (Book 4 is now available).
The FALL of BABYLON the Great AMERICA (Bible Prophecy Revealed) (Volume 3), by Michael D. Fortner - Amazon Sales Rank: #905406 in Books
- Published on: 2015-05-18
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.00" h x .52" w x 6.00" l, .69 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 228 pages
The FALL of BABYLON the Great AMERICA (Bible Prophecy Revealed) (Volume 3), by Michael D. Fortner From the Author If you buy the print book you can get the Kindle free. After purchase, just return to this book's Kindle page and it will say you can get it free, and then just buy it for 0.00 and download to your PC or tablet or phone.
About the Author Michael D. Fortner has a B.A. in journalism with a minor in historian. He possesses a God-give ability to figure things out and to think outside the box. He was called to preach at age 20, and has been researching Bible prophecy for 35 years.He is also the author of The Almost True Yet False Prophet, The Truth About United Flight 93: A Reasonable Analysis of the Evidence, Discoveries in Bible Prophecy: Revised and Updated, and The Beast and False Prophet Revealed. He is the editor of The Book of Enoch Updated, and The Sibylline Oracles: Revised and Updated.

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Most helpful customer reviews
6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. A Complete Analysis of the Past, Present and Future/End Time America By B M Firstly, I must say that the series is a MUST HAVE as the books are akin to guides/reference books to Bible prophecy, as I feel, so far, no one has read and is reading the prophetic verses in the Bible correctly!!!!!In his unique interpretative style, which is extremely reader-friendly like his first two books, complete with word meanings and quotations from various sources, the author presents astounding evidence to prove that Babylon the Great in the Bible is America and not any false religion or Saudi Arabia or any other countries. He shows that even the Statue of Liberty prophecy proves that America is indeed end time Babylon The Great. His interpretation that BTG could be capitalism is captivating and provides shocking examples for the same. He even analyses that Babylon in Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah 50 and 51 and several verses from the Old Testament refer to end time Babylon. And that America was one of the nations that God promised to Abraham!!! Amazing!!!!The most mind numbing evidence the author presents is that America was founded as a Christian nation, and shows why America is a super power and why God will judge wicked America. In his previous books, Mr. Fortner shows how America was a refuge to Christianity and in this book, he thoroughly details how the great nation became Godless. Incidentally, I read Romans 1:18-32 and concluded that the author’s insights are true to the Scripture verses!!!!!He analyses the future of America and the world and his thoughts on Gog and Magog in Ezekial 37, 38 and 39, the order of end time events are very enlightening. He details WW3 and the battle of Armageddon from Revelations 16 and says that there will be two wars – one with Israel and one with America, and Europe as well. Also the destruction and invasion of America by the beast as described in Revelations 17 -20. The author also shows how other verses from the Old Testament Prophets refer to the same.Mr. Fortner provides evidence how America will be split after it betrays Israel and will be destroyed in a nuclear war at the end of Great Tribulation and not at the beginning. The author leaves no stone unturned in presenting historical facts, and other prophetically significant excerpts that support his conclusions.I always wondered about Christ’s 1000 year rule and how Satan can deceive people after Jesus rules for such a long period...well, the author’s insights about this are shocking as he dispels dominant beliefs, but logical and enlightening, as he shows that the 1000 years refer to the spread of Christianity and the defeat of paganism and refer to past events…yes, Daniel 7:14 says that when Christ returns, his kingdom will be forever!!! And what about the first resurrection and second death? And what about New York?....well, I will not spoil the surprise….read the book…..
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. End Times? By Peter J. Keiser This was an interesting read. I should issue a disclosure about how I came to read this as I'm not a born-again Christian or religious in any sense, rather the opposite, in fact. Two paths, actually, led to reading this. I used to teach literature to high school and college students and at some point realized how much of our literature and culture, really, have biblical origins and so started reading books on the bible as literature, really from a secular viewpoint. The other path was that about five years or so ago I realized that I didn't know much about Islam, the religion, its culture, history and so on and should probably bone up on it, given the current state of affairs in the world. Some would say that it doesn't matter how you arrive at a conclusion shared by people with quite a different perspective just so long as you get there. I disagree.In any case, over the years, and more recently regarding Islam, I've read quite a bit on these topics. The New Testament is straightforward, in my humble opinion, and relatively easily comprehensible. The Old Testament, on the other hand, varies from difficult to opaque, depending on the text. Don't misunderstand me, I have no pretensions to being a bible scholar, but I do have a curiosity about it. Either it means something or it means nothing and, frankly, I don't know which it is. I must confess that it seems only from these end time prophecy perspectives that the Old Testament and Revelations seems to make any sense. Isn't that odd?Now, I must say also, that I've read, particularly on Islam and its current manifestations, from different points of view; pro, con and somewhere in between. I've read Rheza Aslan's "Zealot" and "No God but God"(both quite good), Armstrong, Esposito, Shoebat and many others. Some suggest that Islam is the devil incarnate, some that it will moderate over time, and some that it is a blessing on mankind. I must say also, that my inclination, as a secular humanist, is to accept Islam as just any other religion, both good and bad in different measures. But I also question whether that is correct in light of history and Islam's current manifestations(ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Quaeda, et al).All of which brings us back to the book under discussion. Is it plausible that radical Islam will form an alliance with Russia and China and attack the United States. Well, I hope not but I think, yes, it is. Is it likely that Islam will restore the Universal Caliphate that was the Ottoman Empire. Well, that is one of ISIS's stated objectives, is it not? Turkey is no longer a secular state but has become an Islamic republic, hasn't it? New York in particular and the US in general are the center of international capitalism, are they not, the painted harlot in this narrative? The commodification of everything, including people, is undeniably a feature of triumphant free market capitalism, isn't it? American decline? Undeniable! Massive earthquakes, nuclear war, etc. Plausible? Well, again, I hope not but I'm afraid so. I was reading the other day that the Greenland ice cap is melting so fast that it's triggering numerous earthquakes in the 4 to 5 Richter range. Not so far off the east coast of the US, is it? Russia and China have become geopolitical rivals to the US lately, haven't they? And everybody is developing advanced nukes or trying to get their hands on them, aren't they? Islam as the Antichrist? Well, something's going on, isn't it? Coincidence? Maybe. Or maybe something else.Four stars instead of five because the book is somewhat repetitive. I mean, how many times do you have to say prophecy describes America as Babylon the Great before people get the point? Also four stars because I remain somewhat skeptical. That's my nature. Time will tell, won't it?
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Excellent information presented with logical arguments By J4Life5 I was looking forward to reading this book because I had already read and greatly enjoyed the previous two books in this series. I wasn't disappointed. My favorite thing about Fortner's writing is the logical way he presents his ideas and arguments for his interpretations. Readers may or may not agree with all of his viewpoints, but his logical arguments make you stop and think.I found the historical information proving that America was founded as a Christian nation absolutely fascinating. I have always believed that we were founded as a Christian nation, probably because I am old enough that I went to school in a time where the mere mention of God in a classroom didn't result in an immediate lawsuit with the ACLU. However, I learned quite a bit from the chapter on the history of America.I really appreciate the format of the book, where the end notes are listed immediately following the information referring to them. I wish more authors would adopt that format because it is so user-friendly. It also lends a great deal of credibility to the information and opinions given by the author. I thought the historical information was so compelling that I thought to myself that I should read some of those sources so that I could learn even more, especially about things like Thanksgiving.I also really enjoyed reading about the dreams and prophecies that people in the 20th century have reported, particularly the one about "prosperity Christianity" because we see it everywhere. I was amazed at how many prophecies were spot on.If you are looking for information about America's role in end times, this book is a must-read. Whether you believe that America is Babylon the Great or not, this book will give you plenty to think about. If you believe that America is Babylon the Great, this book will provide you with logical arguments to support your viewpoint. This book was such a timely read for me because a friend and I were just talking about this exact topic a week before the book arrived in the mail! I can't wait to share with her everything I read and I can't wait to read the last one in the series.I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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The FALL of BABYLON the Great AMERICA (Bible Prophecy Revealed) (Volume 3), by Michael D. Fortner
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The FALL of BABYLON the Great AMERICA (Bible Prophecy Revealed) (Volume 3), by Michael D. Fortner
The FALL of BABYLON the Great AMERICA (Bible Prophecy Revealed) (Volume 3), by Michael D. Fortner
The FALL of BABYLON the Great AMERICA (Bible Prophecy Revealed) (Volume 3), by Michael D. Fortner
The FALL of BABYLON the Great AMERICA (Bible Prophecy Revealed) (Volume 3), by Michael D. Fortner