Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, by Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang

A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, by Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang

For everybody, if you intend to begin accompanying others to read a book, this A Star In The East: The Rise Of Christianity In China, By Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang is much recommended. As well as you should get guide A Star In The East: The Rise Of Christianity In China, By Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang here, in the link download that we offer. Why should be below? If you desire various other kind of books, you will certainly always discover them as well as A Star In The East: The Rise Of Christianity In China, By Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang Economics, politics, social, scientific researches, faiths, Fictions, and also more books are provided. These available publications remain in the soft files.

A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, by Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang

A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, by Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang

A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, by Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang

PDF Ebook A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, by Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang

What is the state of Christianity in China, really? Some scholars say that China is invulnerable to religion. Some say that past efforts of missionaries have failed, writing off those who were converted as nothing more than “rice Christians,” or cynical souls who had frequented the missions for the benefits they provided. Some wonder if the Cultural Revolution extinguished any chances of Christianity in China. Rodney Stark and Xiuhua Wang offer a different perspective, arguing that Christianity is alive, well, and even on the rise. Stark approaches the topic from an extensive research background in both Christianity and Chinese history, and Wang provides an inside look at Christianity and its place in her home country of China. Both authors cover the history of religion in China, disproving older theories concerning not only the number of Christians, but the kinds of Christians that have emerged in the past 155 years.  Stark and Wang claim that when just considering the visible Christians, those not part of underground churches, there are still thousands of Chinese being converted to Christianity each day, and forty new churches opening each week.A Star in the East draws on two major national surveys to sketch a close-up of religion in China. A reliable estimate is that by 2007 there were approximately 60 million Christians in China. If the current rate of growth were to hold until 2030, there would be more Christians in China—about 295 million—than in any other nation on earth. This has significant implications, not just for China but for the greater world order. It is probable that Chinese Christianity will splinter into denominations, likely leading to the same kinds of political, social, and economic ramifications seen in the West today.             Whether you’re new to studying Christianity in China, or whether this has been your area of interest for years, A Star in the East provides a reliable, thought-provoking, and engaging account of the resilience of the Christian faith in China and the implications it has for the future. 

A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, by Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #276054 in Books
  • Brand: Stark, Rodney/ Wang, Xiuhua
  • Published on: 2015-05-11
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .80" w x 5.50" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 160 pages
A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, by Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang

Review “Sociologist Rodney Stark has done it again.  Readers who enjoyed his earlier works on the Crusades, the rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire, and Christianity’s role in ending slavery will be grateful that he has now applied his brilliance to China.” — David Aikman, author of Jesus in Beijing and other books, and former China correspondent for TIME magazine “This is a concise, well-written, and stimulating account of the growth and prospects of Christianity in the world’s largest socialist society.  Rodney Stark, a leading theorist in the sociology of religion, well-known for his explanations of the rise of Christianity in the Mediterranean world, collaborates with a young scholar from mainland China to describe and explain the extraordinary recent growth of Christianity in China. Highly recommended.” — Graeme Lang, retired professor of sociology (2014), and founder of Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong “In this brief, very readable account of Christianity in China, authors Stark and Wang argue that cultural incongruity is what has made an opening in Chinese hearts and minds for the Christian faith, while familial and social networking account for the robust patterns of conversion. And contrary to theories that reduce religion to consolation for the poor and marginal, Stark and Wang find that Chinese Christianity is more favored by the affluent and well-educated.  This book is a valuable addition to the growing effort to understand Christianity’s rise in China.”  — Joel Carpenter, Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity, Calvin College “Books on contemporary China have proliferated in recent years, and plenty of them address the remarkable growth of Christianity. What makes A Star in the East wholly distinctive though— and so very valuable—is its reliance on credible and strictly current quantitative evidence. The book thus provides an essential foundation for any future discussion of the religious scene in contemporary China.” — Philip Jenkins, Baylor University

About the Author Rodney Stark is the Distinguished Professor of the Social Sciences and Co-Director of the Institute for Studies of Religion at Baylor University and Honorary Professor of Sociology at Peking University in Beijing. He is the author or co-author of 36 books in 17 different languages, including the best-selling The Rise of Christianity (HarperSanFrancisco, 1997).Xiuhua Wang received her BA and MA from Renmin University of China in Beijing and is now working towards her Ph.D. in sociology at Baylor University. She has published several papers in American scholarly journals and at present is exploring the role of gender in conversions to Christianity in China. 

A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, by Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang

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Most helpful customer reviews

8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. Good combination of sweeping history and compelling statistics!! By kyle A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, by Rodney Stark, is a short book that combines a sweeping history of missions to China with recent, reliable statistics on its effects and implications.Although the whole is pervaded by Rodney Stark’s sociological rigor, this book is in no way reducible to dispassionate science or mere technical research. This is the story of faith’s resilience under an aggressive, government-lead policy of persecution that resulted in the death of many million people. In 1966, under the threat of Mao Zedong’s Red Guard, whose slogans included, “Beating down foreign religion” and “Beating down Jesus following”, Christianity went underground but not into hibernation. The oft quoted maxim held true under Chairman Mao as it did under Stalin, “Religion is like a nail, the harder you hit it, the deeper it goes”. When Christianity was legalized again in 1980, the 4 million Christians who went into hiding had multiplied to 10 million. Today they number around 100 million (115). “By any standard, the recent growth of Christianity in China has been meteoric” (113). Forty new churches open every week, not counting underground house churches (2). The growth rate of Christianity since 1980 has been 7% per year. If this rate continues for 15 more years, there will be more Christians in China than in any other nation—294.6 million (114).The recent reception of Christ by millions in one of the oldest and most advanced civilizations in history—in a country with such devotion to the past, an entrenched local religion, and a historically antagonistic government—is a testimony to missionary sacrifice, the spiritual hunger of all men, and the faithfulness of God.Below were some of the most interesting parts of this book for me.Protestant Vs Catholic MissionsStark’s analysis of why Protestant missions were more successful in the long run than Catholic missions, despite the latter’s huge head start (1582 vs 1807) and initially greater numbers was fascinating. The foreign control of the pope, the hierarchical structure of the church, and the necessity for an ordained priest to conduct the mass all hampered the Catholic efforts and left them more exposed to persecution. Today, Catholics in China are outnumbered by Protestants by at least 10 to 1 (56).Liberal Christianity’s Missional FailureThe reason for liberal Christianity’s failure in mission was interesting. The Social Gospel promoted by liberal theologians was more focused on bringing sanitation than salvation. However, “it soon became obvious that people will seldom face the hardships of missionary service merely to do good deeds. Without the conviction that they were bringing priceless truths to those in need, the mission spirit quickly dissipated in liberal Protestant circles” (34). The percentage of American missionaries sent by liberal denominations has declined continuously: 90% (1900), 50% (1935), 25% (1948), 4% (2015).Vignettes Of Chinese PreachersThe vignettes of key Chinese pastors and preachers was inspiring. Chapter 3 is a short catalog of China’s “cloud of witnesses”. Their stories reminded me that even with all the recent disparagement that has accompanied the unChristianizing of cultural America, we really don’t know what persecution means. We Christians in the West have prided ourselves for a long time on our theological superiority and advancement when compared to non-Western countries, but we are far behind them in suffering. I was very pleased to see the inclusion of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee in this chapter. To overlook their positive contribution to Christianity in China is simply biased historical scholarship.Debunking Marxist Theories Of ReligionChapters 4-5 debunk the Marxist theory of religion—that it is the opium of oppressed people in their material misery—with statistics showing that the more educated someone is in China, the more likely he is to be Christian and the less educated he is, the more likely he is to be Buddhist. Stark’s views on spiritual deprivation and cultural incongruity and how they are responsible for so many well educated Chinese accepting Christianity is fascinating.Equally fascinating is Stark’s view that “social networks are the basic mechanism through which conversion takes place” (50). Stark argues that most people convert to a new religion due to social ties not attractive doctrines (49). Of course doctrines are important, they practically define a religion, but Stark argues that they function more in retaining converts and prompting them to share their faith, rather than convincing them initially. This might be a little too sociological reductive for me, but seems to me there is some truth here.Faith’s Amazing Resilience And God’s Amazing SovereigntyAnother highlight for me was the perseverance and success of mission work in China despite huge, continual setbacks. Gamaliel’s word in the book of Acts comes to mind, “Should this counsel or this work be of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them, lest you be found to be even fighters against God” (Acts 5:38-39). History continues to prove that the gospel cannot be stamped out by the brute force of totalitarian governments. The paradox of the gospel is that a weak Jesus who can die produces a powerful message that can save, enliven, and overcome. The rise of Christianity in China with all its major players is certainly God’s doing.Here is a brief timeline of the major setbacks in China, with a few other key events included:1524: the first Catholic missionary arrives in China (Matteo Ricci)1724: the emperor outlaws Christianity as an evil cult1807: the first Protestant missionary arrives in China (Robert Morrison)1814: the emperor issues an edict stating that all those spreading the gospel “shall be sentenced to death by immediate strangulation” while hearers or followers of Christianity shall be shipped to Muslim cities as slaves1859: a treaty imposed on China by Western powers legalizes the open preaching of the gospel1864: the Taiping Rebellion rages, resulting in 20-30 million deaths, mostly civilians, by 18711899: the Boxer Rebellion to rid China of all “foreign devils” begins. The Boxers murder at least 30,000 Christians1914: World War I reduces the missionizing efforts of European countries1919: the May Fourth Movement erupts and a new form of militant nationalism hostile to Christianity forms1922: the Anti-Christian Federation is formed, soon renamed as the Anti-Religious Federation1930s: the Great Depression greatly reduces the funding and support of American missions1937: Japan invades China displacing many missionaries1939: World War II starts. No new missionaries arrive until after the war1945: with World War II over, the Chinese civil war resumes1949: Communists take control of China1950: foreign missionaries begin to be arrested and charged with spying, much church property is seized1953: all foreign missionaries are expelled from China1966: Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution beings, leading to aggressive persecution of Christians1979: Christianity is legalized again

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. The surprising, stunning growth of Christianity in China By Jeri It was once axiomatic among western intellectuals that China would never embrace Christianity. Centuries of missionaries had failed. The only converts were 'rice Christians', those "cynical souls who had frequented the missions for the benefits they provided" (p 1). And then came communism, and the suppression of any religion. The few Chinese who clung to Christianity were martyred, set to prison, or persecuted. With such a background, it seemed impossible to imagine an explosion of belief. But that is exactly what has happened.Estimates of the number of Christians in China today vary widely, from 16 million to 200 million. Some westerners have argued China has been struck by a kind of religious fervor, and all sorts of beliefs growing among the uneducated rural poor. This idea was solidly debunked by statistics found by Stark and Wang, whose research clearly showed no difference at all between urban and rural belief patterns. In fact, Christianity was growing most in the educated elite, and it was spread through family contact as well as friends. Still, how many Chinese Christians are there? Stark and Wang set out to discover reliable statistics on Christianity in China, and would they found is astonishing.First off, it is important to note that many Chinese people practice a folk religion, which is based on ancestral worship with some Confucianism and Buddhism thrown in, and yet will nevertheless say that they don't practice a religion. For the Chinese, religion means an organized religion. Even a large number of Chinese who "believe in Jesus Christ... (deny) that they are Christians" (p 5), since they aren't currently members of any particular congregation. Getting exact statistics under such conditions has proven very difficult.Christianity began in China with Catholic missionaries who arrived in the 1500s. By 1724 "the emperor outlawed Christianity"...and in 1814 another emperor proclaimed "those spreading the gospel 'shall be sentenced to death'" (p 13). Protestant missionaries began entering China in the 1800s. It was the Catholic church, however, that sustained the brunt of persecution, even later under the communists, "because the Catholic church acknowledges the pope's authority" (p 14), and perhaps also because "in China overall, Catholics outnumbered Protestants by three to one" (p 26).Chinese resentment of European activities led to the Boxer rebellion, and the murder of 30,000 Chinese Christians, as well as priests, nuns, and Protestant missionaries, as well as 53 children of the Protestant missionaries. Furthermore, vast cultural changes in the west had occurred. "Protestant...elite seminaries were dominated by theologians who...rejected most traditional Christian doctrines as outmoded from the standpoint of of modern science and knowledge" (p 32) and were uncomfortable with missionary activity.Then came Mao and the communists. In 1966 Mao began the decade of the brutal cultural revolution, which attacked anything foreign. "Ironically, the persecution of Protestants may have been the single most beneficial event for the success of Christianity" (p 43-44), turning the movement into one that had become entirely Chinese. "The continuing growth of Christianity in China during the years of the Cultural Revolution was truly an underground activity" (p p 50) which spread from person to person and through family contacts.Meanwhile, Catholics were severely persecuted. About 4,000 schools were Catholic, and all were closed, as well as hospitals and orphanages and printing presses. Many priests and bishops were killed. "By 1954 three hundred Chinese priests were in prison...and then...there was a mass arrest of more than two hundred clergy" (p 53) and Catholics.One interesting fact noted is that persecution has had an immense impact on the growth of Christianity in China, but only among the most traditional forms of Christianity. Protestants "are almost uniformly members of extremely conservative and intense congregations. Why? ...Lukewarm liberalism simply could not generate the level of commitment needed to hold onto one"s faith in the fact of considerable personal risk" (p 72).Another surprise is that among the Chinese, it is the more educated who are interested in Christianity. It is on Chinese college campuses that one hears the argument that "'we have realized that the heart of your culture is your religion: Christianity. That is why the West is so powerful. the Christian moral foundation...was what made possible the emergence of capitalism and then...democratic politics'" (p 82).Stark and Wang conclude that by 2007 there were some 60 million Christians in China, which was equal to the number of people who were members of the communist party. If this rate of growth continues for the next fifteen years "there will be 294.6 million Chinese Christians" (p 114) by only 2030.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Brief and insightful By Lemas Mitchell This book was good.1. I counted something like 140 references. That works out to just about one primary reference per page.2. Baylor University is known to be a Baptist university, yet the authors were very even handed in their treatment (even though one could imagine that they would have had reasons to be enthused about the Christianization of China or reasons to be smug about the failure of the Catholic church to expand in China).3. The book was wonderfully brief (the whole thing can be read in about 3 hours). The actual text is something like 140 pages (I have to estimate because Kindle does not give page numbers).4. The book is several things in one. There are 6 chapters.a. New Religious Awakening (current circumstances in China and the dramatic increase in recent years);b. Christian Missions to China (detailing how Christianity came to be what it is in China (exclusive of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau) and some of its various persecutions (i.e. the Boxer Rebellion));c. Repression and Christianity (the stories of some Chinese Christians who would not be broken of their beliefs in spite of years of imprisonment/ physical torture/ persecutions);d. Converting the Educated;e. Converting Rural China;f. Future Prospects and Consequences (295 million by 2030 and 580 million by 2040).What do we learn from this neat little book? Quite a bit, as it happens:1. A lot of people (academics) try to smear the church as an institution of poor and stupid people. This is not quite right. It appears that a most of the missionary work is done to upper class Chinese people. (University graduates, etc.) At best, number of people who were converted among poor and rich was about equal.2. Some people like to imagine that the missionary work is done by foreigners trying to find a way to convert Chinese people. But according to these authors (convincingly), most of the work is done by local Chinese converting their own kinds.3. It is commonly imagined that the Chinese state is repressive toward the church. But that appears to not be the case. In the same way that China is nominally Communist-- but not really (in practice, they are open to market reforms and state capitalism), here they appear to be nominally atheist (but in practice willing to leave the people to worship as they will).4. We learn a bit about "the strength of weak ties." This is a famous idea in the academic world-- but brought to life in an interesting and unforeseen way here. In a nutshell, people who are poorer tend to have stronger ties with fewer people, but those who are wealthy have weaker ties with a larger number of people. Apparently, the latter types of ties are more useful in leveraging for building careers. Could it be that the church will create such a network of people in China? Only time will tell.,5. The authors take to task the MANY authors who have made predictions both about China (the 2006 prediction that the country would be democratic by 2015) as well as popular misconceptions that just won't die (Protestant work ethic).6. Finding a religious belief is not usually something that is done by poor people. And this is because finding food and shelter is "to be wholly without a sense of futility" (Eric Hoffer). But it people who are well-fed who have time to ponder existential questions, such as "values" and the "meaning of life." Why should we not be surprised that as China gets richer there are more people who have time to find such needs?7. There is discussion of why the Protestants have succeeded in conversion whereas the Catholics have not. (Doesn't it seem like the Catholic Church has a lag time of at least 500 years?) The answers that they give are: a. The Catholic Church insists on uniformity of doctrine (and therefore charismatic preachers/ preachers who have not been trained for years and years can't get a start) and the right to appoint its own bishops (this is a sovereignty issue that the government will not "just drop").Verdict: This book is worth the time that it takes to read because it gives just a little bit more insight into a specialized aspect of the fascinating land of China.It is better and more thoroughly researched than David Aikman's book Jesus in Beijing: How Christianity Is Transforming China And Changing the Global Balance of Power (even though that book is cited in this) and should be read in preference to that book.

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A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, by Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang

A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, by Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang

A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, by Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang
A Star in the East: The Rise of Christianity in China, by Rodney Stark, Xiuhua Wang

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

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Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

Mama Used to Say: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: A Legacy of Words Worth Preserving from One Generation to Another,

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Mama Used to Say: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: A Legacy of Words Worth Preserving from One Generation to Another, by Joyce Digby Nelson

Mama Used to Say: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: A Legacy of Words Worth Preserving from One Generation to Another, by Joyce Digby Nelson

Mama Used to Say: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: A Legacy of Words Worth Preserving from One Generation to Another, by Joyce Digby Nelson

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Joyce Digby Nelson is a licensed registered occupational therapist and educator. She had a desire to be of service to others at a young age and now has more than 25 years of professionally meeting the needs of others via health care services and public education. It wasn't until Joyce found herself repeating the sayings idioms, axioms, and clichés in this book to her daughter and friends that she decided to start writing them down. Some of the sayings were coined from scripture to prompt critical thinking; others were to motivate and inspire, and a few were not so nice but raised a few eyebrows with a request to repeat.

Dr. Nelson has a bachelor's degree in occupational therapy from Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California, master's degree of health science in administration and supervision from the University of Indianapolis in Indianapolis, Indiana, and a doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois. She reveres herself as an inspirational and transformational leader, developing and inspiring others to succeed at their highest potential. She aims to inspire people to achieve more than they may ever have dreamed possible. She believes that children do their best when inspired by their mother and hopes you will _ nd joy in this book as well as a desire to share your family's verbal heritage- and hers-with your loved ones. Wisdom never goes out of style, after all.

Mama Used to Say: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: A Legacy of Words Worth Preserving from One Generation to Another, by Joyce Digby Nelson

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #4581318 in Books
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  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
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  • 96 pages
Mama Used to Say: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: A Legacy of Words Worth Preserving from One Generation to Another, by Joyce Digby Nelson

Mama Used to Say: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: A Legacy of Words Worth Preserving from One Generation to Another, by Joyce Digby Nelson

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Digby-Nelson for sharing her mother with us by writing this wonderful book. Brent and Sandy Willis By Brentton Willis Mama Used to Say is a book that will touch your heart and your soul. Anyone who has or had a loving mother will be able to relate to this book. Precious memories came flooding back to us as we read the pages. We remember our mothers saying some of the exact things. Mama Used to Say will give today's mothers and fathers incite into what our youth of today need to hear. We believe this book is a "must read" for everyone! Who can't benefit from words of wisdom of a caring and loving mother? We will treasure this book always, and we thank Dr. Digby-Nelson for sharing her mother with us by writing this wonderful book. Brent and Sandy Willis

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Mama Used to Say: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: A Legacy of Words Worth Preserving from One Generation to Another, by Joyce Digby Nelson

Mama Used to Say: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: A Legacy of Words Worth Preserving from One Generation to Another, by Joyce Digby Nelson

Mama Used to Say: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: A Legacy of Words Worth Preserving from One Generation to Another, by Joyce Digby Nelson
Mama Used to Say: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: A Legacy of Words Worth Preserving from One Generation to Another, by Joyce Digby Nelson

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

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Shadael Michelin is a young woman running away from a tragic past. She leaves her family and friends behind in order to shed the black cloud that hung over her. She lands in Atlanta Georgia with a new identity and enrolls in college where she meets Toriana. The two remain friends throughout college and end up working side by side at an area hospital. Both ladies are confident that nothing could break their bond, that is, until Kenny Starks enters the picture. Toriana had always had a crush on Kenny, a celebrity movie star. Once he enters the hospital as a patient, Toriani tells Shadael her true feelings for him. Unfortunately, he has eyes for Shadael instead. Even though Shadael is in a relationship, Toriani is still convinced she is trying to steal what's rightfully hers. Jealousy brings on a storm and many lives are lost in the process. Envy is the culprit when lies lead up to a path of destruction. The author of Faithful Infidelity is back with a story that is sure to keep you entertained and on the edge of your seats.

Stalker's Eyes, by Mango L.

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #654310 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-14
  • Released on: 2015-05-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Stalker's Eyes, by Mango L.

Stalker's Eyes, by Mango L.

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Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. AMAZING By MRSHUDSON31 Love this book... tori is the true definition of crazy...I love sharda and Kenny relationship.....SHARDA HAD SO MANY MAN WANT HER BUT I LOVE HOW THE STORY PLAYED OUT AND THEY END UP TOGETHER AGAIN.... TORI WAS ONE MISERABLE WOMAN SHE CAN FIGHT HER BUT OFF THO... I KNEW SHE WAS SETTING SHARDA UP..

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Awesome By Regina R. WOW, I started reading and I couldn't put it down. I was really surprised to find out how crazy Tori was. I was also glad that everything worked out in the end for Kenneth and Soleil. This book is a must read.......

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Nice Read By Mae Maee This was my first time reading this author's work and I enjoyed it. Everyone's preferences aren't the same but I do suggest you read it. Nice work!

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Stalker's Eyes, by Mango L.

Stalker's Eyes, by Mango L.

Stalker's Eyes, by Mango L.
Stalker's Eyes, by Mango L.

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

Camp Lego, by Nancy Otis Alber

Camp Lego, by Nancy Otis Alber

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Camp Lego, by Nancy Otis Alber

Camp Lego, by Nancy Otis Alber

Camp Lego, by Nancy Otis Alber

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Reflections of the author's childhood. featuring Camp Lego with her cousins. This camp was started by her mother and continued by Nancy for the next generation. The adventurous tales, for ages 7 - 70, are inspired by Native Americans to encourage children to be brave and learn family values.

Camp Lego, by Nancy Otis Alber

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #8469319 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-09-10
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .14" w x 6.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 60 pages
Camp Lego, by Nancy Otis Alber

Camp Lego, by Nancy Otis Alber

Where to Download Camp Lego, by Nancy Otis Alber

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars By Roselyn Andres This is an awsome book about great childhood memories, and the building of great values for the next generation.

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Camp Lego, by Nancy Otis Alber

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Hazard, by Sade Rena

Hazard, by Sade Rena

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Hazard, by Sade Rena

Hazard, by Sade Rena

Hazard, by Sade Rena

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Hazard is an Urban Tale of a young woman who is determined to love. Freya Daniels is beautiful, intelligent, classy and wanted by the best of them. Despite several losses, she remains sweet, humble, and loyal to those she loves. During what was supposed to be just a night out with the girls, she finds love with the likes of Demetrius "Dice" Jones, a man she wouldn't normally date. Captivated by the boldness of his personality, she finds herself lost in a love that presents multiple challenges, both heartbreaking and dangerous. Powerful and dominating Dice is well-known in the streets of Washington, D.C., making a name for himself at an early age. Admired by both sexes Dice is what one would call a "Man's Man", men wanted to be just like him while the women just wanted to be with him. Fascinated by the exotic nature of her beauty, he knew he had to have her, making it his mission to do just that. Lust, jealousy, and betrayal prove to be continuous obstacles for them. Friends are no longer friends, and love is no longer the same. With forces working against them, will the love they share overcome the bad? Or will it all come crashing to an end?

Hazard, by Sade Rena

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #172757 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-25
  • Released on: 2015-05-25
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Hazard, by Sade Rena

About the Author Sade Rena, currently works, lives, plays and attend school in the Washington, D.C. Area. With the help of mentors and friends of the DC Creative Writing Workshop, she realized early on just how important writing is to her. At age 12 she dabbled in poetry while attending Charles Hart Middle School, where she's written several pieces for "Hart Works", the school's magazine. But it was during her time at Goldsboro High School, in Goldsboro, NC, that she decided that the life of a writer was perfect for her.

Hazard, by Sade Rena

Where to Download Hazard, by Sade Rena

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Can't wait for the next one!!! By Amazon Customer I had the privilege of meeting this author in person when the book first released. It's been a long while since I've made time to read, and I'm glad I did. Born in raised right here in DC, I loved seeing my city through this young lady's eyes. A lot has changed over the years and as an older gentleman, I was unsure if I'd be able to keep up. The writing style down to the font style made this book easy to read, a good thing for a person with bad eyes.I love the male in this book, Dice, he reminds me of myself when I was a youngin' chasing after the girls. Brings back so many memories.Overall this is a great book and I recommend everyone reads it. She is a new author and it shows in some cases in the book. That doesn't take away from how good the plot is. See for yourself, I am sure you'll like it too. I'm ready for the next one!!!!!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Good Job!! By Amazon Customer I don't normally read books from new authors but I decided to give this one a shot. I learned about this book because a co-worker of mine was reading it, so I purchased it and here we go. In the beginning the story started out somewhat slow. This wasn't a bad thing, I was just waiting for the action to really start. When it did I was pleased at the attention given to the scenes. Full of drama and suspense and will having you wanting to know what's next. I do hope there will be more by this author, she did a really good job.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A much needed escape while working at night!!!! By Kiri I must say I truly enjoyed this book. So much so that I read it in one night. A native to the DMV area, I loved the detail this author put into describing the city. I just love the characters, they are real and relatable. Freya, so sweet and innocent, it's a shame that she can't trust the closest people to her. Dice, I love that he loves Freya, at least he thinks he does. You'd have to read for yourself to see exactly what I mean. I think I've found my new favorite author.

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Hazard, by Sade Rena
Hazard, by Sade Rena

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

The Sapphire Pendant (Clifton Sisters Book 1), by Dara Girard

The Sapphire Pendant (Clifton Sisters Book 1), by Dara Girard

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The Sapphire Pendant (Clifton Sisters Book 1), by Dara Girard

The Sapphire Pendant (Clifton Sisters Book 1), by Dara Girard

The Sapphire Pendant (Clifton Sisters Book 1), by Dara Girard

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In a quest for a family heirloom a young woman uncovers secrets, betrayal and love. Jessie Clifton only wants one thing: The Sapphire Pendant, an heirloom her father sold years ago. When offered an opportunity to win the pendant back by charming an eligible bachelor, the hotheaded tomboy impulsively accepts. She soon regrets her decision when she learns that her target is Kenneth Preston, a man she's hated for years. Nevertheless, determined to win, she trades in her running shoes for high heels and jeans for dresses and puts her plan into action. But what starts out as a harmless wager leads her down a dangerous trail of secrets that could change her life, destroy the man she's come to love and affect an entire community. Will she risk everything, no matter what the price?

The Sapphire Pendant (Clifton Sisters Book 1), by Dara Girard

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #717858 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-18
  • Released on: 2015-05-18
  • Format: Kindle eBook
The Sapphire Pendant (Clifton Sisters Book 1), by Dara Girard

About the Author Dara Girard is the bestselling author of more than twenty novels including "Honest Betrayal" and "Table for Two".

The Sapphire Pendant (Clifton Sisters Book 1), by Dara Girard

Where to Download The Sapphire Pendant (Clifton Sisters Book 1), by Dara Girard

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Unexpected By Malaika Tamu The Sapphire Pendant is an UNUSUAL that forces the hero and the heroine to recognize and accept their true self before they can truly find their HEA with each other...Kenneth and Jessie's connection is DEEP...and their journey is TOUCHING and emotional as they each struggle with their own inner demons throughout...even though the story has a few slow patches...Ms. Girard's writing style, once again keeps me turning the pages with some UNEXPECTED twists and a COLORFUL cast of characters...another INTRIGUING tale...I would also love to read a follow-up to this story...just to DISCOVER what happens with some of the secondary cast of characters.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Good story By Armchair Interviews Reviewed by Shawn RemfreyJessie comes from a long line of jewelers. She has been taught that each stone, each hunk of metal, holds ingrained a piece of history, a moment in time. Each piece of jewelry holds a special place in the world. One such piece, a sapphire pendant, has been missing from her family's treasure for awhile. It had to be sold to Deborah's wealthy family to send Jessie to college, and since then,Jessie and her two sisters have been trying to raise the money to buy it and put it back where it belongs. Jessie's other talents include reading stones to tell the future-and being extremely clumsy. She knows she isn't beautiful, but she's smart and resourceful to compensate.Kenneth is a hard worker with a difficult past. He does everything he can to live up to the Preston name. Prestons are honest, loyal, and full of integrity. To the outside world, Kenneth is known as Mr. Perfect. He has lots of money, girls swooning at his feet, a beautiful home, and the looks to match. Though he's having some inside trouble with the company he runs, his world seems to be perfect.Though Kenneth and Jessie have had a strained relationship since high school, things get alot worse when Deborah, a scheming socialite, proposes a bet. If Jessie can get Kenneth to take her to a specific party, Deborah will return the sapphire pendant to Jessie's family. If Jessie loses, then she has to be Deborah's maid for a full year. To make matters worse, Kenneth's niece has run away from home and decided to live with him.This was an engaging story, but I was mentally drawn to two different time periods. Several times when I was reading the story I would get the feel of the 1800s, and then all of a sudden there would be an electronics company. The way that the story is told doesn't seem to match the era it is placed in. The characters are somewhat realistic, but almost to the point of not being believable. I felt as if I was being pulled from one extreme to the other. One moment I loved the characters and could completely relate, and the next moment I was completely confused because I couldn't figure out why the character was behaving the way they were.However, Dara Girard's writing style was the saving grace of this story. She kept me flipping from page to page until the very end.Armchair Interviews says: A story with strong characters and writing that could have had better with some attention to time and place.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. THE SAPPHIRE PENDANT By Black Butterfly Review Jessie Clifton is your classic ugly duckling with a heart of gold. She is one of three sisters with a family secret that will either make or break them. Jessie being the more impulsive sister takes a bet in order to retrieve a family heirloom, The Sapphire Pendant. This is where Kenneth Preston enters, or should I say re-enters, the picture. Jessie and Kenneth already have a past history, one that Jessie will never forgive him for. However, he is the key to her getting the pendant back. Kenneth has a lot of demons of his own to conquer. His family is not quite what they seem and Kenneth has always been pressured to keep up the pretense. But when his wayward niece arrives proving that he can't run from the past, Kenneth begins to re-think his position in their upstanding Caribbean community. I am not entirely sure if this Caribbean community really exists in Maryland, but it was written so realistically that at this point it doesn't matter. Ms. Girard, once again, takes you into the lives and code of honor of the Caribbean people. A colorful cast of characters lends drama and ethnicity to a most intriguing love story. The Sapphire Pendant is different from your ordinary romance in that Kenneth and Jessie are forced to fall in love with their true selves, not the image that Kenneth has built for himself and not the tainted personality that the community has created for Jessie. Their connection is deep and reaches into the souls of two very vulnerable people. It was moving and triumphant. I thoroughly enjoyed this read and would recommend it to any lover of romance.Reviewed by: A.C. Arthur, Black Butterfly Review

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The Sapphire Pendant (Clifton Sisters Book 1), by Dara Girard

The Sapphire Pendant (Clifton Sisters Book 1), by Dara Girard

The Sapphire Pendant (Clifton Sisters Book 1), by Dara Girard
The Sapphire Pendant (Clifton Sisters Book 1), by Dara Girard

SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula,

SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula, by Terai Koronui

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SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula, by Terai Koronui

SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula, by Terai Koronui

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                                     ALSO presenting - Reflections of 'ALOHA' in Maui, Hawaii

Getting out into the 'Singles Mingle' isn't easy at any age. It's like jumping onto a 'minefield,' place a foot wrong and you'll get your confidence 'shot' down, your 'self-worth' detonated to bits, your resolve to DATE again 'smashed' up!  

SIZZLE - Be a HOT Date for a perfect mate will help you navigate that minefield with finesse, even if you have baggage; feel too old, overweight, have children, no fashion-sense, strapped for cash, failed at relationships or never, ever told you were HOT before! 

It is every Woman's 'Bible' to overcome the emotional, mental and physical anxieties and confusion of dating again after a relationship breakup, or divorce. It's the 'shot' of confidence every woman looking for 'new' love needs, to get out of the house and mingle with other singles! 

You will learn:

  • 20 SIZZLING Hot Tips to help you feel, look and act like an attractive, confident, desirable woman
  • 10 SIZZLING facts about a HOT Date - see how you measure up!
  • 12 stereotypes men have about women they meet. I call it the 'DIRTY DOZEN' - it's not all bad either...
  • How to deal with the contentious issue of who pays for dinner? - Chapter 8
  • 'To SHAG or not to SHAG? - Not sure? Chapter 11 will help you make that choice
  • To tune your 'energy' to love. It's a 'thing', and very potent for attracting 'Mr Right' or 'Mr Wrong’’ - it’s your call
  • 5 'best' ways to connect with a person of 'interest' without speaking
  • What's HOT and What's NOT

’SIZZLE’ is for women who WANT to be Queen of her domain and is proactive about getting what she wants including 'choosing' HER man, rather than being chosen. When a woman of this calibre picks a man; he will consider himself very LUCKY! 

If you take Terai Koronui’s advice as gospel you'll be well on your way to meeting the right man for you, BUT then again you will LOOK and FEEL so amazing that you'll BE busy creating and living an amazing LIFE that the opportunities for 'HOT Dates' you attract will come as a lovely surprise.

SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula, by Terai Koronui

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #2958818 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-09-02
  • Released on: 2015-09-02
  • Format: Kindle eBook
SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula, by Terai Koronui

Review 'This book is a must-read for the ladies out there who want to date.' 'Do you want your self-confidence restored? Do you want to SIZZLE, feel and be HOT? Do you want to date, but you're just not brave enough yet? Well, you've come to the right place! SIZZLE-Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate is full of tips on how to be HOT , or rather, to realise your own worth. The author's sharing of her own experiences, and a story that leaves you guessing until the end, make this a great read. This book is a must-read for the ladies out there who want to date but need some helpful tips and a few pep talks before they get back into the game.' -Emma Fry, Editor 'Need more stuff like this.' 'This is awesome. Need more stuff like this. Society still has this stupid notion that to be complete you need to be in a relationship. We all fall prey to it at times. People will wallow away in self-pity because they don't have someone, and they'll waste away their days or settle instead of enjoying life.' -Natasja Verschut Cortes, Western Australia 'Terai clearly maps out the system for success in love and life.' 'The system conveyed in this book for women guarantees success in all areas of life. People (such as Terai and I) spend thousands of $$$$ to learn this stuff.'-Cassandra Daniells, Queensland

SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula, by Terai Koronui

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Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Wow!! By Dom This book is absolutely fantastic! SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate teaches you how to learn to love life and yourself. It's written in such a great conversational manner, making it as though your getting advice from your best friend. The author's personal experiences are documented throughout the book keeping me guessing and wanting more between every chapter. 10/10!

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SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula, by Terai Koronui

SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula, by Terai Koronui
SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula, by Terai Koronui

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

I Don't Live There Anymore, by Rhonda Williams

I Don't Live There Anymore, by Rhonda Williams

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Its complicated! The Mob - Stolen cars - Military - Cops - Stabbings - Medical - Prison - Federal - Legal - FBI - Crimes - you will see. A powerful true story of one child's escape from the horrors of abuse into the sanctity of her own mind ... her only means of survival. Living with alcoholism, and every form of abuse imaginable, she and her siblings struggle to grow up in a society that simply look the other way. The endless years of torture the family suffers bring out the real courage, determination, and strength in one child, while the other siblings seem to crumble along the way. Facing the monsters both inside and out becomes as difficult as her eventual emergence into reality. She handles it the best way she knows how; she will stop her abuser, once and for all, for all of their sakes. Someone has to do something - that she is sure of - and she is the only one capable of doing the deed. Never considering the consequences of her actions, she didn't care. It would be worth it. They will be rid of her step-father's abuse for good!" She confronts her abuser without fear, and with the determination he was never able to beat out of her. She will become somebody in spite of him, and escape the evil little town nestled in those West Virginia hills before the Feds arrive to take it down. One day I decided to sit down and read every one of my many journals, everything that I had ever written, from the beginning to the end. They covered my entire life, daily events, my thoughts, and most of my dreams up to the present. I have always felt the need to write, now I know why, it was all part of my healing. They were filled with child abuse of the worst kind. Every page, every story, every pain, laid out there on paper aged with time. That was me before evolving from some embryonic state. Sadness filled my heart and I wept a long time for the little girl in my story that was never allowed to cry. I could feel the strength and the courage that it took from all those in my past, regardless of what life had handed them. Now, thanks to time, I can understand, and see the picture as a whole, with all the pieces of the puzzle in place. This is my story.

I Don't Live There Anymore, by Rhonda Williams

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #6101356 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-09-08
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.02" h x .42" w x 5.98" l, .60 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 182 pages
I Don't Live There Anymore, by Rhonda Williams

I Don't Live There Anymore, by Rhonda Williams

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Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. It is so insightful and explains what it is like to go through severe abuse and neglect By Joyce I read the entire book through tears and could not put it down. It is so insightful and explains what it is like to go through severe abuse and neglect. She lost her childhood so young and actually never had it all. That puts tremendous pressure on a child to become the caretaker and adult of the family while enduring suffering and acts of abuse such as she did and trying desperately to maintain some normalcy in her life and her sibling’s lives. I admire her strength and courage to tell this true story. I learned a lot from this book and encourage everyone to read it. One never knows what goes on behind closed doors and it is hard to detect because children become very good at hiding it to protect themselves and wanting to fit in. Mostly children and adults who have lived through abuse just need to have validation and acceptance. I am so sorry for everything that happened. You are very strong and loving to become the adult that you are. I believe sometimes things like this happen, as bad as they are, for a reason, possibly to teach others and give them strength to endure the pain and not give up. God Bless you!!.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Truth really does set you free! By Susan Murphy This amazing memoir is a must read for every one of us. It celebrates the human spirit and the enduring strength of children. Ms. Williams incredible journey reassures us that you can overcome the circumstances of your birth.

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I Don't Live There Anymore, by Rhonda Williams

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Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Shadows Before Dawn: Finding the Light of Self-Love Through Your Darkest Times, by Teal Swan

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Shadows Before Dawn: Finding the Light of Self-Love Through Your Darkest Times, by Teal Swan

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     Growing up in a tranquil wilderness, Teal Swan had a childhood that was anything but serene. Horrors lurked behind the façade of the perfect houses and pious community of the surrounding towns, and Teal attracted undue attention because of her unusually powerful extrasensory abilities. At the hands of a local cult member, she barely survived 13 years of horrendous abuse—and even after her escape, she was left powerless, lost, hurting, and with no way to cope. Gradually, and incredibly, Teal forged her way from shadowy moments of despair to a sliver of light . . . and eventually emerged from the darkness into the full dawn of self-love. Here, she shows how you, too, can achieve the feelings of worthiness that may be long missing from your life.      Now a recognized spiritual luminary, Teal documents how she dug herself out of self-hate into self-love, and details the remarkable trail for others to get to the same place. Shadows Before Dawn encompasses both Teal’s compelling story, told with raw intensity, and her resolute, no-nonsense how-to guide to healing from even the deepest levels of suffering. Offering a comprehensive self-love tool kit, this book includes powerful exercises, insights, and perspective from a captivating new teacher in spirituality, and lets you pick and choose which techniques are right for you.      Teal’s resonating words will sit with your soul long after you put this book down and will serve as guideposts on the way to complete self-love, no matter who you are or where you are in life.

Shadows Before Dawn: Finding the Light of Self-Love Through Your Darkest Times, by Teal Swan

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #17316 in Books
  • Brand: Swan, Teal
  • Published on: 2015-05-12
  • Released on: 2015-05-12
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .86" w x 5.50" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 344 pages
Shadows Before Dawn: Finding the Light of Self-Love Through Your Darkest Times, by Teal Swan

About the Author      Teal Swan is an internationally recognized spiritual leader and an influential new voice in the field of metaphysics. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities including clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience. Teal survived 13 years of physical, mental, and sexual abuse before escaping her abuser at age 19 and beginning her own process of recovery and transformation.      Today, she shares what she has learned with millions of people, teaching them how to find forgiveness, happiness, freedom, and self-love in their lives. She reaches a wide audience through a range of powerful and accessible online resources and through various publications, media interviews, frequency artwork, and Synchronization workshops that she presents around the world. Website:

Shadows Before Dawn: Finding the Light of Self-Love Through Your Darkest Times, by Teal Swan

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Most helpful customer reviews

49 of 51 people found the following review helpful. ... new to books claiming to help you learn to love yourself. I love Teal and all of her ... By candace weller I am a self proclaimed self help junkie so I am not new to books claiming to help you learn to love yourself. I love Teal and all of her material but I was leery that anything could truly help me bridge the gap between my self hate into the uncharted territory of self love and acceptance. This book does exactly that. I have been reading "Shadow Before Dawn" everyday and putting her suggested tools into practice as best I can and the results have been nothing short of miraculous. Before I could not even approach my "inner child" with any semblance of love and acceptance, this book has helped me work through the anger and hate I direct at myself so I now can approach my "inner child" with genuine love, caring, and acceptance. This book has taken my "shadow work" to an all new level and helped me break through barriers I doubted I could ever get through. If I could bow before Teal and tell her she has "done it" I would. The writing is eloquent and much easier to follow and relate to than her first book which shows her maturing as a writer. She gives excellent examples that make her practices seem less daunting and more doable. Please do yourself a favor and read this book!

41 of 45 people found the following review helpful. Cat approved By Erica Leachman Love this book. I wish my cat would remove himself from it so I can keep reading :)

33 of 36 people found the following review helpful. A gripping, fascinating read! By teresa I've only gotten through about half of this book, and I have to say it goes above and beyond my expectations so far. Teal's message always resonates with me, but even if it's not something you fully agree with it's still a fascinating read. She's such a fantastic writer that I am on the edge of my seat with every page. The material is gripping and the writing is so intelligent. As far as her message goes, I am in love with this book. She is so real and honest that it brings the reader to meet her with our own honesty. Perfection! Thanks Teal!!!

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Shadows Before Dawn: Finding the Light of Self-Love Through Your Darkest Times, by Teal Swan

Shadows Before Dawn: Finding the Light of Self-Love Through Your Darkest Times, by Teal Swan

Shadows Before Dawn: Finding the Light of Self-Love Through Your Darkest Times, by Teal Swan
Shadows Before Dawn: Finding the Light of Self-Love Through Your Darkest Times, by Teal Swan

Never Say No: Raising Big-Picture Kids, by Mark Foreman, Jan Foreman

Never Say No: Raising Big-Picture Kids, by Mark Foreman, Jan Foreman

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Never Say No: Raising Big-Picture Kids, by Mark Foreman, Jan Foreman

Never Say No: Raising Big-Picture Kids, by Mark Foreman, Jan Foreman

Never Say No: Raising Big-Picture Kids, by Mark Foreman, Jan Foreman

Download Ebook Never Say No: Raising Big-Picture Kids, by Mark Foreman, Jan Foreman

The question Mark and Jan Foreman are most often asked is: How did you raise your kids?Never Say No takes you on a personal journey to learn first-hand how they raised Jon and Tim of Switchfoot. They share practical advice for instilling wonder in a media-saturated culture, cultivating specific gifts, and balancing structure with individual choice. Our purpose as parents is the same as our child’s: to live creatively beyond ourselves, bringing the love, beauty and nature of God to this world. Let the adventure begin.

Never Say No: Raising Big-Picture Kids, by Mark Foreman, Jan Foreman

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #23063 in Books
  • Brand: Foreman, Mark/ Foreman, Jan
  • Published on: 2015-05-01
  • Released on: 2015-05-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.25" h x .76" w x 5.50" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 304 pages
Never Say No: Raising Big-Picture Kids, by Mark Foreman, Jan Foreman

About the Author Jan and Mark Foreman live in the San Diego area, where Mark is lead pastor of North Coast Calvary Chapel. Mark is the author of Wholly Jesus, and holds advanced degrees in Theology, Education and a Ph.D. in Counseling and Pastoral Care. Jan is a gifted teacher, artist, and she also facilitates partnerships with underprivileged women and children both locally and in developing countries. Together they love surfing, sailing, travel and especially being with their family.

Never Say No: Raising Big-Picture Kids, by Mark Foreman, Jan Foreman

Where to Download Never Say No: Raising Big-Picture Kids, by Mark Foreman, Jan Foreman

Most helpful customer reviews

12 of 12 people found the following review helpful. Say "Yes" instead to your kids. By Jenn Gigowski I did receive a free sample of the product in exchange for my post.When I saw the title Never Say No: Raising Big Picture Kids, I thought, “Oh, great. A book about child-centered parenting, where the kids run the home.” But then I saw it was written by Mark and Jan Foreman, who are parents of Jon and Tim Foreman, of the Christian band Switchfoot. I don’t know if you know who they are, but they are the band behind the songs “This is Your Life,” “This is Home,” “Only Hope,” “Dare You to Move,” “Meant to Live” and more. They’ve been one of my favorite groups for a few years. That had me interested, so I signed up for this blog tour.I have to say first of all that this isn’t a “fast food” type of book. It’s more like a full 6 course meal! There’s a lot of information to digest, so you shouldn’t try to get through it in one quick sitting.You can really tell that they both love the Lord so much and they both love their boys fiercely. They don’t claim to be perfect parents. Many mistakes were made in their parenting adventure. But the mistakes they made, as well as the successes they had, can help all other parents with their own child-raising.There’s something neat about reading words from the parents of favorites. I have always admired Switchfoot’s use of weaving the relevant, the deep and the “cool” all at once. I see now where the guys get it from. :) The book is really well written. I like how they indclude stories of their boys’ childhood, and stories of their own lives, in each chapter. The book’s like a mix of a parenting help book, a memoir and a devotional. There were so many parts that I had to highlight because they were so good, that I was unable to choose just a few for this review.I would suggest that every parent go out and get this book, or download an e-version. There is so much wisdom and love within the pages. I was truly blessed by reading it, and I know my children will be equally blessed because of the change in me. It’s one to buy for someone as a baby shower gift. The new parents probably won’t realize the relevance at first, but once you read through it, it’s pretty obvious that the wise advice is good from birth and beyond.

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful. I want to buy this for everyone who is around my child. Amazing book. By Teacher Reader When I read a good book, I find myself with my pencil, underlining here and there the little things that stick out, or that I want to remember. I have worn out my pencil on this book. I think I might have underlined more than I didn't. I have stars marking specific sections, I have notes to myself in it. And I have plans to re-read this amazing book as soon as I can with my husband and go through it slowly and digest it even more, and work through each of the questions at the end of each chapter.In case you couldn't tell. I was blown-away by this book. It is amazing. As a new parent I am eager to learn from those who have gone before me. And this was probably the best parenting book I have ever read. This is a book I want to hand out to all of those who are closest to me as I raise my child. I want them to have the beliefs in this book.Mark and Jan are richly in love with Christ and their children. This is not about letting your child have everything they want--but about saying yes to being there with your children. To never saying no to the call of your child to come and be with you. You need to read this book. Seriously. I can't do it justice in this review but it is worth the time to read through it and go through the questions at the end of the chapter. You won't regret the time spent reading this book.Mark and Jan are honest and candid in their mistakes and growth as parents. They are not perfect but they have such an amazing friendship with their children and have given their children such freedom to become who God has designed them to be that it inspires me as a parent. I think it will inspire you as well.I highly, highly recommend this book.I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. The Imaginative & Inspiring Parenting World of YES By Steven T. Hinkle There are several Christian parenting books out there but very few that take us through the imaginative and inspiring parenting world of YES. Mark and Jan Foreman’s new book “Never Say No: Raising Big Picture Kids” is by far one of the best parenting books I have read in years!Many words have been used to describe the book including: holistic, road map, inspiring, wise, authentic and game changing. I agree wholeheartedly. The central theme of the book is the premise that “God is one big YES for us, and we want to pay it forward to our own kids.”This book will challenge you to connect with the heart of your child and delight in raising wise young people who will one day leave your home well-rounded and ready to take on the world!READ MORE REVIEW HERE:

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Never Say No: Raising Big-Picture Kids, by Mark Foreman, Jan Foreman

Never Say No: Raising Big-Picture Kids, by Mark Foreman, Jan Foreman

Never Say No: Raising Big-Picture Kids, by Mark Foreman, Jan Foreman
Never Say No: Raising Big-Picture Kids, by Mark Foreman, Jan Foreman

Are Millions of Christians Really Saved?, by Chad Stendal

Are Millions of Christians Really Saved?, by Chad Stendal

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Are Millions of Christians Really Saved?, by Chad Stendal

Are Millions of Christians Really Saved?, by Chad Stendal

Are Millions of Christians Really Saved?, by Chad Stendal

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God is making his final appeal to individuals: Choose you this day whom ye will serve. The true gospel is not a wishy-washy offer of only accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior. It is total commitment to live for Him. Do not deceive yourselves; God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows that shall he also reap (Galatians 6:7).

Are Millions of Christians Really Saved?, by Chad Stendal

  • Published on: 2015-05-28
  • Released on: 2015-05-28
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Are Millions of Christians Really Saved?, by Chad Stendal

Are Millions of Christians Really Saved?, by Chad Stendal

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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Dead On By Karen Elin And the reason why America has now gone over the precipice.

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Are Millions of Christians Really Saved?, by Chad Stendal

Are Millions of Christians Really Saved?, by Chad Stendal

Are Millions of Christians Really Saved?, by Chad Stendal
Are Millions of Christians Really Saved?, by Chad Stendal

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

Corduroy, by Hannah Brodie

Corduroy, by Hannah Brodie

Corduroy, By Hannah Brodie When creating can change your life, when creating can enhance you by supplying much cash, why don't you try it? Are you still quite confused of where getting the ideas? Do you still have no concept with exactly what you are visiting create? Now, you will need reading Corduroy, By Hannah Brodie An excellent writer is a good viewers simultaneously. You could define exactly how you create depending upon what publications to check out. This Corduroy, By Hannah Brodie can assist you to resolve the problem. It can be one of the appropriate resources to establish your writing skill.

Corduroy, by Hannah Brodie

Corduroy, by Hannah Brodie

Corduroy, by Hannah Brodie

Read Online and Download Corduroy, by Hannah Brodie

Marriage takes hard work. Daily life can take its toll on even a successful marriage. And when one of the parties commits adultery, the effect on a marriage can be devastating and final. But it does not have to be.

Author Hannah Brodie’s Corduroy is the true story of love and faith bound together beneath God's gaze. Young love, starry-eyed and rose-rimmed, turned sinister and dark when vows were shattered and trust broken. The promise of a married life of blissful togetherness was torn to shreds by a prolonged marital affair. Brodie tells the story of a young wife who just wouldn’t let go, even when everything and everyone around her were shouting and telling her to get out. It is also the story of a naïve and decent young man driven to breaking his solemn vows and his wife's heart through lust and deceit. Corduroy shows how a wife, through Christ's eternal grace, continued to believe and trust God would restore her marriage, her husband, and her love, and how a man finally found redemption and grace.

In Corduroy, you will learn infidelity does not have to mean the death of a marriage. Follow a couple who made their way out of the deepest valley and found a renewed passion and love through Christ. It takes work, but you can find this renewal through Christ as well.

Corduroy, by Hannah Brodie

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #340539 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-09-02
  • Released on: 2015-09-02
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Corduroy, by Hannah Brodie

About the Author

Hannah Brodie mentors and inspires women in their marriages. She and her husband have been married since March 1983, and they share openly about their marriage being revived, restored, and rebuilt after her husband’s infidelity. This book reveals how through God’s grace and redemption, they have a wonderful, full marriage.

Corduroy, by Hannah Brodie

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Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. I wondered how her beautiful marriage to her 'prince charming' could go so wrong ... By Y K Peters When Hannah opens her heart about her marriage it is truly gut wrenching. I wondered how her beautiful marriageto her 'prince charming' could go so wrong and she not see it coming? This is a compelling true story of a lovingmarriage overtaken by lies, deceit and infidelity and I was challenged by a wife who refused to give up or givein to her emotions and recommendations from others to leave the marriage. What transpires is nothing shortof a miracle as Hannah stays true to her vows and trusts God to turn the situation around. I found Hannah's pain and anguish to be very apparent and raw, however her faith and determination turns her story to one of hope, forgiveness and total restoration. I consider this book an inspiration for anyone whose marriage is in crisis ... there is hope - YOUR MARRIAGE CAN BE RESTORED!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. There's strength in faith By chilliman This is an amazing story of how a woman's faith in God gave her the strength of willpower to hang onto her marriage through many years of turmoil. She didn't just survive but she and her husband have had glorious resurrection of their marriage.It's an easy to read book and hard to put down. The story is so real as she talks us through her inner struggles about the antics of her husband and her turmoil of faith about their marriage.This is a must read for people who want to know what it's like to live by faith no matter what the circumstances. It's about being an overcomer by strength of faith in God.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. this story is a story of amazing stick ability By Daniel Scott Mays In these current times, we are known as the "throw away society", this story is a story of amazing stick ability, deep love, and a commitment to honoring the marriage vows taken.This story is powerful evidence of God speaking to those who wish to listen and take heed and allow Him to make the changes needed to bring about restoration, respect and dignity instead of shame, pain and loss. I was going through a situation of a different nature at the time of reading this amazing account, it was an amazing affirmation to sit tight in the predicament and let God take charge. He did in such an amazing way. The message being, don't think if your marriage is going along smoothly, you don't need this book, we all do!Lee's contribution at the end is so so valid and a message we men who value our spouses and children need to take serious heed of. On a lighter note, the cover is SPECTACULAR and compliments the story beautifully.

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Corduroy, by Hannah Brodie

Corduroy, by Hannah Brodie

Corduroy, by Hannah Brodie
Corduroy, by Hannah Brodie