Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage, by Paul Kengor Ph.D.
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Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage, by Paul Kengor Ph.D.

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We are witnessing a watershed moment in American cultural history: the sabotaging of family and marriage. Extreme-left radicals have made their arguments and tried different tactics, from the early nineteenth century to the sexual revolution of the 1960s, but at long last they have the vehicle to make it happen: gay marriage. Now, as the legal definition of marriage rapidly changes, the floodgates are open, and the fundamental transformation of the American family will take on new speed and new dimensions. Efforts to redefine the family structure have been long at work, and there have been some influential forces on the far left and communist left that cannot and should not be ignored in that process.
In Takedown Paul Kengor exposes these origins, starting with Karl Marx, and traces them through the sordid history of people like Margaret Sanger, Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse, and assorted '60s radicals. What were once fringe concepts have become accepted by mainstream thought and are today welcomed by many legislators and judges. Kengor notes how in the not-so-distant past, today's leftists who are attacking traditional marriage would have loudly raised their voices but not caused any real damage. They would have been dismissed with no serious concern as left-wing cranks, crackpot German and Austrian atheistic philosophers and campus agitators. But now, with formal legalization of same-sex marriage afoot, they are getting what they’ve wanted for generations: the literal redefinition of the family.
Takedown exposes how gay marriage is serving as a Trojan horse for the far left to secure the final takedown of marriage that it has long wanted, and countless everyday Americans are oblivious to the deeper forces at work. Takedown takes no prisoners and bluntly shows the reader that even Karl Marx and his more anti-marriage comrade Engels would be dumbfounded at the mere thought that modern Americans would gladly join them in their rejection of God's design for natural marriage and the family.
Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage, by Paul Kengor Ph.D. - Amazon Sales Rank: #78959 in Books
- Published on: 2015-05-26
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.02" h x .58" w x 5.98" l, .84 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 256 pages
Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage, by Paul Kengor Ph.D. Review Paul Kengor offers a lively, yet sober, analysis of the most controversial social issue of our day, gay marriage. He traces the intellectual origins of the movement to redefine marriage, and how it has unfolded in recent times. His analysis of how the contributions of left-wing thinkers and political operatives found their way into mainstream American thought is masterful. Importantly, Kengor examines the way leading Catholic figures, such as Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, saw how the destabilization of marriage and the family was aided by, and served the interests of, Communism. This is one of the book's greatest strengths: Kengor's weaving of the political with the cultural. Takedown deserves a major place in all future discussions on this subject. (Bill Donohue, Ph.D., President Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights)Paul Kengor does an excellent job of tying historic events and personalities together to make a coherent tale of what happened to America in the 20th century, from John Dewey and his effect on public education, to Herbert Marcuse and the Communist influence, to Betty Friedan and the feminists’ attack on marriage and motherhood, and to the voices of sanity from Dr. Fred Schwarz and Bishop Fulton J. Sheen. (Phyllis Schlafly, president, Eagle Forum and author of 24 books)
America has been waiting for this book. History has been waiting for it. Takedown irrefutably documents that today’s leftist war against the traditional American family is rooted in Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, which preaches the abolition [Aufhebung] of family. . . .
I am glad Paul Kenkgor is not politically correct. I hope his Takedown will hammer another nail in the coffin of Marxism.
(Lt. Gen (r) Ion Mihai Pacepa, author of Disinformation)
Kengor’s depth of scholarship combined with a light style make Takedown a “must read.” He shows what Marx only dreamt of but Lenin planned and set in motion with the Frankfurt School, their academic allies (Margaret Mead, Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse), activists (Margaret Sanger, ’60’s feminists, The Weathermen) and finally the President of the United States. These all worked to change the West’s view of sexuality. Already they have achieved more than Marx ever dreamed of or any ordinary American thought possible―the destruction of the American family. The fall of the Berlin Wall may have seemed like the end of Marx but he is having the last laugh as his progeny tears down the our nation, law by law and family by family. Every parent, pastor, teacher and professor needs to be given a copy of this book.
(Pat Fagan, Director of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute, a division of Family Research Council)
Takedown is an explosive and significant book. While I respectfully disagree with some of Professor Kengor's conclusions, his work shows that the dark dream of an all-powerful government with officially enforced equality is both a cause and effect of the weakening of the family. In the process, he exposes aspects of the international left that may shock even careful students of recent history.
(Michael Medved, nationally syndicated talk radio host)
Classic Kengor: researched; readable; and rivoting. This time, Paul Kengor connects the dots showing that the current push to redefine marriage is not some isolated end, but rather a coordinated means used for a larger ideological end: undermining the family and related mediating authorities so as to unleash an increasingly Leviathan State. Following the footnotes leads to one unmistakable conclusion: the Left and their Progressive friends focus on the family . . . in order to destroy it. Learn the truth; refute the error.
(Jeffery J. Ventrella, J.D., Ph.D., senior counsel, senior vice-president Alliance Defending Freedom)
Very few people know how many generations the war against the family has been being fought, how intensely, how seriously. Paul Kengor, in short taut chapters, brings the outline up to date. Kengor includes many colorful first-person passages from enemies of marriage, and he pushes back with a certain brio of his own.
(Michael Novak, 1994 Templeton Prize winner, editor of The New Consensus on Family and Welfare (1987) and author of many essays on the family)
Everyone should read this book, especially those conservatives who think they can support genderless marriage and other alternative family forms. Paul Kengor makes very clear the Leftist and Statist, big-government roots of these ideas.
(Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. Founder and President, The Ruth Institute)
Americans will be astounded to learn the history of the movement to undo the institution and definition of marriage, and its ultimate purposes. Takedown is a powerful documentary in an accessible book, and the one most critical to engage in our time, to face what comes next.
(Sarah Liaugminas, host of A Closer Look and author of Non-Negotiable)
Takedown by Paul Kengor switches on the krieg lights to expose the shadowy theoreticians and practicioners who have undermined marriage for over a century. Kengor’s careful research shows that the hammer used to smash the House of Marriage has been invariably accompanied by the sickle used to cut the power cables. If you want to understand the ideology behind the “sudden” juggernaut against the millennia-old definitions of marriage and family, get this book.
(Patrick Coffin, host of Catholic Answers Live and author of Sex Au Naturel: What It Is and Why It’s Good For Your Marriage)
About the Author
Paul Kengor is a bestselling author whose works include “11 Principles of a Reagan Conservative,” “The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism” and “The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis: the Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor.” His articles regularly appear in publications ranging from USA Today to The New York Times, plus numerous academic journals. A frequent commentator on television and radio, Kengor earned his bachelor’s degree and Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh and his master’s from American University.

Where to Download Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage, by Paul Kengor Ph.D.
Most helpful customer reviews
29 of 33 people found the following review helpful. A Challenge to Solzhenitsyn. And Ourselves. By Albert Alioto As I read TAKEDOWN I was reminded of a sentence from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's unforgettable 1978 Harvard Commencement Address: "Without any censorship, fashionable trends of thought and ideas in the West are carefully separated from those which are not fashionable;nothing is forbidden, but what is not fashionable will hardly ever find its way into periodicals or books or be heard in colleges." In the wake of the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling -- anticipated, though not yet handed down at the time of publication -- TAKEDOWN will hardly be considered fashionable. (Solzhenitsyn did not say that such things would never appear.) Perhaps our ability to consider and discuss the exhaustive caseDr. Kengor presents will be a good test of whether or not this is a better country than Solzhenitsyn described in 1978.TAKEDOWN takes us through the role cultural Marxists played in helping create the atmosphere in which marriage is considered and defined in the media, colleges and the circles of elite opinion. He traces the development of cultural Marxism that went beyond the largely, but not exclusively,economic writings of Marx and Engels, by their ideological heirs at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Frankfurt in the1920s. Scholars from that Institute brought their doctrines to the United States when they fled Hitler in the 1930s and found a welcoming home onAmerican campuses, most prominently at Columbia University. Dr. Kengor follows the train of their teaching and writings down to very recognizable names today. Again, the documentation in the book is exhaustive, as will not surprise anyone familiar with any of Dr. Kengor's other works.The link between all that is presented and Orbegefell v. Hodges may be highly debatable. That is a debate one might think many of those applauding Orbegefell would like to declare over. But if it is not, if, as the author Colin Wilson once wrote, "In history, no one has the last word,"then one can only hope that everyone will come to the debate as thoroughly and thoughtfully prepared as Dr. Kengor has shown himself to be.Although it must be noted that Dr. Kengor sets no such aim for himself in the book. He writes: Readers will wonder if I am looking to halt the redefinition and transformation, if I am endeavoring to help change the mind of American culture on gay marriage with this book, to which I respond: Are you kidding? America has entered a protracted phase of post-Christian thinking and ethics, a dismal state where individualism and a dictatorship of relativism reign supreme, fostered by a long line of incredibly naive parents who marched their children in wide-eyed cadence through the educational system at costs both financial and moral. Nothing short of a major religious revival will save it. My task with this book is diagnostic: to simply help explain how America slowly but steadily walked to the marriage-family precipice where it now stands.
23 of 26 people found the following review helpful. The Marxist Goal of the destruction of the sacred American Institution of Family; Complete By S. Hisel This is an exceptional book that in detail lays out the timeline of the Marxist plan of eradicating the institution of family from American society by effectively decoupling it from the acknowledged boundaries of Religious Moral Principle and necessary self restraint. Having succeeded by elevating to Moral Equivalence, self gratification through Perverse Sexual Deviancy to the long practice of sexual self restraint. The Marxist's found their Trojan Horse to unleash their dark evil plan of destroying the family. Those advocating Special Rights for the Perverse Sexual Deviants at the expense of the time tested, time honored and time proven institution of traditional marriage between one man and one woman. Will soon reap the Dark Horrors of that which they have sewn and will truly know the Dark, Vile, Evil, Destructive, Despairing, Utopian Hell they have unleashed on humanity and their children.
14 of 15 people found the following review helpful. Five Stars for Takedown By James Rich Do You want to know a bit more about the slow, purposeful efforts -- intellectual and social -- that led to the takedown of Traditional Marriage? Do you want to know some of the real, openly-stated reasons for the takedown that preceded DOMA by more than 100 years? Do you want to learn about all the preparatory (and under-handed) work that led to Justice Kennedy's fateful decision?If so, then this book is an excellent resource to begin your education. For those of us who have been pointing out that the destructive impacts of Communism are still with us today, Mr. Kengor explains it more clearly than anyone I've ever read.And the author even shares some interesting historical facts about some of the things inside the closet of Obama's Hawaiian mentor -- and his Communist Card number is the least shocking!! The MSM, of course, couldn't be bothered to investigate any of it, because it would have discredited Obama; Obama, of course, was no dummy, which is why he simply called him "Frank" in his autobiography. Obama is simply standing in a long line of Marxist sympathizers -- or actually Commies -- who have planned and worked for the takedown for a number of generations now. You may normally find reading about 19th-century philosophers tedious, but Kengor keeps it pithy, interesting, and relevant. (He doesn't bog down the reader in philosophical ruminations.)Knowing those who have advocated these recent changes, you'll be able to figure out that changing the nature of marriage isn't the end game. The people who have fought for so long and so hard for the overthrow of America, by overthrowing the Judeo-Christian belief system, are NOT going to be satisfied with their current victory and gains, because "changing marriage" is just one of the means chosen to help them realize their ends.Here's a professor who isn't a boring egghead. I finished the book in days, and you will too.
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Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage, by Paul Kengor Ph.D.
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Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage, by Paul Kengor Ph.D.
Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage, by Paul Kengor Ph.D.
Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage, by Paul Kengor Ph.D.
Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage, by Paul Kengor Ph.D.