Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Talon, Encounter, by Gigi Sedlmayer

Talon, Encounter, by Gigi Sedlmayer

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Talon, Encounter, by Gigi Sedlmayer

Talon, Encounter, by Gigi Sedlmayer

Talon, Encounter, by Gigi Sedlmayer

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The poachers are back - and they are looking for Talon! They are doing everything in their power to capture him, and if they can't get him alive, will kill him. Determined to get him at all costs the poachers run up against the might and will of Tamo, Tima and Talon. It is war. The poachers against the condors, Matica and the Indians - with the poachers even taking hostages to win the war. With the help of Tamo and Tima, Talon and Matica do the impossible knowing they have to capture and stop the poachers or they will be back. Between the poachers shooting at the condors, the crows playing their part, and Tamo being shot and injured, Matica goes above and beyond to help her beloved condors. Action-packed from beginning to end, Talon Encounter will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Talon, Encounter, by Gigi Sedlmayer

  • Published on: 2015-09-25
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .85" w x 5.51" l, 1.07 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 382 pages
Talon, Encounter, by Gigi Sedlmayer

Review Action packed from the beginning of the book.Matica and Talon, Tamo and Tima. Will the poachers get Talon? Find out.I just loved writing this particular book about challenged and rejected, but now loved Matica as the poachers are back and want to kill or capture Talon.Is it revenge? Matica believes it is. But she thinks they have no right since she raised him from the egg, so he could become the majestic condor he meant to be. The Talon series has been quiteexciting to read and nice to follow the maturing of the young heroineMatica and also the comfort that the condors are finding amongst thevillagers and vice versa.This story of Talon, Encounter becomes quite exciting as the poachers return and the Indians inability to deal with them.So interesting I did not wish to put the book down so I was a book worm for a coupe of days.Praise goes to the wonderful imagination of the author Gigi Sedlmayer andthanks also for getting us involved in this ongoing series that isobviously bringing pleasure to us all. Thank you Gigi Sedlmayer.Yet another lovely book ofadventure, growing up and excitement. As part of Talon series, Encounter looks at some real life-threatening experiences of the protagonistMatica, who is not afraid of facing even the cruel poachers. I would say it is a story of courage, love of wildlife, nature and humanityoverall. Recommended to all grownup kids that like to explore vividly,including authentic literary style.

From the Author No, no, no!' Matica screamed out from the time they had seen it. She had hoped not to see it so early, especially while laying on Talon and trying to fly home. 'It can't be. Not so early. Not now.' Not only was she agitated, Talon was grunting nervously as well, shaking himself and flapping his wings irregularly, hardly flying straight. Matica had difficulty holding on, being so edgy herself. They flew for only half an hour when they were shocked through to the core. Talon turned around straight away and now they were on their way home, still not believing what they had encountered. Talon didn't fold his wings to his body after he had landed and Matica had slid down to the ground. Talon, with bulging and big grey eyes ran around restlessly. He couldn't stand still and was grunting nervously. His expression showed real worry. Matica also couldn't stand still. She clutched her mouth with one hand, her worried eyes wide open. Pacing around, thinking it over she watched Talon, with narrowed eyes. Tamo and Tima quietly circled the village. 'You saw the "you know who".' Crayn confirmed, worry on his face as he came outside, Mira following behind him. They sat on the bench but Matica was still standing, watching the restless Talon. She nodded her head, thinking, he is more agitated than I am. Before Crayn or Mira could inquire where they had seen the poachers, Matica faced them and said in a deep voice, as if that was natural to her, 'Yes, we saw the "you know who", again.' She emphasized the word 'again'. 'They were in Ramah this time and were sitting on my big rock, talking.' Then she yelled out, stamping the ground with her foot and waving her arms over her head, 'They sat on my rock! That's not fair.' She pouted her lips, then started to hyperventilate. Crayn and Mira just looked at her, wondering about her outburst and her hasty gasps and gulps. 'Well,' her father indicated calmly, waving at her to come to him. 'Come here and calm down.' She hesitated first, but then she sat on his lap, cuddling and leaning her head on his chest. Her breathing began to slow down. He spoke soothingly into her scalp, his lips touching her hair. 'I believe the rock isn't there just for you. But again, I know what you mean. The rock was your special place, your place where you meet Tamo. Yet, the bad news for us is, they're way too close. And that's not good.' Mira had to clutch her mouth to stop herself crying out loud. But then she nodded and stated calmly, stroking Matica's back, 'We understand you, my love. But put the rock aside and be realistic. We have to deal with the "you know who", not with the rock. It's much more important, at the moment anyway.' Matica pushed herself away from her dad, passing in front of them. Crayn, nervous and worried about his daughter and the encounter with the poachers, sat uneasy. He couldn't sit still, and was sliding around the bench as if it became too hot for him to sit on. Worry lines spread across his face. Then Mira whispered, not so sure anymore than she was before. 'They are this close.' Then, 'No, no, no. It can't be.' 'Mum, we saw them and even heard them.' Talon came to her side and nodded. 'Yes, yes, I believe you,' she whispered absent mindedly. 'Oh may.  It's... it's so horrible to know they are so close.' She lifted her head. 'They'll be here soon.' 'I know what you mean, Mum,' Crayn pointed out. 'Now,' he said, turning to his daughter, 'where have you... Oh...,' he tapped his forehead, 'in Ramah. Right.' He combed his hair with his fingers, thinking. Just then Pajaro walked slowly toward them, still red-eyed from crying for his padre, Elcano, who had passed away. But, he was alert enough to know what was going on around him. Looking up at the condors, he asked, 'Why are they so quiet and circling so low over our village? Is something wrong or is it still because of my padre?' But seeing the worry lines on Mira's and Crayn's faces, also how upset Talon and Matica looked, he put two and two together. 'Oh no!' He sat heavily beside Crayn on the bench and said to Matica in a grave voice, not as a question, but as a statement, 'You saw the "you know who" and come home quickly to tell us.' Matica nodded. 'Talon came to cheer me up after your padre died, so we flew for another round. At first it worked, then we both got a shock seeing the "you know who" in Ramah. They will be here any day now.' 'In Ramah? So close already?' Pajaro cried out, knowing what she was talking about. He put his elbows on the table then his head into his cupped hands, shaking his head. Through his fingers he mumbled, 'Oh, no. That is not good, not good at all.' He let his hands fall into his lap then he looked back at Elcano's hut, his padre, then back to Matica. 'That is not fair. That means I have no time to mourn my padre.' Matica looked sadly up at him. 'I am so sorry, Mr Pajaro. I...' Pajaro squared his shoulders, then he wiped his eyes. 'It is not your fault Matica. But I have to say it is not fair either. But,' he went on, looking at Talon who looked back at Pajaro, 'as much as I do not like 4 it, I cannot help it. The "you know who" will come first. All right, I am ready for them.' 'You sure about that?' Crayn asked him anxiously. Pajaro looked him into the eyes. 'Of course I am. Well, it will not be easy for me, but I just have to. I have to put my personal feelings away and focus on the now. When someone needs my help, I am here. And that is Matica and her condors right now. She and the condors come first. Elcano would not have wanted it differently. So, yes, I am.' Crayn looked admiringly at him and nodded, thinking, He will be a great leader of his group. Like his father was, putting his own feelings to the side. 'Thank you, Mr Pajaro,' Matica acknowledged and twined her arms around his neck. Pajaro first hesitated, wondering where the Mr came from, but then he hugged her back. When they separated again, both with wet eyes, she continued, 'I'll never forget that, ever, that you sacrifice the mourning and the burial of your father. If they really will come as soon as we think we have to get ready for them.' Looking up to see the condors circling over them, she cried out, 'Where are they? They're gone. Talon, where are they?' Talon looked up and shook his head. 'Are they patrolling to make sure they are not coming right now? Or, maybe they're making sure they will be going away again. Gone for today.' 'Pajaro,' Crayn cut in, nodding his head to his daughter, 'If Matica is right with her interpretation, and I believe she is, then you can mourn your padre, at least for today.' He put his hand on his shoulder. 'The "you know who" are not here, yet. And they won't come today. It's already way too late for that, I would say. And Tamo and Tima are making sure they won't come right now. They will inform us, right Talon?' Talon nodded. 'I think they might come before you can put Elcano to rest though. All right?' Pajaro nodded. He wiped his face with one hand then he admitted, 5 1 Matica and the Poachers staring straight ahead, 'My father said that he likes to be cremated, not buried.' 'Oh, right, yes, Matica mentioned it. But I thought...' 'I know. That is not our custom, but this is his wish and I will fulfil his wish.' Matica nodded and put her hand on her father's arm. 'Elcano said that he didn't want to have worms going through his flesh and eating him.' 'Matica!' Mira called out. 'How could you?' 'But that's what he said, Mum.' Pajaro nodded. 'Mira, it is true. My padre said that. So, I guess, I have to fell a few trees and we will cremate him. But the fire might draw the "you know who".' He started to go on his way. 'We can't avoid that. All right then.' Crayn looked at his wife, then at his daughter. Both nodded. Just then Tamo screeched loudly from the sky. Talon ran and soon was airborne. They circled higher and soon they were gone.

From the Inside Flap 'What is it, Talon?' Mira asked him, stroking him over his head, as he kept standing in front of her. Talon grunted softly then very slowly he lifted his wings and enfolded her in his wings. Bit by bit and hesitantly, as if Mira couldn't believe what Talon was doing, her hands appeared around his body. She embraced him as well. Talon stretched out his head and laid it on her shoulder, enjoying it as much as she was. And then deep sobs could be heard from her. Then a muffled, 'Oh Talon, that's so wonderful. You do it again to me because you think, as well as I do, that the first time was way too short and too quick. Oh, I love you so much. Thank you for giving me that wonderful embrace. Thank you so very much. I love it. As Aikon said, I'm a condor now.'

Talon, Encounter, by Gigi Sedlmayer

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Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. What can I say but it continues just as great as the other four By Coco Given For ReviewTalon, Encounter by Gigi Sedlmayer is the fifth book of the Talon series. What can I say but it continues just as great as the other four. Gigi has a way of writing that is unbelievable. It's hard to say which book was hit out of the ballpark but from what I have read I have to say she has done it five times. Way to go Gigi!! In this book, Matica and her condor friend have to fight off poachers again. This is another great action packed story of courage, compassion and thoughtfulness. I don't want to tell what is all in it, you need to get the book and find out. You won't be sorry at all. Again, I gave Gigi 5 stars and it deserves more. I highly recommend this book to all and I now wait for more fantastic books from Gigi Sedlmayer.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. A well written tale about compassion and thoughtfulness By Book Reads Another great inspiring piece of work by talented author Gigi! ‘Talon, Encounter’ is the fifth book of the Talon series. Very well written and this action-packed compassionate tale will keep you page turning.Highly Recommended. A well-deserved five stars.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. I have read all five books in this series and have to say that I loved them. It is best to read this as ... By Alexia Janie Evans "Talon, Encounter" by Gigi Sedlmayer is the fifth book in the 'Talon' series. I have read all five books in this series and have to say that I loved them. It is best to read this as a series but if you were to pick up book 5 you would be able to follow along as the author does a great job with the characters in the story. In this book Matica (the young girl that the story is written around) and her young condor friend Talon are dealing with poachers. There is much more to this story but it deserves to be read and enjoyed rather than me telling you what is going to happen. Perfect book for younger teens, but as an adult i thoroughly enjoyed it too. The way Gigi Sedlmayer writes shows how the author deals with love of animals, and accepting people with disabilities.

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Talon, Encounter, by Gigi Sedlmayer

Talon, Encounter, by Gigi Sedlmayer

Talon, Encounter, by Gigi Sedlmayer
Talon, Encounter, by Gigi Sedlmayer

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