One Thing: A Gospel-Centered Life On Mission, by Ben Harrell
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One Thing: A Gospel-Centered Life On Mission, by Ben Harrell

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We are called to Jesus, we are commissioned to make disciples. One Thing is a field-written Bible study that equips followers of Jesus to be disciples and make disciples of Jesus among their neighbors and the nations.The gospel must be our focus and foundation--we must be clear as we communicate the gospel and clear as we define it with those we work alongside. During the last conversation Jesus had with His disciples before His arrest, He focused their attention on three actions: to abide in Him, to obey His commands, and to love one another. As we go to make disciples, we should identify characteristics and needs of people and genuinely connect with them on a personal level. As we preach the gospel, we should expect the Holy Spirit to be at work and explore how to effectively share our Message. As we teach others, we should consider how to equip them and how to model a faithful life, community, and mission. As we seek to reach others with the gospel, we should encourage others to take the lead and multiply the gospel in new communities.One Thing is structured as an easy-to-follow discussion guide and workbook that comes alongside churches, teams and individuals in mission training and in developing plans for engaging a people group or a city. Suggestions for facilitating and leading this study, a strategy plan template, an answer key, and recommended resources are included.For discipleship groups, use One Thing (white cover) as the leader guide and the One Thing Small-Group Study (red cover) as the participant version. For training purposes, the study is designed for both leaders and participants to use One Thing (white cover). Beyond that, how you use One Thing is completely up to you.
One Thing: A Gospel-Centered Life On Mission, by Ben Harrell - Amazon Sales Rank: #552770 in Books
- Published on: 2015-05-01
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 10.00" h x .43" w x 7.00" l, .75 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 190 pages
One Thing: A Gospel-Centered Life On Mission, by Ben Harrell Review "One Thing is a biblically based resource that helps us to follow Jesus across the street and across the oceans--an indispensable tool to include in one's spiritual toolbox."Nik RipkenAuthor, The Insanity of God"One Thing has the Bible as its foundation, personal and practical application as its focus, and the glory of God among the nations as its goal. It is a practical, simple tool for being and making disciples, with significant insights for cross-cultural disciplemaking." Chuck Lawless Dean of Graduate Studies, Southeastern Baptist Theological SeminaryAuthor, Discipled Warriors, Nobodies for Jesus, and Mentor"Drawing on life experiences overseas the author underscores a discipleship founded on 'abide, obey, and love' prior to a life shared in mission that 'goes, preaches, teaches, and reaches.' This work is simple, yet profound; practical, yet rich in function and guidance. An essential handbook and primer for the missionary and Christian."David CrutchleyChair of Religion, Carson-Newman University"We often focus more on where we're going and what we're doing while giving less attention to who we are in the process. In One Thing, Ben Harrell reminds us of this much needed balance. Rooted in strong theology, Ben also shares his unique perspective as one who has served in some of the world's most difficult mission fields. Dig into this book and then get it into the hands of leaders around you!"Jason HayesLead Pastor, Shoreline Church KnoxvilleAuthor, Blemished and Follow Me
About the Author Ben Harrell serves as an international church planter with IMB. Originally from Tennessee, he and his wife have traveled extensively around the world, have lived long term in three countries, including rural and urban environments, and have been neighbors with Buddhists, Taoists, Animists, Hindus, Muslims, and the non-religious.

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Most helpful customer reviews
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Reproducible... In a good way. By Dirk Canyon I've been a student of cross-cultural outreach strategies for over 15 years, so I've seen the good, the bad, and the un-Biblical. One-Thing is a breath of fresh air when it comes to a diciple-making guide that is both reproducible and Biblical, and accessible to anyone. One-Thing is a practical training guide that has potential for application in any context, and among any people group. This is because it is founded on the absolute truthfulness of the Gospel as revealed in God's Word, which by nature is applicable to all times, peoples, places, and cultures.Many have been rightly concerned with the missiological catch-phrases like "reproducible", "sustainable", or "contextualized". However, One-Thing is one of the first strategies that I've seen that is able to be both reproducible, yet retain a theological richness. This is because it doesn't sacrifice its content for the sake of reproducibility, or assume that it has to sacrifice spiritual development for the sake of simplicity and growth. The personal experience of Harrell is also evident in the pages of this guide. He's not just a theorist, but a practitioner.One-Thing is a personal challenge to my own spiritual growth, and has become a significant influence in the way I see church-planting strategy. I highly recommend it to anyone who is serious about making-disciples who can then make other disciples. When it comes to a disciple-making strategy that is Biblically rich, without loosing it's simplicity or reproducibility, One-Thing is it. Ben Harrell should be commended for this guide, and I pray that in the white noise of "reproducible" discipleship strategies that are out there, that One-Thing will rise above and be noticed.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. biblical over experiential By Stephen Allwood If you are looking for a simple, easy, step-by-step, pragmatic approach to life and mission, as a disciple of Christ, then you MUST go elsewhere. One Thing clearly communicates from the Scriptures that a disciple’s mission and calling are linked. A disciple becomes more like Jesus as he or she does the mission set before them, namely making disciples of all nations. One Thing is not just a book about being and making disciples but is intended to be used in-group studies/ discipleship making opportunities.According to Ben Harrell, the heart of a disciple’s calling is absolute abandonment/ surrender to Jesus. Every Jesus follower is called to make disciples. One Thing is written in such a way that it leads readers to the Word of God so that they can interact with the Scriptures and experience personal discoveries of what God’s Word teaches about being a disciple of Jesus. The heart of One Thing is biblical not experiential. The Bible is the guide not the experiences of the author. Ben Harrell’s personal journey and experience, however, make this book a good read for all looking to grow in their understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.One Thing is a clearly written, interactive, challenging the reader with a biblically reflective approach to life and mission as a disciple of Jesus. This contribution will keep giving for many years to come.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. easy to teach, word driven tool to help individuals or group be on mission By M W I was recently asked to use One Thing to train a group of college students/young professionals who were about to engage various unreached peoples/cities. Honestly, I had a difficult time allowing myself to sit back and let the book train for itself. It's wonderful-the training was Word driven rather than teacher driven. I had a blast-trained for 7-8 days straight and never felt drained. The material and training formats (in the back-dig through those-they are extremely helpful) were well designed and helps the learner to see that all ministry needs to flow from our own personal enjoyment/experience in the Gospel. I think that we all left knowing the mentors help us, community also has a huge part in our growth but ultimately we must depend on the Holy Spirit and the Word to guide us into the depths of God. This is key for those who live in areas where there is little access to the Gospel. No tool is perfect-One thing has its limitations but it's a great foundation for those who want to live a Gospel-centered life that leads to Gospel-centered mission.
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One Thing: A Gospel-Centered Life On Mission, by Ben Harrell
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One Thing: A Gospel-Centered Life On Mission, by Ben Harrell
One Thing: A Gospel-Centered Life On Mission, by Ben Harrell
One Thing: A Gospel-Centered Life On Mission, by Ben Harrell
One Thing: A Gospel-Centered Life On Mission, by Ben Harrell