Senin, 04 Mei 2015

When The Lord Waits: His Plans And Purposes In All Things, by Robert Clifton Robinson

When The Lord Waits: His Plans And Purposes In All Things, by Robert Clifton Robinson

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When The Lord Waits: His Plans And Purposes In All Things, by Robert Clifton Robinson

When The Lord Waits: His Plans And Purposes In All Things, by Robert Clifton Robinson

When The Lord Waits: His Plans And Purposes In All Things, by Robert Clifton Robinson

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As I write these words, my dear wife lies in a bed across from me, in the Intensive Care unit of a hospital. Two months ago, she began to experience headaches and a loss of vision. An M.R.I., revealed that she has a Craniopharyngioma, a tumor, about the size of a golf ball, inside the very center of her brain. The optic nerves of her eyes, as well as the Pituitary gland, have been compressed by the presence of this slow growing tumor, during her entire forty-eight years, until it has finally robbed her of all vitality of life. Two months previous to my wife’s awareness that she would require two intensive brain surgeries, I suffered a heart attack on a remote island in the Philippines. We had been working together for the past five years, to bring relief to the poor of an forgotten people who live in object poverty. Just after midnight, on October 10, 2014, I awoke with a searing pain in the center of my back, left shoulder, arm, and chest. I didn’t know at the time that I was having a heart attack. I had been working so hard that I believed my pain was caused by a torn muscle in my back. I did not receive any treatment for my heart attack for another three weeks. I should have died during the early weeks after this event, but incredibly, I survived. A blood clot had formed in the lower part of my heart that doctors describe as a “Thrombosis.” Nearly one-third of my heart muscle had died during this attack. Shortly after arriving back in the United States for treatment in late November of 2014, we learned of my wife’s brain tumor. Surgery was scheduled at the beginning of March, 2015, with promising results that allowed a return of about ninety percent of my wife’s vision. After six weeks, a repeat M.R.I., revealed that more than half of the calcified tumor remained on the right side, and just under, the optic chasm—where the right and left optic nerves intersect. A second surgery was scheduled within days, and a ten hour procedure to remove the remaining tumor was performed. Two days after the second surgery, my wife noticed that she had no vision in her right eye, which was near perfect prior to the second surgery. The left eye had severe temporal vision loss on the left side of the left eye. The two neurosurgeon’s who performed the second procedure, are both world renowned physicians with a combined forty year history of successful operations. The second day that my wife lay in the intensive care unit of the hospital, both men were also near tears as they witnessed my wife’s loss of vision. I was particularly impressed with their compassion, though they must have certainly seen this very result on many occasions before. In the first follow up visit with the primary neurosurgeon, he put his hand on my shoulder and told me: “You give hope to people, do you not Mr. Robinson? Isn’t this what you do, you give them hope? Give yourself some hope, give your wife time to heal. The cells of the optic nerve are the most sensitive in the body and they take a very long time to recover. We will wait and hope that your wife’s vision does return.” As I have read through and taught the entire Bible over the course of the past forty years, I have observed the many occasions where the Lord often required those who believe in Him—to wait. It seems to be a part of the Lord’s nature, and His enduring manner of teaching us, that time is a very good remedy for faith. The longer we wait for something, the more our faith has a chance to grow. That is, if we properly channel our thoughts into the right area. If we focus our hopes upon the goodness of the Lord and remember the many times that He has rescued us in the past and provided so many wonderful blessings, we can survive those frequent moments when the Lord waits to deliver our requests.

When The Lord Waits: His Plans And Purposes In All Things, by Robert Clifton Robinson

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1155100 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-29
  • Released on: 2015-05-29
  • Format: Kindle eBook
When The Lord Waits: His Plans And Purposes In All Things, by Robert Clifton Robinson

From the Author I was born in Phoenix, Arizona. At the age of 7, while playing in the desert of Scottsdale, Arizona, I was bitten by a baby Diamondback Rattlesnake.  Running home to my dear mother, severely increased the effectiveness of the snake venom and placed my life in great jeopardy. Doctors gave little chance of my survival and suggested that my parents contact their pastor or priest for last rights.  While unconscious, I experienced a physical presence in a blinding white light that comforted and informed me that I would not die. In miracle after miracle, I survived this horrific ordeal and began my search for the person who spoke to me while unconscious, during this near-death experience.  After examining the claims of Jesus, the reliability of the Bible and the empirical evidence which supports evidence for the existence of God, at the age of 19, I went forward at Calvary Chapel Church in southern California to receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, realizing that He was the person who had spoken to me and preserved my life, 12 years before.

From the Inside Flap The Plans of God Take Time There have been many books written, regarding our need to "wait upon the Lord." The idea behind these publications is that God requires human beings to wait for Him to unfold His will in their lives. This book is slightly different in that it describes these gaps of time in the lives of people as moments when the Lord waits for us. The reasons are many and diverse--but the purposes are the same: The Lord waits for us to catch up to the plans and purposes that He has for us. He is always ready to move each one of us into the next step of our lives. It is we who often take side journey's along the way and frequently stop altogether. On some occasions, we pray and seek the Lord's help or His will, and unbeknownst to us, we are slightly ahead of His schedule. Other times, when we have wandered off the path He has chosen, He must stop and wait for us to return. In all of these examples, it is the Lord who waits for us; not that we must wait for Him--as if He is too busy at the present time to take care of our needs. As we observe the real lives of certain people in the Bible, we realize that God has written these stories so that we can observe how He leads people and the manner in which He works in the lives of those who love Him.  We learn that in these moments, the Lord is very loving and patient with us and He simply stops what He is doing in our life and waits for us to return to the path He has planned. It is a fact of human life, that the Lord must take many of these slow excursions with us because we are so hesitant to learn. How wonderful it is that His compassion is such that He is willing to take as much time as necessary, to bring us along the journey that He has in mind. We see that the Lord, who is called "Jesus" by name, is also referred to as the "Lamb slain from the foundation of the universe," by the Book of Revelation.⁠ This tells us that before God made the stars and planets, before the first man existed, God knew that we would require a Savior who would come and give His life for us. Though Jesus is described as our Savior--before anything existed, He did not arrive on the earth as the Messiah until some 4,000 years after Adam's creation. This is one of the clearest examples of how the Lord has waited for us, from the beginning, for a very long period of time. In the mind of God, Jesus was the Savior of all the descendants of Adam, before He made anything else. Jesus volunteered to be our Savior, knowing that Adam would sin against God and all of his future descendants would also be lost. God waited for 4,000 years before sending Jesus, to allow the natural process of time to permit all the events necessary--to occur first, before Jesus arrived to die for the sins of the world.  "But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law." --Galatians 4:4 God allowing time to pass, before He acts or completes His will in the life of a person, is really very common in the narrative of the Bible.

  • God promised Abraham a son, but it took a long process of time before Isaac was born.
  • God told Noah that a great flood would destroy the earth but He allowed a long process of time before this judgement arrived.
  • God called the nation of Israel to be the spokesman for the Messiah--to reveal Him to the world, yet Israel was in slavery in Egypt for 400 years.
  • Jesus promised that He would return to earth for His church--2,000 years ago. God has chosen to wait for the purpose of allowing people enough time to repent of their sins and receive Jesus as their Savior
The Love of God is so great towards every person, that very often we will have to wait for Him to accomplish the things we are so fervently praying about. When our prayers are not quickly answered, we begin to lose hope. Some people give up all together. This is unfortunate because it is with the passage of just a little more time that we can see and experience the incredible things that the Lord is capable of doing in our life.  When the Lord waits, we are the beneficiaries of His pauses. In those moments when we do not see the Lord moving in our life, these are the opportunities for a thorough examination of what we are doing, where we are going, and who we are as a person. If we will stop and consider why the Lord is waiting, we may find that we have strayed from the Lord and need to return and trust Him once again.

When The Lord Waits: His Plans And Purposes In All Things, by Robert Clifton Robinson

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. A wonderful book worth a five star rating + By Bruce W Womble This is a beautifully written book and answers so many questions. Understanding the old testament and how it ties into the birth and life of Jesus is very inspiring.

See all 1 customer reviews... When The Lord Waits: His Plans And Purposes In All Things, by Robert Clifton Robinson

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When The Lord Waits: His Plans And Purposes In All Things, by Robert Clifton Robinson

When The Lord Waits: His Plans And Purposes In All Things, by Robert Clifton Robinson

When The Lord Waits: His Plans And Purposes In All Things, by Robert Clifton Robinson
When The Lord Waits: His Plans And Purposes In All Things, by Robert Clifton Robinson

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